

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:29

jquery Programming Glossary: isvalid

Textbox validation in jquery


have at least one vowel.' function test value filters var isValid false for var i in filters isValid filters i .re.test value.. test value filters var isValid false for var i in filters isValid filters i .re.test value error.hide submit.prop 'disabled' false.. .re.test value error.hide submit.prop 'disabled' false if isValid error.show .text filters i .error submit.prop 'disabled' true..

How to use ko.validation.group function


check if all the properties are valid using the isValid property. this.validationModel ko.validatedObservable P1 this.P1.. this.P3 is the validationModel valid this.validationModel.isValid what are the error messages this.validationModel.errors share..

Hide redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary


following Javascript function function submitValidate var isValid Page_ClientValidate '' if isValid setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li.. submitValidate var isValid Page_ClientValidate '' if isValid setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li not first ' .remove 5 return isValid.. setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li not first ' .remove 5 return isValid In your submit button add this asp Button runat server ID btnSave..

Zend fancybox login doesn't work properly


if this getRequest isPost Login Form if loginForm isValid this getRequest getParams user this _helper model 'Users' createRow..

ASP.NET Custom Validator + WebMethod + jQuery


your validate to function validatePromo src args var isValid .ajax type POST url Register.aspx IsPromoValid data 'code' '.. utf 8 dataType json async false success function msg isValid msg.d args.IsValid isValid Take special note of the async.. false success function msg isValid msg.d args.IsValid isValid Take special note of the async false . The reason your first..

Manual form validation in MVC 3 and JQuery


'#myForm' .validate function IsMyFormValid var isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid.. .validate function IsMyFormValid var isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid '#myForm'.. false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#Password ' isValid false isValid..

Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate]


be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25.. .focus return false function validField element if isValid element.val element.attr 'placeholder' element.attr 'placeholder'.. element return false else return true function isValid ele if ele null ele '' return false else return true String.prototype.capitalize..

How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation?


DateOfBirth You must be at least 18 if ModelState.IsValid register user return RedirectToAction Index Home return.. for the date of birth like this public override bool IsValid object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value return.. IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value long ticks..

Client side validation not working


call the validation seems to be not working. I tried using IsValid but no luck. Please find the below code. Controller HttpPost..

Perform client side validation for custom attribute


ValidationAttribute public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return.. IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return..

ASP.NET MVC3 - Custom validation attribute -> Client-side broken


size _size yield return rule public override bool IsValid object value return HttpPostedFileBase value .ContentLength..

MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates


allowEqualDates protected override ValidationResult IsValid object value ValidationContext validationContext var propertyTestedInfo..

Textbox validation in jquery


i error 'Must be only letters.' vowel re aeiou i error 'Must have at least one vowel.' function test value filters var isValid false for var i in filters isValid filters i .re.test value error.hide submit.prop 'disabled' false if isValid error.show.. re aeiou i error 'Must have at least one vowel.' function test value filters var isValid false for var i in filters isValid filters i .re.test value error.hide submit.prop 'disabled' false if isValid error.show .text filters i .error submit.prop.. var isValid false for var i in filters isValid filters i .re.test value error.hide submit.prop 'disabled' false if isValid error.show .text filters i .error submit.prop 'disabled' true break return isValid test input.val Filters input.on 'keyup..

How to use ko.validation.group function


of group . Not only do you get the errors but you can collectively check if all the properties are valid using the isValid property. this.validationModel ko.validatedObservable P1 this.P1 P2 this.P2 P3 this.P3 is the validationModel valid this.validationModel.isValid..

Hide redundant error message in ASP.Net ValidationSummary


question This is a little hackish but it'll work Add the following Javascript function function submitValidate var isValid Page_ClientValidate '' if isValid setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li not first ' .remove 5 return isValid In your submit button.. but it'll work Add the following Javascript function function submitValidate var isValid Page_ClientValidate '' if isValid setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li not first ' .remove 5 return isValid In your submit button add this asp Button runat server ID.. submitValidate var isValid Page_ClientValidate '' if isValid setTimeout '#vsumAll ul li not first ' .remove 5 return isValid In your submit button add this asp Button runat server ID btnSave Text Save OnClientClick submitValidate And finaly make..

Zend fancybox login doesn't work properly


getParam 'password' loginForm new Application_Form_UserLogin if this getRequest isPost Login Form if loginForm isValid this getRequest getParams user this _helper model 'Users' createRow loginForm getValues user this _helper model 'Users'..

ASP.NET Custom Validator + WebMethod + jQuery


share improve this question The easy way is by changing your validate to function validatePromo src args var isValid .ajax type POST url Register.aspx IsPromoValid data 'code' ' args ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType.. data 'code' ' args ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json async false success function msg isValid msg.d args.IsValid isValid Take special note of the async false . The reason your first try didn't work is that the ajax.. application json charset utf 8 dataType json async false success function msg isValid msg.d args.IsValid isValid Take special note of the async false . The reason your first try didn't work is that the ajax success callback was not getting..

Manual form validation in MVC 3 and JQuery


function #butValidateForm .button .click function return IsMyFormValid '#myForm' .validate function IsMyFormValid var isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#Password ' isValid false.. .button .click function return IsMyFormValid '#myForm' .validate function IsMyFormValid var isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#Password ' isValid false isValid '#myForm'.. '#myForm' .validate function IsMyFormValid var isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#UserName ' isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#Password ' isValid false isValid '#myForm' .validate .element '#EmailAddress' isValid false..

Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate]


if validField this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 .test emailAddress.val.. '.form focus' .click function document .scrollTop 0 '#first_name' .focus return false function validField element if isValid element.val element.attr 'placeholder' element.attr 'placeholder' element.val element.attr 'type' 'radio' checkedRadio element.. 'placeholder' element.val element.attr 'type' 'radio' checkedRadio element return false else return true function isValid ele if ele null ele '' return false else return true String.prototype.capitalize function return this.charAt 0 .toUpperCase..

How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation?


new DateTime ticks .Year if years 18 ModelState.AddModelError DateOfBirth You must be at least 18 if ModelState.IsValid register user return RedirectToAction Index Home return View regInfo Questions Server side how to make it better i.. DateOfBirth binds well. LE2 I created validation attributes for the date of birth like this public override bool IsValid object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value return date DateTime.MinValue public IEnumerable ModelClientValidationRule.. dateRequired public class DateGraterThanEighteen ValidationAttribute IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks date.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks..

Client side validation not working


. But when I implement onClick event of button an ajax call the validation seems to be not working. I tried using IsValid but no luck. Please find the below code. Controller HttpPost public ActionResult AddClient ClientModel clientData var clientObj..

Perform client side validation for custom attribute


have created a Custom Validation Attribute public class FutureDateAttribute ValidationAttribute public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true How can I get this to work on client.. validation attribute public class FutureDateAttribute ValidationAttribute IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true public IEnumerable ModelClientValidationRule..

ASP.NET MVC3 - Custom validation attribute -> Client-side broken


fileSize ErrorMessage ErrorMessage rule.ValidationParameters size _size yield return rule public override bool IsValid object value return HttpPostedFileBase value .ContentLength _size and the script includes in my view looks like script..

MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates


this.testedPropertyName testedPropertyName this.allowEqualDates allowEqualDates protected override ValidationResult IsValid object value ValidationContext validationContext var propertyTestedInfo validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty this.testedPropertyName..