jquery Programming Glossary: war
jQuery Deferred and Dialog box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13758928/jquery-deferred-and-dialog-box defer.promise and then the code where you use the function... function onclick var question Do you want to start a war confirmation question .then function answer var ansbool Boolean.parse answer.toString if ansbool alert this is obviously..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection solutions but I will only name open source ones at least solutions mostly used with a jQuery jQuery Mobile. Also be warned this topic has the potential to start a war. On one side we have a proponents of server side detection with their community.. at least solutions mostly used with a jQuery jQuery Mobile. Also be warned this topic has the potential to start a war. On one side we have a proponents of server side detection with their community maintained databases and on the other side..
Returning value from confirmation dialog using JQuery UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3560872/returning-value-from-confirmation-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog Start Thermonuclear War span button form div title Why so serious id id3 style display none p You are about to start a war. p Click OK to confirm. Click Cancel to cancel this action. p div body script type text javascript '#id2' .click function.. would look similar to this script document .ready function var myDialog ' div div ' .html 'You are about to start a war. br Click OK to confirm. Click Cancel to stop this action.' .dialog autoOpen false title 'Why so serious ' buttons OK function..
MVC3: make checkbox required via jQuery validate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4934032/mvc3-make-checkbox-required-via-jquery-validate checkboxes jquery validation and the fix for it . That's fine. What required means for a checkbox is obviously a holy war I don't want to wade into where MS thought they knew better than the jquery team. Coercing it locally should be a simple..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together maven v4_0_0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId test groupId artifactId json artifactId packaging war packaging version 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT version name json test name dependencies dependency spring mvc groupId org.springframework..