

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:06:39

jquery Programming Glossary: pushstate

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history


and popState manipulating browsers' history I am working on.. content that is displayed. To make this work you can use pushState . Because this is not cross browser supported I used the plug.. active menuLink.click function e history.pushState null null this.href e.preventDefault e.stopImmediatePropagation..

Why use Backbone.js with Rails? [closed]


With Backbone not speaking for or against other frameworks pushState is easily implemented into a framework that expects its use.. into a framework that expects its use cases. However pushState has its downsides in terms of crawlers accessing your content..

Load HTML page dynamically into div with jQuery


back button that fully degrades. The plugin uses HTML5 pushState and AJAX to dynamically change pages without a full load. If.. AJAX to dynamically change pages without a full load. If pushState isn't supported PJAX performs a full page load ensuring backwards..

jQuery image map alternative


jquery javascript: adding browser history back with hashtag?


will help you set and read the hash part of the url eg see pushState and getState and it provides a hashchange event that works across..

How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page?


question In HTML5 you can change the URL window.history.pushState object or string Title new url check http spoiledmilk.dk blog.. en DOM Manipulating_the_browser_history#The_pushState .c2.a0method UPDATE An overview of which browser support the.. support the new HTML5 history API http caniuse.com #search pushState caniuse.com is worth to bookmark there are already frameworks..

Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax


back to a pushState entry that used ajax I'm having an issue with the following.. User visits site User clicks link which uses history.pushState to update the url Partial page content loaded via ajax using.. which loads a new page User clicks back to return to the pushState entry The page now displays only the page partial that was retrieved..

How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page?


share improve this question You can do it with history.pushState but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following.. line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that.. Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question How do I with JavaScript..

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history


or she who can answer all of my questions 3 jquery html5 pushstate history.js popstate share improve this question Answer 1..

How can Jquery window.location.hash replace?


change to davis.js routing lib


to davis.js routing lib I use pushstate popstate build a demo but I'm wondering if Davis.js js routing..

jquery AJAX requests not updating php variable


press keyboard keys. When the user presses a key I'm using pushstate to alter the imgid in the URL but that's not actually updating..

browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js


more sense. Please help javascript jquery browser history pushstate history.js share improve this question What you need to..

Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax


manually trigger the window.onpopstate event jquery ajax pushstate share improve this question It seems that some browsers..

Statechange is firing whenever i do a push-state


In history.js statechange is firing whenever i do a pushstate. Why javascript jquery browser history history.js share improve..

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history


and popState manipulating browsers' history I am working on a small project in which I want to create an Ajax style website... of this is that the URL does not change accordingly to the content that is displayed. To make this work you can use pushState . Because this is not cross browser supported I used the plug in history.js . This is working quite nicely but the problem.. #sectionContainer .hide .load firstLoadedHtml .fadeIn fast firstLink.addClass active menuLink.click function e history.pushState null null this.href e.preventDefault e.stopImmediatePropagation var CurLink this var newLoadedHtml CurLink.attr href #content..

Why use Backbone.js with Rails? [closed]


one way than Rails yet the solid conventions persist. 4 With Backbone not speaking for or against other frameworks pushState is easily implemented into a framework that expects its use cases. However pushState has its downsides in terms of crawlers.. for or against other frameworks pushState is easily implemented into a framework that expects its use cases. However pushState has its downsides in terms of crawlers accessing your content and requires some server side rendering to be incorporated..

Load HTML page dynamically into div with jQuery


states It's ajax with real permalinks page titles and a working back button that fully degrades. The plugin uses HTML5 pushState and AJAX to dynamically change pages without a full load. If pushState isn't supported PJAX performs a full page load ensuring.. that fully degrades. The plugin uses HTML5 pushState and AJAX to dynamically change pages without a full load. If pushState isn't supported PJAX performs a full page load ensuring backwards compatibility. What pjax does is that it listens on specified..

jQuery image map alternative


jquery javascript: adding browser history back with hashtag?


and plugin to help with this is Ben Almans bbq plugin It will help you set and read the hash part of the url eg see pushState and getState and it provides a hashchange event that works across browsers. Handle the hashchange event and do your processing..

How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page?


a button php javascript jquery ajax share improve this question In HTML5 you can change the URL window.history.pushState object or string Title new url check http spoiledmilk.dk blog html5 changing the browser url without refreshing page docs.. the browser url without refreshing page docs https developer.mozilla.org en DOM Manipulating_the_browser_history#The_pushState .c2.a0method UPDATE An overview of which browser support the new HTML5 history API http caniuse.com #search pushState caniuse.com.. .c2.a0method UPDATE An overview of which browser support the new HTML5 history API http caniuse.com #search pushState caniuse.com is worth to bookmark there are already frameworks that do the hard work for you and even gracefully fallback..

Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax


back to a pushState entry that used ajax I'm having an issue with the following situation. User visits site User clicks link which uses history.pushState.. that used ajax I'm having an issue with the following situation. User visits site User clicks link which uses history.pushState to update the url Partial page content loaded via ajax using jQuery User clicks regular link which loads a new page User.. content loaded via ajax using jQuery User clicks regular link which loads a new page User clicks back to return to the pushState entry The page now displays only the page partial that was retrieved via ajax I've souped up a site using pushState for..

How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page?


remains on the same page. javascript jquery ajax html5 share improve this question You can do it with history.pushState but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState.. but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question.. browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question How do I with JavaScript change the URL in the browser without loading the new..

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history


whole new script. NOTE 2 The bounty will only be given to he or she who can answer all of my questions 3 jquery html5 pushstate history.js popstate share improve this question Answer 1 Get the title working when going forward and backward As far..

How can Jquery window.location.hash replace?


change to davis.js routing lib


to davis.js routing lib I use pushstate popstate build a demo but I'm wondering if Davis.js js routing lib how to use here can anyone help me for below example..

jquery AJAX requests not updating php variable


Then I could alter that index on the client side when they press keyboard keys. When the user presses a key I'm using pushstate to alter the imgid in the URL but that's not actually updating the server side imgid. I need to update the server side imgid..

browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js


I would go to page B with state bbb . I hope this make more sense. Please help javascript jquery browser history pushstate history.js share improve this question What you need to do is as follows If the page you came from is another page e.g...

Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax


function so I can call it after pushState. Is there a way to manually trigger the window.onpopstate event jquery ajax pushstate share improve this question It seems that some browsers often confuse the partial loaded via ajax and the entire page..

Statechange is firing whenever i do a push-state


i do a push state I am using history.js to handle back button. In history.js statechange is firing whenever i do a pushstate. Why javascript jquery browser history history.js share improve this question According to this discussion on github..