

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:25

jquery Programming Glossary: insertimagequestion

files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed]


QuestionId VALUES prepare the above SQL statement if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation.. the parameters these are the values that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion.. bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here..

It is not inserting data into database


INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation.. prepared statements succeeded before proceeding if insert insertimagequestion c count _POST 'numQuestion' question_ids array for i 0 i c i.. imgid LINE 305 where error is foreach imgvalue as image insertimagequestion bind_param ii image imgquesid insertimagequestion execute if..

files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed]


imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId SessionId QuestionId VALUES prepare the above SQL statement if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation here echo Prepare statement err imagequestion Retrieve.. Retrieve the question number qnum int _POST 'numimage' bind the parameters these are the values that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query.. these are the values that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here close INSERT query insertimagequestion close Javascript which..

It is not inserting data into database


here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error make sure both.. here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error make sure both prepared statements succeeded before proceeding if insert insertimagequestion c count _POST 'numQuestion' question_ids array for i 0 i c i questionNo _POST 'numQuestion' i insert bind_param i questionNo.. as imgid imgvalue image imgvalue imgquesid question_ids imgid LINE 305 where error is foreach imgvalue as image insertimagequestion bind_param ii image imgquesid insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.'..