jquery Programming Glossary: ordinates
Simulate click at x/y coordinates using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10305477/simulate-click-at-x-y-coordinates-using-javascript click at x y coordinates using javascript How can I simulate a click at x y co ordinates using javascript or jquery I will use the script multiple.. click at x y coordinates using javascript How can I simulate a click at x y co ordinates using javascript or jquery I will use the script multiple times and I want the script to click on postion one then postion..
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas file awesome_tiger.svg with drawSvg canvg . 2 On that SVG file I am plotting images green1.png and pink.png whose co ordinates are getting from JSON. var dataJSON data var dataJSON2 data2 3 So on I am able to pan complete drawing which I am drawing.. svg file with drawSvg and images with drawImage dataJSON and dataJSON2 are JSON through with will get the x an y co ordinates for those images to draw function draw1 scaleValue context.save context.setTransform 1 0 0 1 0 0 context.globalAlpha 0.5.. e.offsetX last 0 e.offsetY last 1 canvas.onmouseup function e isDown false last e.offsetX startCoords 0 set last coordinates e.offsetY startCoords 1 canvas.onmousemove function e var x e.offsetX var y e.offsetY transX parseInt parseInt x parseInt..
Find html element nearest to position (relative or absolute) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2337630/find-html-element-nearest-to-position-relative-or-absolute or absolute Given absolute or relative position top left is there any way to get the nearest html element to these co ordinates Or alternately is there any way to craft a selector or use some jQuery construct to enumerate elements and then find which.. craft a selector or use some jQuery construct to enumerate elements and then find which is closes to the provided co ordinates Assume that the set of elements is small and finite. javascript jquery html share improve this question I've built..
How to simulate a click by using x,y coordinates in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3277369/how-to-simulate-a-click-by-using-x-y-coordinates-in-javascript to simulate a click by using x y coordinates in JavaScript Is it possible to use given coordinates in order to simulate a click in JavaScript within a webpage javascript.. to simulate a click by using x y coordinates in JavaScript Is it possible to use given coordinates in order to simulate a click in JavaScript within a webpage javascript jquery html mouseevent mouseclick event share.. real mouse click via JavaScript. However you can fire an element's click event and you can get an element using x y co ordinates so you could fire a click event on the element at x y. Since you tagged jQuery document.elementFromPoint x y .click https..