jquery Programming Glossary: waiting
Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10371539/why-define-anonymous-function-and-pass-it-jquery-as-the-argument loaded and is ready to be manipulated. That means you're waiting until the browser has parsed the DOM at least once before you..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready ready method no longer tries to make any guarantees about waiting for all stylesheets to be loaded. Instead all CSS files should..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site cart and c click the checkout button. This requires waiting for and or clicking on five 5 page elements like so Using Firebug..
Error handling in getJSON calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1740218/error-handling-in-getjson-calls you can't capture the error you can at least timeout after waiting a reasonable amount of time for success. share improve this..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service I can say that it is not typical format of data which are waiting jqGrid compare with http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki doku.php..
Asynchronous Controller is blocking requests in ASP.NET MVC through jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2927726/asynchronous-controller-is-blocking-requests-in-asp-net-mvc-through-jquery off the report and then perform a few other actions while waiting for it to come back and populate elements on the screen. My..
How do I catch jQuery $.getJSON (or $.ajax with datatype set to 'jsonp') error when using JSONP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309953/how-do-i-catch-jquery-getjson-or-ajax-with-datatype-set-to-jsonp-error-w you can't capture the error you can at least timeout after waiting a reasonable amount of time for success. share improve this..
jquery - return value using ajax result on success http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3302702/jquery-return-value-using-ajax-result-on-success request and expect it to work. The reason is that the code waiting for the response has already executed by the time the response..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call and will return immediately after it is called without waiting for the server to respond. .get getpics.php function data The..
Can you wait for javascript callback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436608/can-you-wait-for-javascript-callback this morning and did Google searches for javascript and waiting for a callback to complete with no results. Any ideas on how..
Why would multiple simultaneous AJAX calls to the same ASP.NET MVC action cause the browser to block? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4428413/why-would-multiple-simultaneous-ajax-calls-to-the-same-asp-net-mvc-action-cause that the browser has killed or is attempting to kill and waiting the ajax request However the browser still takes an age to redirect..
How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4662641/how-do-i-verify-jquery-ajax-events-with-jasmine xml alert yuppi .ajax_get_xml_request.has_returned true waiting for has_returned to become true timeout 3s waitsFor function..
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready Update This.. to realize that my beloved function ... syntax was now waiting for the entire page to load including images before executing..
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically and starve each other. You can avoid this problem by waiting to schedule the next request until the last one has completed..
jQuery: Return data after ajax call success [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5316697/jquery-return-data-after-ajax-call-success call but that would freeze up the browser while it's waiting for the response. You can pass in a callback function that handles..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json AJAX onreadystatechange handling function. Instead of waiting until the entire stream has completed since it never will you'll..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions When the worker spawns it connects to the MQ and goes idle waiting for a new tasks. When someone uploads a video file the webapp..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready A fallback to window.onload that will..
Waiting for images loading with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1098788/waiting-for-images-loading-with-jquery for images loading with JQuery I trying to wait for images..
jQuery AJAX Cross Domain with BASIC Authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11946307/jquery-ajax-cross-domain-with-basic-authentication Your server forwards request to external remote server Waiting on response from remote server Parse and process response from..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing..
jquery “everyTime” function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3860349/jquery-everytime-function 0 script head body div id testDiv h2 This is default. Waiting for refresh h2 div body jquery share improve this question..
How to know when font-face has been applied http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677181/how-to-know-when-font-face-has-been-applied fires fairly late so the delay is kind of built in I guess Waiting for the load event is not an option so my question to you is..
JS setInterval executes only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746505/js-setinterval-executes-only-once #waitingContainer .append You have joined the game br Waiting for game creator to start game.. setInterval checkIfGameAlreadyStarted..
How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849030/how-do-i-get-the-coordinate-position-after-using-jquery-drag-and-drop src images pic3.jpg class item alt title div div id start Waiting for dragging the image get started... div div id stop Waiting..
JavaScript - How can i tell Browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari, to allow me to have the refresh button disabled? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9727344/javascript-how-can-i-tell-browser-chrome-firefox-safari-to-allow-me-to-have crash. algorithmToApply 1 Thinking algorithmToApply 2 Waiting algorithmToApply 11 Downloading algorithmToApply 100 Booting..
Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10371539/why-define-anonymous-function-and-pass-it-jquery-as-the-argument This function does not get called until the DOM has loaded and is ready to be manipulated. That means you're waiting until the browser has parsed the DOM at least once before you are defining your objects. It's a better idea to define your..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready share improve this question From the 1.3 release notes The ready method no longer tries to make any guarantees about waiting for all stylesheets to be loaded. Instead all CSS files should be included before the scripts on the page. More Information..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site automatically select the shoe size b add the shoes to the shopping cart and c click the checkout button. This requires waiting for and or clicking on five 5 page elements like so Using Firebug or similar tool we obtain the HTML structure for the key..
Error handling in getJSON calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1740218/error-handling-in-getjson-calls
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service Id 1 Name E.T. Director Steven Spielberg ... ... ... I can say that it is not typical format of data which are waiting jqGrid compare with http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki doku.php id wiki retrieving_data#json_data . To be able to place the..
Asynchronous Controller is blocking requests in ASP.NET MVC through jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2927726/asynchronous-controller-is-blocking-requests-in-asp-net-mvc-through-jquery running reports. Seemed ideal at the time since I could kick off the report and then perform a few other actions while waiting for it to come back and populate elements on the screen. My controller looks a bit like this. I tried to use a thread to..
How do I catch jQuery $.getJSON (or $.ajax with datatype set to 'jsonp') error when using JSONP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309953/how-do-i-catch-jquery-getjson-or-ajax-with-datatype-set-to-jsonp-error-w
jquery - return value using ajax result on success http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3302702/jquery-return-value-using-ajax-result-on-success not return a value from an asynchronous call like an AJAX request and expect it to work. The reason is that the code waiting for the response has already executed by the time the response is received. The solution to this problem is to run the necessary..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call the asynchronous XMLHttpRequest it will not block execution and will return immediately after it is called without waiting for the server to respond. .get getpics.php function data The code here will be executed only when the server returns a..
Can you wait for javascript callback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436608/can-you-wait-for-javascript-callback .net button I've posted a comment on the plugin's website just this morning and did Google searches for javascript and waiting for a callback to complete with no results. Any ideas on how to use the callback correctly to get the result before the..
Why would multiple simultaneous AJAX calls to the same ASP.NET MVC action cause the browser to block? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4428413/why-would-multiple-simultaneous-ajax-calls-to-the-same-asp-net-mvc-action-cause a Failed to load resource error immediately which suggests that the browser has killed or is attempting to kill and waiting the ajax request However the browser still takes an age to redirect to the new page. Are ajax requests really asynchronous..
How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4662641/how-do-i-verify-jquery-ajax-events-with-jasmine addressbookxml.xml dataType xml success function xml alert yuppi .ajax_get_xml_request.has_returned true waiting for has_returned to become true timeout 3s waitsFor function .ajax_get_xml_request.has_returned the JQuery AJAX GET to return..
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready Update This bug has been confirmed by at least two others. Even if you.. I just upgraded to JQuery 1.3.1 and it took me several hours to realize that my beloved function ... syntax was now waiting for the entire page to load including images before executing the function body. I was seeing strange behavior when trying..
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically where you have multiple requests that consume shared resources and starve each other. You can avoid this problem by waiting to schedule the next request until the last one has completed Use a named immediately invoked function expression. function..
jQuery: Return data after ajax call success [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5316697/jquery-return-data-after-ajax-call-success would be to make a synchronous call instead of an asynchronous call but that would freeze up the browser while it's waiting for the response. You can pass in a callback function that handles the result function testAjax handleData .ajax url getvalue.php..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json improve this question Service Streaming You'll need a custom AJAX onreadystatechange handling function. Instead of waiting until the entire stream has completed since it never will you'll need to examine the contents periodically. Note that this..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions video conversion tasks from the webapp to our workers. When the worker spawns it connects to the MQ and goes idle waiting for a new tasks. When someone uploads a video file the webapp connects to the MQ and publishes a message with a new job...
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery document.documentElement.doScroll left catch error setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready A fallback to window.onload that will always work jQuery.event.add window load jQuery.ready share..
Waiting for images loading with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1098788/waiting-for-images-loading-with-jquery for images loading with JQuery I trying to wait for images finished to load but it seems that the load event is never matched...
jQuery AJAX Cross Domain with BASIC Authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11946307/jquery-ajax-cross-domain-with-basic-authentication scenario looks like this Client send ajax request to server Your server forwards request to external remote server Waiting on response from remote server Parse and process response from remote server Send response back to client If you are using..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing So I have a page that loads and through jquery.get makes several..
jquery “everyTime” function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3860349/jquery-everytime-function script document .everyTime 5s function i php include recent.php 0 script head body div id testDiv h2 This is default. Waiting for refresh h2 div body jquery share improve this question everyTime seems to be a jQuery plugin that has a lot of..
How to know when font-face has been applied http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677181/how-to-know-when-font-face-has-been-applied IE 8 doesn't seem to have the problem but then DOM ready fires fairly late so the delay is kind of built in I guess Waiting for the load event is not an option so my question to you is this Is there a reliable cross browser way to detect when font..
JS setInterval executes only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746505/js-setinterval-executes-only-once playerForm.elements 0 .value ID clientID function gameParam #waitingContainer .append You have joined the game br Waiting for game creator to start game.. setInterval checkIfGameAlreadyStarted 1000 Why does setInterval executes checkIfGameAlreadyStarted..
How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849030/how-do-i-get-the-coordinate-position-after-using-jquery-drag-and-drop
JavaScript - How can i tell Browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari, to allow me to have the refresh button disabled? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9727344/javascript-how-can-i-tell-browser-chrome-firefox-safari-to-allow-me-to-have clicking on browser refresh button and all my application logic crash. algorithmToApply 1 Thinking algorithmToApply 2 Waiting algorithmToApply 11 Downloading algorithmToApply 100 Booting algorithmToApply 900 Kernel prepare algorithmToApply 0 User..