jquery Programming Glossary: website.com
Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12286332/twitter-bootstrap-remote-modal-shows-same-content-everytime modal x button h3 Update Item h3 div form action http www.website.com update method POST class form horizontal div class modal body.. Item button div form div And the links a href http www.website.com item 1 data target #modal item data toggle modal Edit 1 a a.. #modal item data toggle modal Edit 1 a a href http www.website.com item 2 data target #modal item data toggle modal Edit 2 a a..
Is there any way to use the JQuery GetJSON method to get HTML from an external page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18322496/is-there-any-way-to-use-the-jquery-getjson-method-to-get-html-from-an-external-p ajax request something like .ajax ... url http other website.com ... I understand that because of the same origin principle this..
How to display an IFRAME inside a modal dialog using jQuery-ui/dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5660263/how-to-display-an-iframe-inside-a-modal-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog have external links to videos. Something like a href http website.com videos 1.html target _blank img src http website.com videos.. http website.com videos 1.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 1.png a a href http website.com videos 2.html target.. _blank img src http website.com videos 1.png a a href http website.com videos 2.html target _blank img src http website.com videos..
FancyBox returning “The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.” with link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8913583/fancybox-returning-the-requested-content-cannot-be-loaded-please-try-again-lat id inline href #hover image_0 class fancybox img src http website.com file id 63 style margin top 32px a p a href http website.com.. file id 63 style margin top 32px a p a href http website.com template view 18 1G2A a p div style display none div id hover.. p div style display none div id hover image_0 a href http website.com template view 18 img src http website.com file id 64 ext .png..
Colorbox Load Specific div from iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9025937/colorbox-load-specific-div-from-iframe width 80 height 80 a class iframe cboxIframe href http website.com products 51 .html I need to load the page in the href into the..
Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12286332/twitter-bootstrap-remote-modal-shows-same-content-everytime modal header button type button class close data dismiss modal x button h3 Update Item h3 div form action http www.website.com update method POST class form horizontal div class modal body Loading content... div div class modal footer a href # class.. modal Close a button class btn btn primary type submit Update Item button div form div And the links a href http www.website.com item 1 data target #modal item data toggle modal Edit 1 a a href http www.website.com item 2 data target #modal item data.. And the links a href http www.website.com item 1 data target #modal item data toggle modal Edit 1 a a href http www.website.com item 2 data target #modal item data toggle modal Edit 2 a a href http www.website.com item 3 data target #modal item data..
Is there any way to use the JQuery GetJSON method to get HTML from an external page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18322496/is-there-any-way-to-use-the-jquery-getjson-method-to-get-html-from-an-external-p from an external page So let's say you're trying to do a jquery ajax request something like .ajax ... url http other website.com ... I understand that because of the same origin principle this request will fail because the URL is an external domain...
How to display an IFRAME inside a modal dialog using jQuery-ui/dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5660263/how-to-display-an-iframe-inside-a-modal-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog it wherever possible. One such place is a page where I'll have external links to videos. Something like a href http website.com videos 1.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 1.png a a href http website.com videos 2.html target _blank.. I'll have external links to videos. Something like a href http website.com videos 1.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 1.png a a href http website.com videos 2.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 2.png a In certain situations.. Something like a href http website.com videos 1.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 1.png a a href http website.com videos 2.html target _blank img src http website.com videos 2.png a In certain situations I might use target iframe1 . Now..
FancyBox returning “The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.” with link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8913583/fancybox-returning-the-requested-content-cannot-be-loaded-please-try-again-lat to the following clip of HTML li class fancybox outer a id inline href #hover image_0 class fancybox img src http website.com file id 63 style margin top 32px a p a href http website.com template view 18 1G2A a p div style display none div id hover.. id inline href #hover image_0 class fancybox img src http website.com file id 63 style margin top 32px a p a href http website.com template view 18 1G2A a p div style display none div id hover image_0 a href http website.com template view 18 img src http.. top 32px a p a href http website.com template view 18 1G2A a p div style display none div id hover image_0 a href http website.com template view 18 img src http website.com file id 64 ext .png class img a div div li li class fancybox outer a id inline..
Colorbox Load Specific div from iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9025937/colorbox-load-specific-div-from-iframe .ready function .iframe .colorbox iframe true data #mainColumn width 80 height 80 a class iframe cboxIframe href http website.com products 51 .html I need to load the page in the href into the Colorbox but only display the #mainColumn div. jquery colorbox..