

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:06:38

jquery Programming Glossary: pulsate

jQuery: infinite fadeOut $ fadeIn effect?


so made a plugin for jQuery lol. It's essentially the pulsate effect but with a few additional options. function .fn.pulsate.. effect but with a few additional options. function .fn.pulsate function options var defaults fadeIn 1000 fadeInDelay 150 fadeOut.. return this.each function fadeOutIn this jQuery Then pulsate like so 'label.orange font' .pulsate or with options 'label.orange..

Jquery pulsate changing color or image


pulsate changing color or image I'm trying to have a div change colors.. I'm trying to have a div change colors using the jquery pulsate code but i want it to change from red to black but i heard to.. to download a certain plug in. so instead i want it to pulsate to a picture. so far i have these two codes img id book src..

How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict?


true else input#email .focus #login_msg .html data .effect pulsate times 2 1000 return false and here is an example of the validator..

jQuery: infinite fadeOut $ fadeIn effect?


improve this question Update jsFiddle Okay I got a bit bored so made a plugin for jQuery lol. It's essentially the pulsate effect but with a few additional options. function .fn.pulsate function options var defaults fadeIn 1000 fadeInDelay 150.. so made a plugin for jQuery lol. It's essentially the pulsate effect but with a few additional options. function .fn.pulsate function options var defaults fadeIn 1000 fadeInDelay 150 fadeOut 1000 fadeOutDelay 150 var settings .extend defaults.. settings.fadeInDelay .fadeIn settings.fadeIn fadeOutIn return this.each function fadeOutIn this jQuery Then pulsate like so 'label.orange font' .pulsate or with options 'label.orange font' .pulsate fadeIn 500 fadeOut 2000 Original jsFiddle..

Jquery pulsate changing color or image


pulsate changing color or image I'm trying to have a div change colors using the jquery pulsate code but i want it to change from.. pulsate changing color or image I'm trying to have a div change colors using the jquery pulsate code but i want it to change from red to black but i heard to do this you have to download a certain plug in. so instead.. it to change from red to black but i heard to do this you have to download a certain plug in. so instead i want it to pulsate to a picture. so far i have these two codes img id book src 36.gif alt width 105 height 105 style position absolute top..

How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict?


function data if data 'Login Succeeded.' location.reload true else input#email .focus #login_msg .html data .effect pulsate times 2 1000 return false and here is an example of the validator message cannot generate system identifier for general..