

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:37

jquery Programming Glossary: slider.css

jQuery rounded slider


Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css left X radius sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply.. AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' slider.css ' moz transform'.. rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' slider.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' PRINT DEGREES '#test'..

NivoSlider change slide when thumb is hovered not clicked


'active' return false clearInterval timer timer '' slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat'..

Insert Page in html design


src js custom.js script link rel stylesheet href css nivo slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js..

Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG


this slider var slider this slider.data 'nivo vars' vars slider.css 'position' 'relative' slider.addClass 'nivoSlider' Find our.. .css 'display' 'block' Set first background slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat'.. 'active' return false clearInterval timer timer '' slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat'..

jQuery rounded slider


from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css left X radius sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform.. 180 slider.css left X radius sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' slider.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' PRINT DEGREES '#test' .html 'angle.. Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' slider.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' PRINT DEGREES '#test' .html 'angle deg ' deg To calculate the degrees first..

NivoSlider change slide when thumb is hovered not clicked


'click' function if vars.running return false if this .hasClass 'active' return false clearInterval timer timer '' slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat' vars.currentSlide this .attr 'rel' 1 nivoRun slider kids settings..

Insert Page in html design


js jquery 1.5.1.min.js script script type text javascript src js custom.js script link rel stylesheet href css nivo slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js type text javascript script link rel shortcut icon href Fav.ico..

Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG


0 randAnim '' running false paused false stop false Get this slider var slider this slider.data 'nivo vars' vars slider.css 'position' 'relative' slider.addClass 'nivoSlider' Find our slider children var kids slider.children kids.each function.. initial link if kids vars.currentSlide .is 'a' kids vars.currentSlide .css 'display' 'block' Set first background slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat' Add initial slices for var i 0 i settings.slices i var sliceWidth.. function if vars.running return false if this .hasClass 'active' return false clearInterval timer timer '' slider.css 'background' 'url ' vars.currentImage.attr 'src' ' no repeat' vars.currentSlide this .attr 'rel' 1 nivoRun slider kids..