jquery Programming Glossary: installations
Can't get past “A jquery script reference is required in order to enable Ajax support in the ”WebGrid“ helper” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10987855/cant-get-past-a-jquery-script-reference-is-required-in-order-to-enable-ajax-su type checkbox value true input name CurrentClient.IsActive type hidden value false td tr tr td Enable for installations td td select Multiple multiple id SelectedInstallations multiple multiple name SelectedInstallations style width 120px.. submit value Create name btnCreate p div form script type text javascript function formCreateSubmit formToSubmit var installations '#SelectedInstallations option' .each function i if this.selected true if installations.length 0 installations installations.. formToSubmit var installations '#SelectedInstallations option' .each function i if this.selected true if installations.length 0 installations installations this.value this line submits the form data to the JsonCreate method .post formToSubmit..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images gd lib and imagick . personally I prefer the gd lib. It is a bit more manual work but it is faster and comes with most installations by default or is simple to install additionally. Imagemagick natively has a very huge pool of image processing functions..