jquery Programming Glossary: firstdate
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid standard row only if subGrid true are used var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate.. icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1 cellvalue1.length var cellvalue1.. 0 secondDate.length 3 if diffOf2Dates firstDate secondDate true expireCondition cell.prepend iconAlert ..
How to compare two date values with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3004178/how-to-compare-two-date-values-with-jquery td td align left html text name addPublicationForm styleId firstDate property firstDate maxlength 10 td tr tr td align right Second.. text name addPublicationForm styleId firstDate property firstDate maxlength 10 td tr tr td align right Second Date td td align..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid 24 60 60 1000 hours minutes seconds milliseconds var firstDate todaysDate Todays date var secondDate new Date configDate var.. var secondDate new Date configDate var diffDays Math.abs firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate.. firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil..
Weird behavior of jqGrid row selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7357996/weird-behavior-of-jqgrid-row-selection .text 'Science' cell.prepend iconAlert var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate.. icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1 cellvalue1.length var cellvalue1.. 0 secondDate.length 3 if diffOf2Dates firstDate secondDate true expireCondition cell.prepend iconAlert ..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses 0 the row is a standard row only if subGrid true are used var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1.. true are used var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1 cellvalue1.length var cellvalue1 08 18 2011 11 49 01 var convertedText row.cells iconverted.. if cellvalue1.length 25 secondDate new Date secondDate secondDate.substring 0 secondDate.length 3 if diffOf2Dates firstDate secondDate true expireCondition cell.prepend iconAlert cell.click myLink else if cellvalue1.length 1 secondDate..
How to compare two date values with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3004178/how-to-compare-two-date-values-with-jquery second date. How can I do this tr td align right First Date td td align left html text name addPublicationForm styleId firstDate property firstDate maxlength 10 td tr tr td align right Second Date td td align left html text name addPublicationForm styleId.. I do this tr td align right First Date td td align left html text name addPublicationForm styleId firstDate property firstDate maxlength 10 td tr tr td align right Second Date td td align left html text name addPublicationForm styleId secondDate property..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid 2011 08 18 11 49 01.0 var configDate new Date udate var oneDay 24 60 60 1000 hours minutes seconds milliseconds var firstDate todaysDate Todays date var secondDate new Date configDate var diffDays Math.abs firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay.. seconds milliseconds var firstDate todaysDate Todays date var secondDate new Date configDate var diffDays Math.abs firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays.. date var secondDate new Date configDate var diffDays Math.abs firstDate.getTime secondDate.getTime oneDay console.info firstDate secondDate console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid..
Weird behavior of jqGrid row selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7357996/weird-behavior-of-jqgrid-row-selection row only if subGrid true are used if row.cells iupdateDate .text 'Science' cell.prepend iconAlert var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1.. iconAlert var cellvalue1 firstDate secondDate cell row.cells icfgName cellvalue1 row.cells iupdateDate .text firstDate new Date console.info cellvalue1 cellvalue1.length var cellvalue1 08 18 2011 11 49 01 if cellvalue1.length 25 secondDate.. cellvalue1.length 25 secondDate new Date secondDate secondDate.substring 0 secondDate.length 3 if diffOf2Dates firstDate secondDate true expireCondition cell.prepend iconAlert cell.click myLink else secondDate cellvalue1.substring..