jquery Programming Glossary: othumb
How to call second jQuery #.ajax instance on success of first and update page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5486934/how-to-call-second-jquery-ajax-instance-on-success-of-first-and-update-page
Automatically scroll to bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5755716/automatically-scroll-to-bottom-of-div-using-tiny-scrollbar root var oContent obj '.overview' root var oScrollbar obj '.scrollbar' root var oTrack obj '.track' oScrollbar.obj var oThumb obj '.thumb' oScrollbar.obj var sAxis options.axis 'x' sDirection sAxis 'left' 'top' sSize sAxis 'Width' 'Height' var iScroll.. 'disable' oContent.ratio 1 oTrack options.axis options.size 'auto' oViewport options.axis options.size oThumb options.axis Math.min oTrack options.axis Math.max 0 options.sizethumb 'auto' oTrack options.axis oContent.ratio options.sizethumb.. 'auto' oContent options.axis oTrack options.axis oContent options.axis oViewport options.axis oTrack options.axis oThumb options.axis iScroll bKeepScroll oContent.ratio 1 Math.min oContent options.axis oViewport options.axis Math.max 0 iScroll..