jquery Programming Glossary: weather
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary localhost username userpasswd mysql_select_db weather db query SELECT FROM measures result mysql_query query db while..
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block from the queue. We can either shift or pop depending on weather you prefer depth first or breadth first processing var req request_queue.pop..
jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2534089/jquery-multiple-events-to-trigger-the-same-function sure that there is no way that the validation is missed weather it is typed or pasted into the box. jquery jquery ajax share..
XML parsing in jquery doesn't seem to work for me http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3210690/xml-parsing-in-jquery-doesnt-seem-to-work-for-me doesn't seem to work for me I have a static html page weather.html html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head title title.. function .ajax type GET url http www.google.com ig api weather Delhi dataType xml success parseXml function parseXml xml.. xml success parseXml function parseXml xml xml .find weather .each function alert this .attr temp_c script head body body..
jQuery animate when <div> loses focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4430277/jquery-animate-when-div-loses-focus loses focus I've got the following code on my site Boat weather widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab.. following code on my site Boat weather widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab script type text javascript.. widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab script type text javascript src widget.js script div div..
Change filterToolbar options dynamically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5543902/change-filtertoolbar-options-dynamically be set the defaultSearch option dynamically i don't know weather it is possible and other would be remove the old filtertoolbar..
jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6396623/jquery-getjson-access-control-allow-origin-issue call that function. E.g. if your current JSON response is weather Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day. Your.. JSON in the syntax for a JavaScript function call jsonp123 weather Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day. That's..
How to learn AJAX using jQuery in a Java web app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/773508/how-to-learn-ajax-using-jquery-in-a-java-web-app What jumps out at me as a potential gotcha is that the weather servlet is in the ajaxify package V see servlet class ajaxify.WeatherServlet..
Phonegap jQuery ajax request does not work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8924482/phonegap-jquery-ajax-request-does-not-work the data to send will be converted to a query string data weather 'Vienna' whether this is a POST or GET request type 'GET' the.. error function xhr status alert 'Error retreiving weather ' status is error xhr.readyState 0 xhr.status 0 so I don't..
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary type text json header Content type application json db mysql_connect localhost username userpasswd mysql_select_db weather db query SELECT FROM measures result mysql_query query db while row mysql_fetch_array result h row humidity w row windspeed..
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block and let the loop end. if request_queue.length Get one request from the queue. We can either shift or pop depending on weather you prefer depth first or breadth first processing var req request_queue.pop ajax req.url function result req.callback result..
jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2534089/jquery-multiple-events-to-trigger-the-same-function to validate some data with a db lookup and would like to make sure that there is no way that the validation is missed weather it is typed or pasted into the box. jquery jquery ajax share improve this question You can use .on to bind a function..
XML parsing in jquery doesn't seem to work for me http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3210690/xml-parsing-in-jquery-doesnt-seem-to-work-for-me parsing in jquery doesn't seem to work for me I have a static html page weather.html html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head title title script type text javascript src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax.. script script type text javascript document .ready function .ajax type GET url http www.google.com ig api weather Delhi dataType xml success parseXml function parseXml xml xml .find weather .each function alert this .attr temp_c.. GET url http www.google.com ig api weather Delhi dataType xml success parseXml function parseXml xml xml .find weather .each function alert this .attr temp_c script head body body html The alert doesn't seem to get displayed in the page..
jQuery animate when <div> loses focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4430277/jquery-animate-when-div-loses-focus animate when div loses focus I've got the following code on my site Boat weather widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab script type text javascript src widget.js script div div.. animate when div loses focus I've got the following code on my site Boat weather widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab script type text javascript src widget.js script div div id boat_weather_tab_button.. loses focus I've got the following code on my site Boat weather widget div id boat_weather_tab_container div id boat_weather_tab script type text javascript src widget.js script div div id boat_weather_tab_button img src images blank150.gif div..
Change filterToolbar options dynamically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5543902/change-filtertoolbar-options-dynamically the search option as defaultSearch cn one approach could be set the defaultSearch option dynamically i don't know weather it is possible and other would be remove the old filtertoolbar and add the new filtertoolbar with the defaultsearch as cn..
jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6396623/jquery-getjson-access-control-allow-origin-issue callback and wraps the JSON in JavaScript code that would call that function. E.g. if your current JSON response is weather Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day. Your script would look for the callback query string parameter.. say that the parameter's value is jsop123 and wraps that JSON in the syntax for a JavaScript function call jsonp123 weather Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day. That's it. JSON P is very broadly compatible because it works..
How to learn AJAX using jQuery in a Java web app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/773508/how-to-learn-ajax-using-jquery-in-a-java-web-app those assumptions would be a good idea but I digress... What jumps out at me as a potential gotcha is that the weather servlet is in the ajaxify package V see servlet class ajaxify.WeatherServlet servlet class so you will need to make sure..
Phonegap jQuery ajax request does not work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8924482/phonegap-jquery-ajax-request-does-not-work the URL for the request url 'http www.google.com ig api' the data to send will be converted to a query string data weather 'Vienna' whether this is a POST or GET request type 'GET' the type of data we expect back dataType 'xml' code to run if.. fails the raw request and status codes are passed to the function error function xhr status alert 'Error retreiving weather ' status is error xhr.readyState 0 xhr.status 0 so I don't get any info for the reason from jQuery at all. The request..