

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:06:39

jquery Programming Glossary: pushes

jQuery masonry with Wordpress and imagesLoaded


for me... However checking the site in Chrome and Safari pushes the bottom of the containing elements into the following elements.....

fetch public tweets via twitter api 1.1, via client side code (js)


data. I don't wan't to use identi.ca or else but Twitter pushes me to do. Upon the comment of Zachary Kinebel to Norguard's..

Storing items of an array depending on another value


of catalogue into the dataids array. At the moment it just pushes the dataids of items whose packageid is equal to 3. var packageBtnFilter..

Ajax chat polling bandwidth efficiency


of COMET which keeps an open connection to the client and pushes updates from the server 'down' and is also quite scalable ...

jQuery Validation - Multiple submit buttons on one asp.net form, different validation groups?


need to remove rules depending on which button the user pushes. Also you will need to add the rules back for the case where..

How to implement Server push / long polling / comet using PHP and Javascript


100 items' Whenever a new item is processed the php server pushes out an update and the javascript changes the message to 'Processing..

jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons


btnDelete.width btnDelete.width 25 Adding some top margin pushes the icon down so it looks like it's centred vertically. Adding..

Looking to build an expand on hover/contract on blur div


on blur say 300x30 that expands to 300x300 on hover and pushes all content below it down and will revert to the 300x30 size..

Select element by and classname in javascript


How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


maintain a continuous connection to the server the server pushes any new messages to this connection and javascript adds them..

jQuery pushStack


of pushing .b elements on the stack as a new element it pushes a new set with .b elements and the #2 li you started with. Instead..

jquery ui drag easing/inertia


to implement logic to handle a momentum animation that pushes the element out of bounds outside it's parent container's boundaries..

When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh?


to ' #newStateOfWebApp' and no page load occurs. The user pushes the back button on their browser. Your popstate handler fires...

IE8 back button and dynamic content


When ever the user navigates away from this page and then pushes the 'back' button Safari and Firefox display the generated content..

jQuery CSS rendering - works in Firefox, not in Chrome


i.e. they don't become narrower as the DIV's padding pushes in on them so pushing the layout to the right. I've recreated..

jQuery masonry with Wordpress and imagesLoaded


box' columnWidth 283 script Seems to be working fine for me... However checking the site in Chrome and Safari pushes the bottom of the containing elements into the following elements... Now I read somewhere that this can be solved by using..

fetch public tweets via twitter api 1.1, via client side code (js)


side js I don't want to create an app to just fetch public data. I don't wan't to use identi.ca or else but Twitter pushes me to do. Upon the comment of Zachary Kinebel to Norguard's answer I thought as a comment of Norguard's might be helpful..

Storing items of an array depending on another value


are both 0 then it should push all the dataids of catalogue into the dataids array. At the moment it just pushes the dataids of items whose packageid is equal to 3. var packageBtnFilter '#packages' .val var categoryBtnFilter '#categories'..

Ajax chat polling bandwidth efficiency


jQuery Validation - Multiple submit buttons on one asp.net form, different validation groups?


as a validation group so to accomplish what you want you will need to remove rules depending on which button the user pushes. Also you will need to add the rules back for the case where the validation fails then the user decides to click the other..

How to implement Server push / long polling / comet using PHP and Javascript


button Javascript shows a message like 'Processing 0 100 items' Whenever a new item is processed the php server pushes out an update and the javascript changes the message to 'Processing 2 100 items 3 100 items and so on'. How can I do this..

jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons


float left margin top 5px class ui icon ui icon trash span ' btnDelete.width btnDelete.width 25 Adding some top margin pushes the icon down so it looks like it's centred vertically. Adding 25 px to the button's width keeps the button text from wrapping..

Looking to build an expand on hover/contract on blur div


as well just ask... I need to build a div that is one size on blur say 300x30 that expands to 300x300 on hover and pushes all content below it down and will revert to the 300x30 size when blurred no longer hovered or whatever you kids are calling..

Select element by and classname in javascript


How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


appear as it is typed. Is there a way for javascript to maintain a continuous connection to the server the server pushes any new messages to this connection and javascript adds them to the interface so they appear simultaneously almost as soon..

jQuery pushStack


just return the result of this.add . What this does is instead of pushing .b elements on the stack as a new element it pushes a new set with .b elements and the #2 li you started with. Instead you instead should pass the elements directly no .add..

jquery ui drag easing/inertia


here but integrated them with jQuery UI instead. You'll have to implement logic to handle a momentum animation that pushes the element out of bounds outside it's parent container's boundaries The resulting code function var d #draggable var x1..

When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh?


load occurs. Then immediately after the browser URI changes to ' #newStateOfWebApp' and no page load occurs. The user pushes the back button on their browser. Your popstate handler fires. During your handler event.state equals foo and the browser..

IE8 back button and dynamic content


that page basically inserts some DIVs and a Flash object . When ever the user navigates away from this page and then pushes the 'back' button Safari and Firefox display the generated content but IE 8 does not. What is the best practice for IE to..

jQuery CSS rendering - works in Firefox, not in Chrome


in Firefox but in Chrome the paragraph widths remain constant i.e. they don't become narrower as the DIV's padding pushes in on them so pushing the layout to the right. I've recreated the issue here jsfiddle.net ms3Jd . You can try it in Chrome..