jquery Programming Glossary: term
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript the ones at the top of the list are closest to the search term. At the moment I have some javascript that uses jQuery's .grep.. using javascript .match method around the entered search term on key press code edited since first publish limitArr .grep.. to this forms a list of names based on the entered search terms. I also have the Levenshtein Distance algorithm var levenshtein..
contenteditable change events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391278/contenteditable-change-events The HTML5 input event is probably the answer in the long term. At the time of writing it is supported in current Mozilla from..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration for the presence of the typed chars in any position in the terms of the array. The final variant is what you want the callback.. arguments A request object with a single property called term which refers to the value currently in the text input. For example.. in a city field that is set to do autocomplete the request.term will hold new yo . A response function a callback which expects..
What is the path in the html dom for a selected element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459143/what-is-the-path-in-the-html-dom-for-a-selected-element is there a technical name for this path I have seen the term XPath but am not sure that this is it. Be happy and enjoy life...
Having problems with jQuery UI Autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4809863/having-problems-with-jquery-ui-autocomplete dal result dal getRowBySearch 'sl_label' 'name' this term brands array if mysql_num_rows result 0 while row mysql_fetch_assoc..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type split val return val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate away from the field.. val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting.. minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call .ajax url autocomplete_tags.json dataType json data term 'ruby' success function data console.log data return data .. response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response.. console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions please elaborate more on message queues Message Queue is a term that describes a standalone or built in implementation of the..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript like to sort them by the Levenshtein Distance so that the the ones at the top of the list are closest to the search term. At the moment I have some javascript that uses jQuery's .grep on it using javascript .match method around the entered search.. moment I have some javascript that uses jQuery's .grep on it using javascript .match method around the entered search term on key press code edited since first publish limitArr .grep imTheCallback function n return n.match searchy.toLowerCase.. are the elements that it appends each time in the array to this forms a list of names based on the entered search terms. I also have the Levenshtein Distance algorithm var levenshtein function min split Levenshtein Algorithm Revisited WebReflection..
contenteditable change events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391278/contenteditable-change-events may need to do something timer based. UPDATE 29 December 2012 The HTML5 input event is probably the answer in the long term. At the time of writing it is supported in current Mozilla from Firefox 14 and WebKit browsers but not IE or Opera. Demo..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration If an array autocomplete does a search as you pointed out for the presence of the typed chars in any position in the terms of the array. The final variant is what you want the callback function. From the autocomplete documentation The third variation.. any data source to Autocomplete. The callback gets two arguments A request object with a single property called term which refers to the value currently in the text input. For example when the user entered new yo in a city field that is.. in the text input. For example when the user entered new yo in a city field that is set to do autocomplete the request.term will hold new yo . A response function a callback which expects a single argument to contain the data to suggest to the..
What is the path in the html dom for a selected element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459143/what-is-the-path-in-the-html-dom-for-a-selected-element the value in the square brackets 1 in DIV 1 . By the way is there a technical name for this path I have seen the term XPath but am not sure that this is it. Be happy and enjoy life. jquery html dom path share improve this question The..
Having problems with jQuery UI Autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4809863/having-problems-with-jquery-ui-autocomplete is my PHP code Brand Autosuggest function autosuggestBrand dal result dal getRowBySearch 'sl_label' 'name' this term brands array if mysql_num_rows result 0 while row mysql_fetch_assoc result array_push brands array id row 'id' name html_entity_decode..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type the source option of autocomplete var availableTags Snip function split val return val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item .bind keydown function event.. of autocomplete var availableTags Snip function split val return val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item .bind keydown function event if event.keyCode.. .data autocomplete .menu.active event.preventDefault .autocomplete minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term If they've typed anything..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call python c allowSpaces true tagSource 'foo' 'bar' tagSource function .ajax url autocomplete_tags.json dataType json data term 'ruby' success function data console.log data return data console.log data returns Ruby Ruby On Rails . Am I missing something.. minLength 2 removeConfirmation true tagSource function request response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function item return label item.label item.id .. 2 removeConfirmation true tagSource function request response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function item return label item.label item.id value item.value..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions or if you develop for a mobile app for instance . Could you please elaborate more on message queues Message Queue is a term that describes a standalone or built in implementation of the Observer pattern also known as 'Publish Subscribe' or simply..