jquery Programming Glossary: instagram
Why does select box on mac chrome doesn't respond to click event? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11384389/why-does-select-box-on-mac-chrome-doesnt-respond-to-click-event option value linkedin linkedin option option value e mail e mail option option value phone phone option option value instagram instagram option option value flickr flickr option option value dribbble dribbble option option value skype skype option.. linkedin linkedin option option value e mail e mail option option value phone phone option option value instagram instagram option option value flickr flickr option option value dribbble dribbble option option value skype skype option option value..
Implementing Infinite Scrolling with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492012/implementing-infinite-scrolling-with-jquery I am working on a project that uses the jQuery Masonry and Infinite Scroll plugins to load n amount of pictures from instagram using their API. Looking at this short example my understanding is that I need to have before hand the html pages to be.. var access_token location.hash.split ' ' 1 if location.hash .ajax type GET dataType jsonp cache false url https api.instagram.com v1 users MY_USER_ID media recent access_token MY_ACCESS_TOKEN success function data for var i 0 i 20 i #instafeed.. href ' data.data i .link ' img src ' data.data i .images.standard_resolution.url ' a div else location.href https instagram.com oauth authorize display touch client_id MY_CLIENT_ID redirect_uri MY_URI I guess I will need a pagination mechanism..
How To Search Instagram via API Query? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11634881/how-to-search-instagram-via-api-query sense. I just wanted to check here first since there are so many knowledgeable programmers. jquery ajax api search instagram share improve this question First of all and in case you didn't knew there's already one similar at least web app. That.. be making calls to this endpoint More info about Instagram's API endpoints here you should read this P https api.instagram.com v1 tags SEARCH TAG media recent client_id CLIENT ID callback YOUR CALLBACK Of course change the SEARCH TAG with user..
Trying to access Instagram API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11712106/trying-to-access-instagram-api-using-jquery next_url why What is wrong document .ready function e '#fetch_followers' .click function e var next_url 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100' var access_token ' access token ' var is_busy false.. loop was running infinitely. After adding it it still runs infinitely and I have no idea why. jquery ajax jquery ajax instagram share improve this question Have the function call itself in the ajax success callback with the new url as a parameter.. document .ready function '#fetch_followers' .click function var access_token ' access token ' pollInstagram 'https api.instagram.com v1 users user id followed by access_token access token count 100' function pollInstagram next_url count .ajax method..