jquery Programming Glossary: mapcenter
Can not get multiple page jquery mobile working with google maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12051911/can-not-get-multiple-page-jquery-mobile-working-with-google-maps javascript src http maps.google.com maps api js v 3 sensor false language en script script function initialize var mapCenter new google.maps.LatLng 59.3426606750 18.0736160278 myOptions zoom 10 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center.. google.maps.LatLng 59.3426606750 18.0736160278 myOptions zoom 10 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center mapCenter map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions document .on pageinit #map page function initialize.. with the corresponding code which can be found below Add the below code inside the maps.js function initialize var mapCenter new google.maps.LatLng 59.3426606750 18.0736160278 myOptions zoom 10 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center mapCenter..
clean example of directions with google maps in jquery mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13345479/clean-example-of-directions-with-google-maps-in-jquery-mobile new google.maps.DirectionsService map function initialize directionsDisplay new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer var mapCenter new google.maps.LatLng 59.3426606750 18.0736160278 var myOptions zoom 10 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center.. 59.3426606750 18.0736160278 var myOptions zoom 10 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center mapCenter map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions directionsDisplay.setMap map directionsDisplay.setPanel..