jquery Programming Glossary: the_post_thumbnail
Toggle Posts in wordpress using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3687638/toggle-posts-in-wordpress-using-jquery Here is my WP loop php if have_posts while have_posts the_post div class post id php the_ID div class thumbnail php the_post_thumbnail 'mainimg' span class play a href # onclick jQuery '#comments' .toggle img src php echo bloginfo 'template_url' images..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax div class box element col php echo rand 2 4 id php category get_the_category echo category 0 cat_name php the_post_thumbnail span class title php the_title span span class ex php the_excerpt span div a php endwhile endif div home div id single.. home bg div class single home bg div single home bg php while have_posts the_post sh image div class sh image php the_post_thumbnail div sh image sh post div class sh post sh cat date div class sh cat date php category get_the_category echo category..
'Themeing' my Slider in WP with PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9284598/themeing-my-slider-in-wp-with-php get_post_thumbnail_id 'large' echo ' a href ' . large_image_url 0 . ' title ' . the_title_attribute 'echo 0' . ' ' the_post_thumbnail 'thumbnail' echo ' a ' php i 1 foreach posts_array as post setup_postdata post large_image_url wp_get_attachment_image_src.. get_post_thumbnail_id 'large' echo ' a href ' . large_image_url 0 . ' title ' . the_title_attribute 'echo 0' . ' ' the_post_thumbnail 'thumbnail' echo ' a ' php jquery wordpress share improve this question Hi you can user get_posts to fetch posts... posts_array as post setup_postdata post First Content div id fragment php echo i class ui tabs panel style img src php the_post_thumbnail 'slider_image' alt div class info h2 a href php the_permalink php the_title a h2 p php the_excerpt a href php the_permalink..