jquery Programming Glossary: manufacturers
twitter bootstrap typeahead (method 'toLowerCase' of undefined) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11235644/twitter-bootstrap-typeahead-method-tolowercase-of-undefined undefined I am trying to use twitter bootstrap to get the manufacturers from my DB. Because twitter bootstrap typeahead does not support.. typeahead query .ajax url window.location.origin bows get_manufacturers.json type POST data dataType JSON async false success function.. dataType JSON async false success function results var manufacturers new Array .map results.data.manufacturers function data item..
Update a Select Box on Parent Page from FancyBox2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13188974/update-a-select-box-on-parent-page-from-fancybox2 _POST 'zip' search1 mysql_query SELECT man_name FROM manufacturers WHERE man_name ' name' outcome1 mysql_fetch_row search1 num_rows1.. already exists. div ' else stmnt mysql_query INSERT INTO manufacturers manufacturer_id man_name man_address man_city man_state man_zip.. 'success' if empty error nada SELECT man_name FROM manufacturers ORDER BY man_name ASC resulter mysql_query nada comp1 '0'..
What is the difference between XMLHttpRequest, jQuery.ajax, jQuery.post, jQuery.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657287/what-is-the-difference-between-xmlhttprequest-jquery-ajax-jquery-post-jquery a whole car around it with steering brakes etc... Car manufacturers produce completed cars with a friendly interface pedals steering..
twitter bootstrap typeahead (method 'toLowerCase' of undefined) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11235644/twitter-bootstrap-typeahead-method-tolowercase-of-undefined bootstrap typeahead method 'toLowerCase' of undefined I am trying to use twitter bootstrap to get the manufacturers from my DB. Because twitter bootstrap typeahead does not support ajax calls I am using this fork https gist.github.com 1866577.. is as follows '#manufacturer' .typeahead source function typeahead query .ajax url window.location.origin bows get_manufacturers.json type POST data dataType JSON async false success function results var manufacturers new Array .map results.data.manufacturers.. bows get_manufacturers.json type POST data dataType JSON async false success function results var manufacturers new Array .map results.data.manufacturers function data item var group group manufacturer_id data.Manufacturer.id manufacturer..
Update a Select Box on Parent Page from FancyBox2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13188974/update-a-select-box-on-parent-page-from-fancybox2 con filter _POST 'con' conphone filter _POST 'phone' zip filter _POST 'zip' search1 mysql_query SELECT man_name FROM manufacturers WHERE man_name ' name' outcome1 mysql_fetch_row search1 num_rows1 mysql_num_rows search1 imageid1 outcome1 0 imageid1 filter.. array error ' div class msg error A company by that name already exists. div ' else stmnt mysql_query INSERT INTO manufacturers manufacturer_id man_name man_address man_city man_state man_zip man_contact man_phone man_fax man_mail VALUES 'NULL' ' ... Duplicate WAS found . answer1 mysql_query answer1 resp 'status' 'success' if empty error nada SELECT man_name FROM manufacturers ORDER BY man_name ASC resulter mysql_query nada comp1 '0' Spit out array of companys as select boxes select ' option..
What is the difference between XMLHttpRequest, jQuery.ajax, jQuery.post, jQuery.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657287/what-is-the-difference-between-xmlhttprequest-jquery-ajax-jquery-post-jquery be able to buy yourself a car engine that you'd have to create a whole car around it with steering brakes etc... Car manufacturers produce completed cars with a friendly interface pedals steering wheel etc. so you don't have to do it all yourself. share..