php Programming Glossary: about.php
Removing .php file extension with .htaccess file (GoDaddy) posts on this site but to no aveil I want about.php to just be about I created an .htaccess file.. 'index.php' echo 'class current nav ' home a li li a href about.php about a li li a href services our services a li li a href..
Make Twitter Bootstrap navbar link active ul class nav li a href home.php Search a li li a href about.php About a li ul div div div div php jquery twitter bootstrap.. a li li echoActiveClassIfRequestMatches about a href about.php About a li ul PHP function The php function simple needs to..
CodeIgniter htaccess and URL rewrite issues The controller for the page is application controllers about.php The Model for the page is application models about_model.php..
rtf format to pdf
Got hacked! What does this PHP code do? And how should I avoid? [closed] with an underscore so index.php go about would include about.php . It checks if the file exists and if not only includes the..
Redirect *.php to clean URL R 301 L RewriteRule ^ . blah index.php 1 L Basically blah about.php should redirect to blah about I'm using codeigniter so the last..
how to go to the same page after login in PHP the session _SESSION 'url' _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' i.e. about.php This utilizes the _SERVER variables to return the URI of the..
Creating an XML sitemap with PHP priority 1.00 priority url url loc http about.php loc lastmod 2010 04 20 lastmod changefreq never changefreq priority..
How to ignore access to php files with mod_rewrite? to php files with mod_rewrite For example about.php I don't want the files with the extension .php to be available.. instead. I have the files in the root folder content.php about.php footer.php etc... Now i can reach these files by typing in to..
Troubleshooting “parse error, unexpected '>'” error [closed] Parse error parse error unexpected ' ' in C wamp www about.php on line 11 Here is my code php session_start include include.. to open stream No such file or directory in C wamp www about.php on line 3 Warning include function.include Failed opening 'include.. for inclusion include_path '. C php5 pear' in C wamp www about.php on line 3 Warning Cannot modify header information headers already..
PHP Error “Cannot Send Session Cache Limiter - Headers Already Sent …” [duplicate] sent output started at home content t a t brians html about.php 9 in home content t a t brians html includes sidebar.php on.. t a t brians html includes sidebar.php on line 2 Within in about.php I have the following code to retrieve the sidebar.php file php.. 'includes sidebar.php' should be before any output in about.php Or you can use ob_start function to use buffering and fon't..