jquery Programming Glossary: teardown
Simulating “focus” and “blur” in jQuery .live() method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1199293/simulating-focus-and-blur-in-jquery-live-method 'onfocusin' handler else return false teardown function var handler jQuery this .data uid1 if this document.. 'onfocusout' handler else return false teardown function var handler jQuery this .data uid2 if this document..
Create a jQuery special event for content changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449666/create-a-jquery-special-event-for-content-changed jQuery.event.special.contentchange.handler 500 teardown function namespaces clearInterval interval handler function.. jQuery.event.handle.call self type 'contentchange' 100 teardown function clearInterval interval Thanks to Mushex for helping.. jQuery.event.handle.call this type 'valuechange' teardown function jQuery this .unwatch 'value' Anyway if you need it..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used is a modified version of QUnit that adds in the setup teardown and assert functions that are more typical of an xUnit framework..
How do you organize large JS/jQuery code bases across your entire website? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3668518/how-do-you-organize-large-js-jquery-code-bases-across-your-entire-website will improve your jQuery widgets taking care of setup teardown extensibility. View adds client side templates that can be built..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad event event.type myDown .event.handle.call this event teardown function this .unbind .myDownEvent After jQuery 1.9.0 .event.handle.. myDown .event.dispatch .event.handle .call this event teardown function this .unbind .myDownEvent share improve this answer..
Simulating “focus” and “blur” in jQuery .live() method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1199293/simulating-focus-and-blur-in-jquery-live-method _self.addEventListener 'focus' handler true else _self.attachEvent 'onfocusin' handler else return false teardown function var handler jQuery this .data uid1 if this document if this.removeEventListener this.removeEventListener 'focus'.. _self.addEventListener 'blur' handler true else _self.attachEvent 'onfocusout' handler else return false teardown function var handler jQuery this .data uid2 if this document if this.removeEventListener this.removeEventListener 'blur'..
Create a jQuery special event for content changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449666/create-a-jquery-special-event-for-content-changed this.text console.log 'content changed' originalContent this.text jQuery.event.special.contentchange.handler 500 teardown function namespaces clearInterval interval handler function namespaces jQuery.event.handle.apply this arguments And bind.. if originalContent this.text originalContent this.text jQuery.event.handle.call self type 'contentchange' 100 teardown function clearInterval interval Thanks to Mushex for helping me out. javascript jquery events javascript events intervals.. setup function jQuery this .watch 'value' function jQuery.event.handle.call this type 'valuechange' teardown function jQuery this .unwatch 'value' Anyway if you need it only as event you script is nice share improve this answer..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used any JavaScript and do not require the code to use jQuery. JQUnit is a modified version of QUnit that adds in the setup teardown and assert functions that are more typical of an xUnit framework and encapsulates everything in one global variable. The..
How do you organize large JS/jQuery code bases across your entire website? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3668518/how-do-you-organize-large-js-jquery-code-bases-across-your-entire-website me talk a little about JavaScriptMVC 's features Controller will improve your jQuery widgets taking care of setup teardown extensibility. View adds client side templates that can be built into your app. Model abstracts the service data layer minimizing..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad touchstart mousedown this .bind myDown .myDownEvent function event event.type myDown .event.handle.call this event teardown function this .unbind .myDownEvent After jQuery 1.9.0 .event.handle changed name to .event.dispatch to support both you..