jquery Programming Glossary: ltr
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward.. sagittis nunc accumsan vehicula. Duis elementum congue ultrices. Cras faucibus feugiat arcu quis lacinia. In hac habitasse.. non sem at arcu euismod tempor nec sed nisl. Morbi ultricies mauris ut ultricies adipiscing felis odio condimentum massa..
Remove vertical lines in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790302/remove-vertical-lines-in-jqgrid the cells in the grid you can use .ui jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border right color transparent To remove horizontal border.. border between the rows you can use .ui jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border bottom color transparent To remove vertical borders..
facebook like hashtags - word-wrap:break-word; doesnt work on FF and IE9+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17215976/facebook-like-hashtags-word-wrapbreak-word-doesnt-work-on-ff-and-ie9 10px height 115px font size 13px line height 1.3 direction ltr word wrap break word .new_postAdDescription2 position absolute.. absolute color transparent word wrap break word direction ltr text align left .highlighterContent position relative font weight.. 10px height 115px font size 13px line height 1.3 direction ltr color #1c1c1c .new_postAdDescription2 position absolute color..
Typeahead problems with Bootstrap 3.0 RC1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18167246/typeahead-problems-with-bootstrap-3-0-rc1 style position relative display inline block direction ltr This span don't got a 100 so do input inside it. To fix add..
jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2683108/jqgrid-footer-cells-inherits-css-from-cells-in-the-main-grid ftable tbody tr class ui widget content footrow footrow ltr td class ui state default jqgrid rownum nbsp td td nbsp td..
Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3074380/submit-search-query-get-search-result-without-refresh EN http www.w3.org TR html4 strict.dtd html lang pt dir ltr head title Search And Show Without Refresh title meta HTTP EQUIV..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group skip else colHeader ' th class ui state default ui th ltr colspan ' numberOfColumns ' style height 19px padding top 1px..
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward movebackward absolute styleprops cite abbr acronym del ins..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward movebackward absolute styleprops cite abbr acronym del ins.. sodales. Morbi laoreet pulvinar gravida. Quisque ut turpis sagittis nunc accumsan vehicula. Duis elementum congue ultrices. Cras faucibus feugiat arcu quis lacinia. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque fermentum magna sit amet tellus.. eget varius neque. Fusce facilisis venenatis dapibus. Integer non sem at arcu euismod tempor nec sed nisl. Morbi ultricies mauris ut ultricies adipiscing felis odio condimentum massa et luctus est nunc nec eros. lt p gt textarea div Some..
Remove vertical lines in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790302/remove-vertical-lines-in-jqgrid 0px If you want additionally remove vertical border between the cells in the grid you can use .ui jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border right color transparent To remove horizontal border between the rows you can use .ui jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border.. ltr td border right color transparent To remove horizontal border between the rows you can use .ui jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border bottom color transparent To remove vertical borders between the column headers you can use th.ui th column border..
facebook like hashtags - word-wrap:break-word; doesnt work on FF and IE9+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17215976/facebook-like-hashtags-word-wrapbreak-word-doesnt-work-on-ff-and-ie9 IE 8 outline 0 width 694px color #1c1c1c resize none margin 10px height 115px font size 13px line height 1.3 direction ltr word wrap break word .new_postAdDescription2 position absolute color transparent word wrap break word direction ltr text.. ltr word wrap break word .new_postAdDescription2 position absolute color transparent word wrap break word direction ltr text align left .highlighterContent position relative font weight bold color #333 background color #f2f2f2 webkit box sizing.. border 0 outline 0 width 694px resize none margin 10px height 115px font size 13px line height 1.3 direction ltr color #1c1c1c .new_postAdDescription2 position absolute color transparent white space pre wrap b font weight bold color..
Typeahead problems with Bootstrap 3.0 RC1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18167246/typeahead-problems-with-bootstrap-3-0-rc1 wraps the input in a span span class twitter typeahead style position relative display inline block direction ltr This span don't got a 100 so do input inside it. To fix add to your CSS .twitter typeahead width 100 The Javascript sets..
jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2683108/jqgrid-footer-cells-inherits-css-from-cells-in-the-main-grid jqgrid sdiv div class ui jqgrid hbox table class ui jqgrid ftable tbody tr class ui widget content footrow footrow ltr td class ui state default jqgrid rownum nbsp td td nbsp td td bla bla td td nbsp td tr tbody table div div So you..
Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3074380/submit-search-query-get-search-result-without-refresh gray colors index.php DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC W3C DTD HTML 4.01 EN http www.w3.org TR html4 strict.dtd html lang pt dir ltr head title Search And Show Without Refresh title meta HTTP EQUIV Content Type CONTENT text html charset ISO 8859 1 meta..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group th th.css padding top 2px height 19px tr.append ths i .el skip else colHeader ' th class ui state default ui th ltr colspan ' numberOfColumns ' style height 19px padding top 1px text align center role columnheader ' titleText ' th ' denySelectionOnDoubleClick..