jquery Programming Glossary: term.length
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete custom minLength var term extractLast this.value if term.length 1 return false focus function prevent value inserted on focus..
Ajax success event not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1969476/ajax-success-event-not-working
Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689405/making-jquery-uis-autocomplete-widget-actually-autocomplete response var term request.term.toLowerCase var length term.length response .grep candidates function candidate return candidate.substring.. response var term request.term.toLowerCase var length term.length response .grep candidates function candidate return candidate.substring..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type request.term If they've typed anything after the @ if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term Otherwise..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term response..
comma separated auto complete with jquery auto complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8716811/comma-separated-auto-complete-with-jquery-auto-complete custom minLength var term extractLast this.value if term.length 1 return false focus function prevent value inserted on focus..
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete search.php term extractLast request.term response search function custom minLength var term extractLast this.value if term.length 1 return false focus function prevent value inserted on focus return false select function event ui var terms split this.value..
Ajax success event not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1969476/ajax-success-event-not-working
Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689405/making-jquery-uis-autocomplete-widget-actually-autocomplete .autocomplete delay 0 source function filter_realms request response var term request.term.toLowerCase var length term.length response .grep candidates function candidate return candidate.substring 0 length .toLowerCase term open function event.. .autocomplete delay 0 source function filter_realms request response var term request.term.toLowerCase var length term.length response .grep candidates function candidate return candidate.substring 0 length .toLowerCase term open function event..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term If they've typed anything after the @ if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term Otherwise tell them to start typing else results 'Start typing...'..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus 0 source function request response var term request.term results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term response results focus function prevent value inserted on focus..
comma separated auto complete with jquery auto complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8716811/comma-separated-auto-complete-with-jquery-auto-complete term extractLast request.term response search function custom minLength var term extractLast this.value if term.length 1 return false focus function prevent value inserted on focus return false select function event ui var terms split this.value..