jquery Programming Glossary: webkit
Add to favorites button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10033215/add-to-favorites-button Hotlist this.title document.title return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase..
window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox , Safari , Opera? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14645011/window-onbeforeunload-and-window-onunload-is-not-working-in-firefox-safari-o not working in safari ... to support this https www.webkit.org blog 516 webkit page cache ii the unload event You could.. safari ... to support this https www.webkit.org blog 516 webkit page cache ii the unload event You could rather try using the..
How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237254/how-do-you-handle-oncut-oncopy-and-onpaste-in-jquery it looks like they are. javascript jquery event handling webkit share improve this question You can add and remove events..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome is not an option. javascript jquery safari google chrome webkit share improve this question Webkit browsers set the height..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping background #FFC400 moz box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 webkit box shadow 1px 1px 2px #E39900 box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900.. box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 moz border radius 2px webkit border radius 2px border radius 2px I then randomly styled them.. 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' '.items' .draggable..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery rotate 0 function rotate degree For webkit browsers e.g. Chrome elie.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' degree..
Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4404526/unexpected-token-illegal-in-webkit token ILLEGAL in webkit if the box is outside the window move it to the end function..
How to recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4755505/how-to-recognize-touch-events-using-jquery-in-safari-for-ipad-is-it-possible 0 alert touch.pageX touch.pageY false This works in most webkit based browsers incl. android . Here is some good documenation..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate filter for instance . EDIT here's an example that works in webkit browsers Chrome Safari http jsfiddle.net ryleyb ERRmd If you.. to support IE9 only you could use transform instead of webkit transform or moz transform would support FireFox. The trick.. '#foo' .animate .. step function now fx this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' now 'deg ' ... share improve this answer..
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery function in the action javascript jquery html forms webkit share improve this question In addition to return false..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery Read more at their blog here . jquery google chrome webkit share improve this question What's going on jQuery probably..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if document.addEventListener..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse
jQuery animate css border-radius property (webkit, mozilla) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010058/jquery-animate-css-border-radius-property-webkit-mozilla borderRadius 30 900 ...would work. But I was wrong Webkit allows you to set the value for all four corners via borderRadius.. 10 borderBottomLeftRadius 10 borderBottomRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius.. 10 borderBottomRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius..
How can I detect DOM ready and add a class without jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1795089/how-can-i-detect-dom-ready-and-add-a-class-without-jquery document.body.className javascript ... Mozilla Opera Webkit if document.addEventListener document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome pic.width var pic_real_height pic.height But in Webkit browsers like Safari and Google Chrome values are 0... Doing.. google chrome webkit share improve this question Webkit browsers set the height and width property after the image is..
Looking for a better workaround to Chrome select on focus bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3380458/looking-for-a-better-workaround-to-chrome-select-on-focus-bug as the user in this question which is due to this bug in Webkit. However the workaround provided will not work for my app. Let..
JavaScript / jQuery: Test if window has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479734/javascript-jquery-test-if-window-has-focus tested this in other browsers but it seems to work in Webkit. I'll let you try IE. o Try it out http jsfiddle.net ScKbk After.. window to see the result change. Again tested only in Webkit. var window_focus window .focus function window_focus true .blur..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping and jQuery draggable jumping As an experiment I created a few..
Detect Safari using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899783/detect-safari-using-jquery Safari using jQuery Though both are Webkit based browsers Safari urlencodes quotation marks in the URL..
Jquery Datepicker Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5966244/jquery-datepicker-chrome I have had the same problem and is related with all Webkit based web browsers. If you set uppercase M the textbox show..
jQuery 1.6: backgroundPosition vs backgroundPositionX and FF4 compatibility http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322347/jquery-1-6-backgroundposition-vs-backgroundpositionx-and-ff4-compatibility supported in a few browsers most notably IE and recently Webkit which is why you will find it does not work in FF or Opera...
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery the form isn't submitted. Does anyone know if this is a Webkit issue Adobe AIR uses Webkit for HTML or if I've bunged things.. Does anyone know if this is a Webkit issue Adobe AIR uses Webkit for HTML or if I've bunged things up I tried '.input' .keypress..
Set window to fullscreen (REAL fullscreen; F11 functionality) by javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7179535/set-window-to-fullscreen-real-fullscreen-f11-functionality-by-javascript later released as a W3C proposal has been implemented by Webkit Safari 5.1 Chrome 15 and Firefox 10 . A brief history and usage..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group very good in Internet Explorer 9 8 Firefox and Opera. In Webkit based browsers Google Chrome and Safari it has still the above.. demo looks good has the restrictions and it looks good in Webkit based web browsers. Nevertheless you can see progress in the.. how to implement multirows column headers using rowSpan in Webkit based browsers Google Chrome and Safari . Probably somebody..
How do I get CSS mediaqueries to work with jQuery $(window).innerWidth()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472566/how-do-i-get-css-mediaqueries-to-work-with-jquery-window-innerwidth Chrome and Safari don't suffer from this problem. Thusfar Webkit 1 Gecko 1 Trident 1 Presto 1. jquery css firefox width media.. W3C recommendation for media queries more closely than the Webkit browsers. The recommendation states that the viewport width..
Is there any “on DOM change” event? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470931/is-there-any-on-dom-change-event We do not target all browsers. As long as it works on Webkit Chrome Safari it's good enough. Any ideas javascript jquery..
jqGrid does not render correctly in Chrome/Chrome Frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10588587/jqgrid-does-not-render-correctly-in-chrome-chrome-frame to use the new version. UPDATED 4 Google Chrome 20 uses WebKit 536.11. So everybody who can't use the last version of jqGrid..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready to do this will cause sporadic problems especially on WebKit based browsers such as Safari. Note that the above is not even..
contenteditable change events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391278/contenteditable-change-events it is supported in current Mozilla from Firefox 14 and WebKit browsers but not IE or Opera. Demo http jsfiddle.net ch6yn ..
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection range sel.getRangeAt 0 .cloneRange else Older WebKit doesn't have getRangeAt range.setStart sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset..
How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237254/how-do-you-handle-oncut-oncopy-and-onpaste-in-jquery How best to do that FWIW I only need to worry about WebKit lucky me . UPDATE I'm working on a widget in a Dashboard like.. on a widget in a Dashboard like environment. It uses WebKit so it only really matters for my purposes whether these events..
iPad/iPhone hover problem causes the user to double click a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038898/ipad-iphone-hover-problem-causes-the-user-to-double-click-a-link 'href' window.location link The idea is that Mobile WebKit fires a touchend event at the end of a tap so we listen for..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text event isn't supported in Firefox 3.0 Opera and very old WebKit browsers . You'll need a timer in your paste handler since it's.. evt.which 0 In other browsers except old versions of WebKit evt.which is only greater than zero if the keypress is a printable..
Jquery Datepicker Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5966244/jquery-datepicker-chrome
Cross-browser window resize event - JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/599288/cross-browser-window-resize-event-javascript-jquery tapping into the window resize event that works in Firefox WebKit and Internet Explorer And can you turn both scrollbars on off..
Detect page zoom change with jQuery in Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163174/detect-page-zoom-change-with-jquery-in-safari what could be done to do something simmilar in current WebKit browsers Thanks. javascript jquery share improve this question..
Restart animated GIF as background-image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7568855/restart-animated-gif-as-background-image .removeClass 'blink' The problem is that both Firefox and WebKit browser do not play a background image GIF animation again once..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery issues with event.layerX and event.layerY I just noticed that.. event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks.. their code to stop touching that but at the same time WebKit should have known better than to log a deprecation warning on..
Truncate text with jQuery based on pixel width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895888/truncate-text-with-jquery-based-on-pixel-width overflow is a CSS3 declaration but is supported in IE 6 WebKit 312.3 Safari 1.3 Chrome and Opera 9 versions 10.7 need the o.. you can use this jQuery plugin which does nothing in IE WebKit Opera Firefox &ge 7 but will emulate text overflow in Firefox..
Can I change the fill color of an svg path with CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9529300/can-i-change-the-fill-color-of-an-svg-path-with-css appears to override the path's fill attribute at least in WebKit and Gecko based browsers I tested. Of course if you write say..
Add to favorites button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10033215/add-to-favorites-button document.title else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this..
window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox , Safari , Opera? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14645011/window-onbeforeunload-and-window-onunload-is-not-working-in-firefox-safari-o a link to navigate away from a page with an unsaved form. onunload not working in safari ... to support this https www.webkit.org blog 516 webkit page cache ii the unload event You could rather try using the pagehide event in the safari browser in.. from a page with an unsaved form. onunload not working in safari ... to support this https www.webkit.org blog 516 webkit page cache ii the unload event You could rather try using the pagehide event in the safari browser in lieu of onunload ...
How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237254/how-do-you-handle-oncut-oncopy-and-onpaste-in-jquery my purposes whether these events are supported there which it looks like they are. javascript jquery event handling webkit share improve this question You can add and remove events of any kind by using the .on and off methods Try this for..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome and Google Chrome values are 0... Doing this on server side is not an option. javascript jquery safari google chrome webkit share improve this question Webkit browsers set the height and width property after the image is loaded. Instead of..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping rotated them using CSS3. .items position absolute cursor pointer background #FFC400 moz box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 webkit box shadow 1px 1px 2px #E39900 box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 moz border radius 2px webkit border radius 2px border radius.. shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 webkit box shadow 1px 1px 2px #E39900 box shadow 0px 0px 2px #E39900 moz border radius 2px webkit border radius 2px border radius 2px I then randomly styled them and made them draggable via jQuery. '.items' .each function.. Math.random 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' '.items' .draggable The dragging works but I am noticing a sudden jump while..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery can be started and stopped function var elie selectorForElementsToRotate rotate 0 function rotate degree For webkit browsers e.g. Chrome elie.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform'..
Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4404526/unexpected-token-illegal-in-webkit token ILLEGAL in webkit if the box is outside the window move it to the end function checkEdge var windowsLeftEdge '#window' .position .left '.box'..
How to recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4755505/how-to-recognize-touch-events-using-jquery-in-safari-for-ipad-is-it-possible 'touchmove' function e e.preventDefault var touch e.touches 0 alert touch.pageX touch.pageY false This works in most webkit based browsers incl. android . Here is some good documenation http developer.apple.com library safari #documentation appleapplications..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate cover all your browsers in IE6 you need to use the Matrix filter for instance . EDIT here's an example that works in webkit browsers Chrome Safari http jsfiddle.net ryleyb ERRmd If you wanted to support IE9 only you could use transform instead.. Chrome Safari http jsfiddle.net ryleyb ERRmd If you wanted to support IE9 only you could use transform instead of webkit transform or moz transform would support FireFox. The trick used is to animate a CSS property we don't care about text indent..
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery with the form could that be the issue Can I put a javascript function in the action javascript jquery html forms webkit share improve this question In addition to return false as Jason Cohen mentioned . You may have to also preventDefault..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery What's going on EDIT jQuery 1.7 is out and fixes this issue. Read more at their blog here . jquery google chrome webkit share improve this question What's going on jQuery probably copies those properties into the jQuery object. You're exactly..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery than just window.onload jQuery Source function bindReady if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if document.addEventListener Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse
jQuery animate css border-radius property (webkit, mozilla) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010058/jquery-animate-css-border-radius-property-webkit-mozilla that something like... selector .css borderRadius 10 .animate borderRadius 30 900 ...would work. But I was wrong Webkit allows you to set the value for all four corners via borderRadius but won't let you read it back so with the code above.. selector .css borderTopLeftRadius 10 borderTopRightRadius 10 borderBottomLeftRadius 10 borderBottomRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius 10 MozBorderRadius.. 10 borderTopRightRadius 10 borderBottomLeftRadius 10 borderBottomRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderTopRightRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius 10 WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius 10 MozBorderRadius 10 .animate borderTopLeftRadius..
How can I detect DOM ready and add a class without jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1795089/how-can-i-detect-dom-ready-and-add-a-class-without-jquery or DOMContentLoaded events where applicable function domReady document.body.className javascript ... Mozilla Opera Webkit if document.addEventListener document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded function document.removeEventListener DOMContentLoaded..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome height pic.removeAttr width pic.removeAttr height var pic_real_width pic.width var pic_real_height pic.height But in Webkit browsers like Safari and Google Chrome values are 0... Doing this on server side is not an option. javascript jquery safari.. this on server side is not an option. javascript jquery safari google chrome webkit share improve this question Webkit browsers set the height and width property after the image is loaded. Instead of using timeouts I'd recommend using an image's..
Looking for a better workaround to Chrome select on focus bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3380458/looking-for-a-better-workaround-to-chrome-select-on-focus-bug to Chrome select on focus bug I have the same problem as the user in this question which is due to this bug in Webkit. However the workaround provided will not work for my app. Let me re state the problem so that you don't have to go read..
JavaScript / jQuery: Test if window has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479734/javascript-jquery-test-if-window-has-focus jquery events share improve this question I haven't tested this in other browsers but it seems to work in Webkit. I'll let you try IE. o Try it out http jsfiddle.net ScKbk After you click to start the interval change the focus of the.. you click to start the interval change the focus of the browser window to see the result change. Again tested only in Webkit. var window_focus window .focus function window_focus true .blur function window_focus false document .one 'click' function..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping and jQuery draggable jumping As an experiment I created a few div's and rotated them using CSS3. .items position absolute..
Detect Safari using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899783/detect-safari-using-jquery Safari using jQuery Though both are Webkit based browsers Safari urlencodes quotation marks in the URL while Chrome does not. Therefore I need to distinguish between..
Jquery Datepicker Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5966244/jquery-datepicker-chrome ui asp.net mvc 3 datetimepicker share improve this question I have had the same problem and is related with all Webkit based web browsers. If you set uppercase M the textbox show the moth with letters. The best solution for me was to change..
jQuery 1.6: backgroundPosition vs backgroundPositionX and FF4 compatibility http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322347/jquery-1-6-backgroundposition-vs-backgroundpositionx-and-ff4-compatibility and backgroundPositionY are non standard CSS properties only supported in a few browsers most notably IE and recently Webkit which is why you will find it does not work in FF or Opera. See here . I have found that mixing JQuery's animate and CSS..
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery I hit Enter on the form the entire form's contents vanish but the form isn't submitted. Does anyone know if this is a Webkit issue Adobe AIR uses Webkit for HTML or if I've bunged things up I tried '.input' .keypress function e if e.which 13 'form#login'.. entire form's contents vanish but the form isn't submitted. Does anyone know if this is a Webkit issue Adobe AIR uses Webkit for HTML or if I've bunged things up I tried '.input' .keypress function e if e.which 13 'form#login' .submit But that..
Set window to fullscreen (REAL fullscreen; F11 functionality) by javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7179535/set-window-to-fullscreen-real-fullscreen-f11-functionality-by-javascript Edit A proper fullscreen API first proposed by Mozilla and later released as a W3C proposal has been implemented by Webkit Safari 5.1 Chrome 15 and Firefox 10 . A brief history and usage examples here. Note that IE10 will allegedly not support..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group intermediate result the new demo . The new demo work already very good in Internet Explorer 9 8 Firefox and Opera. In Webkit based browsers Google Chrome and Safari it has still the above listed restriction column headers which has multiheaders.. have to have the same size and be not resizable . The demo looks good has the restrictions and it looks good in Webkit based web browsers. Nevertheless you can see progress in the sort time. I plan to increase the height of the resizable area.. The most interesting for me now is to finding a clear way how to implement multirows column headers using rowSpan in Webkit based browsers Google Chrome and Safari . Probably somebody else will find a solution way It is the main reason why I decide..
How do I get CSS mediaqueries to work with jQuery $(window).innerWidth()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472566/how-do-i-get-css-mediaqueries-to-work-with-jquery-window-innerwidth Firefox Opera or IE for an isolated version of the problem. Chrome and Safari don't suffer from this problem. Thusfar Webkit 1 Gecko 1 Trident 1 Presto 1. jquery css firefox width media queries share improve this question My solution to triggering.. other browsers with the issue actually seems to match the W3C recommendation for media queries more closely than the Webkit browsers. The recommendation states that the viewport width includes scrollbars and JavaScript window width does not seem..
Is there any “on DOM change” event? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470931/is-there-any-on-dom-change-event code. The event should not fire on input textarea select change. We do not target all browsers. As long as it works on Webkit Chrome Safari it's good enough. Any ideas javascript jquery html dom share improve this question DOM mutation events..
jqGrid does not render correctly in Chrome/Chrome Frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10588587/jqgrid-does-not-render-correctly-in-chrome-chrome-frame I described above the cellWidth method . So I recommend all to use the new version. UPDATED 4 Google Chrome 20 uses WebKit 536.11. So everybody who can't use the last version of jqGrid with the fixed calculation of the width should use parseFloat..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready correctly defined before jQuery code begins executing. Failure to do this will cause sporadic problems especially on WebKit based browsers such as Safari. Note that the above is not even about actually rendering the CSS so you may still see the..
contenteditable change events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391278/contenteditable-change-events
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 .cloneRange else Older WebKit doesn't have getRangeAt range.setStart sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset range.setEnd sel.focusNode sel.focusOffset Handle..
How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237254/how-do-you-handle-oncut-oncopy-and-onpaste-in-jquery keyup and error. I need to handle cut copy and paste events. How best to do that FWIW I only need to worry about WebKit lucky me . UPDATE I'm working on a widget in a Dashboard like environment. It uses WebKit so it only really matters for.. I only need to worry about WebKit lucky me . UPDATE I'm working on a widget in a Dashboard like environment. It uses WebKit so it only really matters for my purposes whether these events are supported there which it looks like they are. javascript..
iPad/iPhone hover problem causes the user to double click a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038898/ipad-iphone-hover-problem-causes-the-user-to-double-click-a-link 'a' .on 'click touchend' function e var el this var link el.attr 'href' window.location link The idea is that Mobile WebKit fires a touchend event at the end of a tap so we listen for that and then redirect the browser as soon as a touchend event..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text will need to have separate paste event handler although this event isn't supported in Firefox 3.0 Opera and very old WebKit browsers . You'll need a timer in your paste handler since it's impossible in JavaScript to access the content that's about.. for printable keys return true else if typeof evt.which number evt.which 0 In other browsers except old versions of WebKit evt.which is only greater than zero if the keypress is a printable key. We need to filter out backspace and ctrl alt meta..
Jquery Datepicker Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5966244/jquery-datepicker-chrome
Cross-browser window resize event - JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/599288/cross-browser-window-resize-event-javascript-jquery JavaScript jQuery What is the correct modern method for tapping into the window resize event that works in Firefox WebKit and Internet Explorer And can you turn both scrollbars on off javascript jquery cross browser resize share improve this..
Detect page zoom change with jQuery in Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163174/detect-page-zoom-change-with-jquery-in-safari It works on current FF and IE but not on Safari. Any ideas what could be done to do something simmilar in current WebKit browsers Thanks. javascript jquery share improve this question It's not a direct duplicate of this question since that..
Restart animated GIF as background-image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7568855/restart-animated-gif-as-background-image '#eyes' .addClass 'blink' function stopBlink '#eyes' .removeClass 'blink' The problem is that both Firefox and WebKit browser do not play a background image GIF animation again once it has played once. Adding removing the class blink only..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery issues with event.layerX and event.layerY I just noticed that I get tons of deprecated warnings in the latest canary build.. deprecated warnings in the latest canary build of Chrome. event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks like jQuery is screwing thing up. I'm using jquery 1.6.1.min.js.. so it sounds like you already know Hopefully jQuery will update their code to stop touching that but at the same time WebKit should have known better than to log a deprecation warning on an event at least in my opinion . One mousemove handler and..
Truncate text with jQuery based on pixel width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895888/truncate-text-with-jquery-based-on-pixel-width overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis white space nowrap text overflow is a CSS3 declaration but is supported in IE 6 WebKit 312.3 Safari 1.3 Chrome and Opera 9 versions 10.7 need the o text overflow declaration . Note that this was unimplemented..
Can I change the fill color of an svg path with CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9529300/can-i-change-the-fill-color-of-an-svg-path-with-css paths you could use for example ‹path fill blue External CSS appears to override the path's fill attribute at least in WebKit and Gecko based browsers I tested. Of course if you write say path style fill green then that will override external CSS..