jquery Programming Glossary: ry
Multiple pictures and prewievs in Jcrop. How to pass many id's to javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583831/multiple-pictures-and-prewievs-in-jcrop-how-to-pass-many-ids-to-javascript-fun pictures and prewievs in Jcrop. How to pass many id's to javascript function I use Jcrop plugin Jquery in my app. I decide to use some ajax solution but have a problem with passing value to function. I don't kno whether it.. passing value to function. I don't kno whether it is my lack od JavaScript skills or Jcrop issue. Here is code jQuery window .load function jQuery '#cropbox' .Jcrop onChange showPreview onSelect showPreview aspectRatio 1 Our simple.. I don't kno whether it is my lack od JavaScript skills or Jcrop issue. Here is code jQuery window .load function jQuery '#cropbox' .Jcrop onChange showPreview onSelect showPreview aspectRatio 1 Our simple event handler called from onChange..