jquery Programming Glossary: options.length
How to get first 2 lines or 200 characters from <p> using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1671621/how-to-get-first-2-lines-or-200-characters-from-p-using-jquery .extend defaults options return this.each function obj this alert options.minTrail var body obj.html if body.length options.length options.minTrail var splitLocation body.indexOf ' ' options.length if splitLocation 1 truncate tip var splitLocation.. options.minTrail var body obj.html if body.length options.length options.minTrail var splitLocation body.indexOf ' ' options.length if splitLocation 1 truncate tip var splitLocation body.indexOf ' ' options.length var str1 body.substring 0 splitLocation.. splitLocation body.indexOf ' ' options.length if splitLocation 1 truncate tip var splitLocation body.indexOf ' ' options.length var str1 body.substring 0 splitLocation var str2 body.substring splitLocation body.length 1 obj.html str1 ' span class..
How do you update all options of a select with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5022928/how-do-you-update-all-options-of-a-select-with-jquery Get the raw DOM object for the select box select document.getElementById 'theSelect' Clear the old options select.options.length 0 Load the new options options data.options Or whatever source information you're working with for index 0 index options.length.. 0 Load the new options options data.options Or whatever source information you're working with for index 0 index options.length index option options index select.options.add new Option option.text option.value Live example Directly from an object.. Get the raw DOM object for the select box select document.getElementById 'theSelect' Clear the old options select.options.length 0 Load the new options for name in data if data.hasOwnProperty name select.options.add new Option data name name Live..
jQuery select option elements by value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7290950/jquery-select-option-elements-by-value why I am posting this question function select_option i options '#span_id' .children 'select' .children 'option' alert options.length 7 alert options 0 object HTMLOptionElement alert options 0 .val not a jquery element alert options 0 .value 1 the following..
Need a jQuery randomly selected identifier from options available http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7577047/need-a-jquery-randomly-selected-identifier-from-options-available jquery ajax jquery selectors share improve this question var options #selectVendor option var random Math.floor options.length Math.random 1 options.attr 'selected' false .eq random .attr 'selected' true Sample at jsfiddle is here . share improve..