jquery Programming Glossary: malformed
Creating a multidimensional object for XML export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10835584/creating-a-multidimensional-object-for-xml-export If you really need to do the restructuring from malformed Objects to a nice structure in JS this would be the code var..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error For example using the innerHTML property to add script or malformed HTML will generate this exception. Use the toStaticHTML method..
json_encode creating a malformed JSON (with extra hidden character) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427775/json-encode-creating-a-malformed-json-with-extra-hidden-character creating a malformed JSON with extra hidden character I'm using PHP's json_encode.. read before actually posting this one json_encode creating malformed JSON data http stackoverflow.com a 15654848 684932 about json_encode..
jquery json to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3593046/jquery-json-to-string representing json. A library I'm dealing with expects a malformed json type so I need to mess around with it to get it to work...
What is the meaning of CDATA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4339702/what-is-the-meaning-of-cdata entities lt gt amp etc to prevent that the XML syntax get malformed. The general recommendation is however to put JS code in its..
jQuery text() call preserves newlines in Firefox but not in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/656605/jquery-text-call-preserves-newlines-in-firefox-but-not-in-ie div gt div Why the escaped content Because it is sometimes malformed and I don't want it interfering with or breaking the rest of..
JQuery Ajax post parameters sometimes not sent on IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6941898/jquery-ajax-post-parameters-sometimes-not-sent-on-ie headers with Content Length but no actual data. That is a malformed request and should always lead to an HTTP error usually after..
Why is 'jQuery.parseJSON' not necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9111184/why-is-jquery-parsejson-not-necessary jQuery 1.4 the JSON data is parsed in a strict manner any malformed JSON is rejected and a parse error is thrown. See json.org for..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response i.e. Internet Explorer because it thinks the XML is malformed. The error comes from your browser and indicates that your XML.. comes from your browser and indicates that your XML is malformed. You can manually set what headers you want returned with these..
Creating a multidimensional object for XML export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10835584/creating-a-multidimensional-object-for-xml-export You can easily read XML with Ajax and change its DOM in JavaScript. If you really need to do the restructuring from malformed Objects to a nice structure in JS this would be the code var cards an object indexed by the CardCodes for var i 0 i data.length..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error previously modified dynamically that might be unsafe. For example using the innerHTML property to add script or malformed HTML will generate this exception. Use the toStaticHTML method to filter dynamic content or explicitly create elements and..
json_encode creating a malformed JSON (with extra hidden character) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427775/json-encode-creating-a-malformed-json-with-extra-hidden-character creating a malformed JSON with extra hidden character I'm using PHP's json_encode to return some data retrieved by jQuery's ajax Simplified.. Chrome v28.XX using PHP 5.4.XX on Apache Questions I've read before actually posting this one json_encode creating malformed JSON data http stackoverflow.com a 15654848 684932 about json_encode and ajax dataType json php json_encode not returning..
jquery json to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3593046/jquery-json-to-string I need to take my object and store it in a variable as string representing json. A library I'm dealing with expects a malformed json type so I need to mess around with it to get it to work. What's the best way to do this javascript jquery json share..
What is the meaning of CDATA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4339702/what-is-the-meaning-of-cdata the need to replace special XML characters like etc by XML entities lt gt amp etc to prevent that the XML syntax get malformed. The general recommendation is however to put JS code in its own .js file which you then include by a script src . The CDATA..
jQuery text() call preserves newlines in Firefox but not in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/656605/jquery-text-call-preserves-newlines-in-firefox-but-not-in-ie on something like this div id div lt div gt Some text lt div gt div Why the escaped content Because it is sometimes malformed and I don't want it interfering with or breaking the rest of the document. In FF it shows up preserving newlines. In IE7..
JQuery Ajax post parameters sometimes not sent on IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6941898/jquery-ajax-post-parameters-sometimes-not-sent-on-ie when it happens to be a POST it mangles it up by sending the headers with Content Length but no actual data. That is a malformed request and should always lead to an HTTP error usually after some timeout waiting for the data that never comes . This..
Why is 'jQuery.parseJSON' not necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9111184/why-is-jquery-parsejson-not-necessary the response as JSON and returns a JavaScript object. In jQuery 1.4 the JSON data is parsed in a strict manner any malformed JSON is rejected and a parse error is thrown. See json.org for more information on proper JSON formatting. jsonp Loads in..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response so much a server issue because the errors come from your browser i.e. Internet Explorer because it thinks the XML is malformed. The error comes from your browser and indicates that your XML is malformed. You can manually set what headers you want.. Explorer because it thinks the XML is malformed. The error comes from your browser and indicates that your XML is malformed. You can manually set what headers you want returned with these .ajax settings dataType .browser.msie text xml accepts xml..