jquery Programming Glossary: nofollow
beforeSend in $.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1812585/beforesend-in-getjson select from html where url a href http www.yahoo.com rel nofollow http www.yahoo.com p javascript jquery jquery ajax callback..
Twitter Bootstrap Rails button dropdown no responding to AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18503168/twitter-bootstrap-rails-button-dropdown-no-responding-to-ajax remote true href update_in_service id 32 id in_service rel nofollow In Service a li li a data method post data remote true href.. true href update_out_service id 32 id out_service rel nofollow Out of Service a li li a href tools 32 view Details a li ul.. update_in_service id 32 in_service true id in_service rel nofollow In Service a li li a data method post data remote true href..
jquery stopPropagation problem with live method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3353275/jquery-stoppropagation-problem-with-live-method here to see more information about this Services. rel nofollow INFO a div id infomenu 12608 class infomenu style display none..
Delete / Destroy is not working in rails 3 with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3784633/delete-destroy-is-not-working-in-rails-3-with-jquery 1 data confirm Are you sure data method delete rel nofollow Destroy a PS Please dont say include default JS files or something...
Rails 3 UJS - controller gets called twice by link_to :remote http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4231885/rails-3-ujs-controller-gets-called-twice-by-link-to-remote data method post data remote true id follow_artist rel nofollow Unfollow a span and my controller is setup so def tfollow_artist.. data method post data remote true id follow_artist rel nofollow Follow a span However this is somehow causing JQuery to make..
beforeSend in $.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1812585/beforesend-in-getjson . More specifically .getJSON is call is to a YQL service Like select from html where url a href http www.yahoo.com rel nofollow http www.yahoo.com p javascript jquery jquery ajax callback share improve this question The only purpose of beforeSend..
Twitter Bootstrap Rails button dropdown no responding to AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18503168/twitter-bootstrap-rails-button-dropdown-no-responding-to-ajax a ul class dropdown menu li a data method post data remote true href update_in_service id 32 id in_service rel nofollow In Service a li li a data method post data remote true href update_out_service id 32 id out_service rel nofollow Out of.. rel nofollow In Service a li li a data method post data remote true href update_out_service id 32 id out_service rel nofollow Out of Service a li li a href tools 32 view Details a li ul div The two methods linked to look like this def in_service.. dropdown menu li a data method post data remote true href update_in_service id 32 in_service true id in_service rel nofollow In Service a li li a data method post data remote true href update_in_service id 32 in_service false id out_service rel..
jquery stopPropagation problem with live method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3353275/jquery-stoppropagation-problem-with-live-method iconlinks div class info a href # class infolink title Click here to see more information about this Services. rel nofollow INFO a div id infomenu 12608 class infomenu style display none input type button value clickme class clickme Information..
Delete / Destroy is not working in rails 3 with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3784633/delete-destroy-is-not-working-in-rails-3-with-jquery in chrome safari or opera. Html code generated a href categories 1 data confirm Are you sure data method delete rel nofollow Destroy a PS Please dont say include default JS files or something. Cause I am not interested in prototype all together..
Rails 3 UJS - controller gets called twice by link_to :remote http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4231885/rails-3-ujs-controller-gets-called-twice-by-link-to-remote as below span id follow_link a href tfollow_artist id 8103103 data method post data remote true id follow_artist rel nofollow Unfollow a span and my controller is setup so def tfollow_artist @artist Artist.find params id if current_user.following.. as span id follow_link a href tfollow_artist id 8103103 data method post data remote true id follow_artist rel nofollow Follow a span However this is somehow causing JQuery to make two AJAX requests. Can any one see what is wrong here I am..