jquery Programming Glossary: lowercase
How to convert a Title to a URL slug in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053902/how-to-convert-a-title-to-a-url-slug-in-jquery I'd like to do is remove the punctuation convert it to lowercase and replace the spaces with hyphens. So for example Shane's.. become shanes rib shack. Here's what I have so far. The lowercase part was easy but the replace doesn't seem to be working at..
JS - jQuery inarray ignoreCase() and contains() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11496914/js-jquery-inarray-ignorecase-and-contains Part 1 You can process your array to be entirely lowercase and lowercase your input so indexOf will work like it's performing.. 1 You can process your array to be entirely lowercase and lowercase your input so indexOf will work like it's performing a case.. like it's performing a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string with toLowerCase as you've already figured out. To..
jQuery password strength checker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388609/jquery-password-strength-checker or more if this.value.length 5 strength contains lowercase characters if this.value.match a z strength contains digits..
How to make a “tags box” using jQuery (with text input field + tags separated by comma) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14083272/how-to-make-a-tags-box-using-jquery-with-text-input-field-tags-separated-by .# ^ excludes This will also trim whitespaces Convert to lowercase Create automatically the Tag Box on focusOut Enter add more..
Correct way to implement jQuery with require.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15613577/correct-way-to-implement-jquery-with-require-js from file names and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name. Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD..
jQuery autocomplete special character (Norwegian) problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1975262/jquery-autocomplete-special-character-norwegian-problems this question The bug I think Strtolower will not lowercase special characters. Therefore you are not converting capital..
third font in font family is significantly larger http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2118720/third-font-in-font-family-is-significantly-larger browser which would break the width test . A few upper and lowercase letters and a space should be a good test. share improve this..
Detecting Arrow key press in IE via javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217553/detecting-arrow-key-press-in-ie-via-javascript-jquery indicates which character was entered. For example a lowercase a will be reported as 65 by keydown and keyup but as 97 by keypress..
jQuery AJAX cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3506208/jquery-ajax-cross-domain .ajax url testserver.php dataType 'jsonp' Notice JSONP P lowercase success function json do stuff with json in this case an array..
Using e.keyCode || e.which; how to determine the differance between lowercase and uppercase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4401305/using-e-keycode-e-which-how-to-determine-the-differance-between-lowercase-an e.keyCode e.which how to determine the differance between lowercase and uppercase I am using e.keyCode e.which to determine which..
How do you sort letters in JavaScript, with capital and lowercase letters combined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5285995/how-do-you-sort-letters-in-javascript-with-capital-and-lowercase-letters-combin do you sort letters in JavaScript with capital and lowercase letters combined I'm working on a JavaScript jQuery's OK too..
jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed? A-Z, & @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7975703/jquery-event-keypress-which-key-was-pressed-a-z the actual physical key on the keyboard so uppercase A and lowercase a will have the same code as will 2 and @ but note that the..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid Producr codes can contain only uppercase charcters. If lowercase characters are enterd jqgrid does not convert them to upper.. var char String.fromCharCode evt.which evt.keyCode Is it a lowercase character if a z .test char convert to uppercase version if..
jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887696/jquery-datepicker-onselect-wont-work on datepicker not datePicker Check your other uppercase lowercase for the properties. function '.date pick' .datepicker onSelect..
How to convert a Title to a URL slug in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053902/how-to-convert-a-title-to-a-url-slug-in-jquery make a field on a form dynamically generate the URL slug. What I'd like to do is remove the punctuation convert it to lowercase and replace the spaces with hyphens. So for example Shane's Rib Shack would become shanes rib shack. Here's what I have.. spaces with hyphens. So for example Shane's Rib Shack would become shanes rib shack. Here's what I have so far. The lowercase part was easy but the replace doesn't seem to be working at all and I have no idea to remove the punctuation #Restaurant_Name..
JS - jQuery inarray ignoreCase() and contains() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11496914/js-jquery-inarray-ignorecase-and-contains arrays contains case insensitive share improve this question Part 1 You can process your array to be entirely lowercase and lowercase your input so indexOf will work like it's performing a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string.. case insensitive share improve this question Part 1 You can process your array to be entirely lowercase and lowercase your input so indexOf will work like it's performing a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string with toLowerCase.. lowercase and lowercase your input so indexOf will work like it's performing a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string with toLowerCase as you've already figured out. To do an array you can use... arr arr.map function elem return..
jQuery password strength checker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388609/jquery-password-strength-checker #pass_strength .keyup function var strength 1 length 5 characters or more if this.value.length 5 strength contains lowercase characters if this.value.match a z strength contains digits if this.value.match 0 9 strength contains uppercase characters..
How to make a “tags box” using jQuery (with text input field + tags separated by comma) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14083272/how-to-make-a-tags-box-using-jquery-with-text-input-field-tags-separated-by similar like StackOverflow does Allow alphanumeric and .# ^ excludes This will also trim whitespaces Convert to lowercase Create automatically the Tag Box on focusOut Enter add more if needed separate keyCode value with Delete Tag Box with a..
Correct way to implement jQuery with require.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15613577/correct-way-to-implement-jquery-with-require-js Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are derived from file names and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name. Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants to call noConflict to hide this version of jQuery..
jQuery autocomplete special character (Norwegian) problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1975262/jquery-autocomplete-special-character-norwegian-problems cacheLength 100 delay 0 php javascript jquery share improve this question The bug I think Strtolower will not lowercase special characters. Therefore you are not converting capital special characters in your re write function etc. if I understand..
third font in font family is significantly larger http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2118720/third-font-in-font-family-is-significantly-larger
Detecting Arrow key press in IE via javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217553/detecting-arrow-key-press-in-ie-via-javascript-jquery provide a code indicating which key is pressed while keypress indicates which character was entered. For example a lowercase a will be reported as 65 by keydown and keyup but as 97 by keypress . An uppercase A is reported as 97 by all events. Because..
jQuery AJAX cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3506208/jquery-ajax-cross-domain domain share improve this question Use JSONP . jQuery .ajax url testserver.php dataType 'jsonp' Notice JSONP P lowercase success function json do stuff with json in this case an array alert Success error function alert Error PHP php arr array..
Using e.keyCode || e.which; how to determine the differance between lowercase and uppercase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4401305/using-e-keycode-e-which-how-to-determine-the-differance-between-lowercase-an e.keyCode e.which how to determine the differance between lowercase and uppercase I am using e.keyCode e.which to determine which key was pressed but I am getting 65 for both a and A why..
How do you sort letters in JavaScript, with capital and lowercase letters combined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5285995/how-do-you-sort-letters-in-javascript-with-capital-and-lowercase-letters-combin do you sort letters in JavaScript with capital and lowercase letters combined I'm working on a JavaScript jQuery's OK too if this needs it but I doubt it will function to alphabetize..
jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed? A-Z, & @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7975703/jquery-event-keypress-which-key-was-pressed-a-z keyup and keydown events give a keyCode that corresponds to the actual physical key on the keyboard so uppercase A and lowercase a will have the same code as will 2 and @ but note that the 2 key above the W has a different code to the 2 key on the numeric..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid Producr codes can contain only uppercase charcters. If lowercase characters are enterd jqgrid does not convert them to upper case there is not such option. How to force uppercase conversion.. things work both on FF and IE var evt arguments 0 event var char String.fromCharCode evt.which evt.keyCode Is it a lowercase character if a z .test char convert to uppercase version if evt.which evt.which char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 else..
jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887696/jquery-datepicker-onselect-wont-work comma after the last property. Semicolon after alert date Case on datepicker not datePicker Check your other uppercase lowercase for the properties. function '.date pick' .datepicker onSelect function date alert date selectWeek true inline true startDate..