jquery Programming Glossary: oranges
ajax framework should I go for extjs or raxan? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1442374/ajax-framework-should-i-go-for-extjs-or-raxan Ext is stable and has great docs full disclosure I used to be part of the Ext team . jQuery and Ext JS are apples and oranges. Ext Core compares to jQuery but then Ext JS contains an entire GUI suite in addition to the core library. There is a UI..
What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177763/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-selecting-descendant-elements-in-jquery
jQuery Optimization/Best Practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3230727/jquery-optimization-best-practices selector to a variable rather than make the same call more than once ex. 'div#apples' .hide 'div#apples' .show vs. var oranges 'div#oranges' oranges.show oranges.hide Does this same rule apply when referencing jQuery's this Ex. A simple bit of script.. variable rather than make the same call more than once ex. 'div#apples' .hide 'div#apples' .show vs. var oranges 'div#oranges' oranges.show oranges.hide Does this same rule apply when referencing jQuery's this Ex. A simple bit of script to make some.. rather than make the same call more than once ex. 'div#apples' .hide 'div#apples' .show vs. var oranges 'div#oranges' oranges.show oranges.hide Does this same rule apply when referencing jQuery's this Ex. A simple bit of script to make some data..
JQuery sortable lists and fixed/locked items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4299241/jquery-sortable-lists-and-fixed-locked-items 3758329 91749ff63cbc5056264389588a8ab64238484d74 fixedsortable.js script the extended sortable ... ul id sortable1 li oranges li li class static apples li li bananas li li pineapples li li grapes li li class static pears li li mango li ul ul id sortable2.. li li pineapples li li grapes li li class static pears li li mango li ul ul id sortable2 li bananas li li foo asd oranges li li foo dsa apples li li pineapples li li grapes li li pears li li mango li ul ul id sortable3 li bananas li li oranges.. li li foo dsa apples li li pineapples li li grapes li li pears li li mango li ul ul id sortable3 li bananas li li oranges li li apples li li pineapples li li grapes li li pears li li mango li ul Javascript function #sortable1 .fixedsortable fixed..