jquery Programming Glossary: finger
Div opacity based on scrollbar position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10203777/div-opacity-based-on-scrollbar-position The way it works is if you slide halfway and release your finger then the opacity goes down. But if you try to scroll smoothly..
JQuery - Write to opener window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034903/jquery-write-to-opener-window in a DIV of the opening page via JQuery. I cannot put my finger on it but I cannot seem to get this to work. Here is my opener..
Stringify javascript object with circular reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10392293/stringify-javascript-object-with-circular-reference uncaught exception circular reference in chrome. function finger xid xparent this.id xid this.xparent other attributes function.. arm xid xparent this.id xid this.parent xparent this.fingers otherAttributes this.moveArm function moveArm function details.. params 'id' this.name params 'name' this.father null this.fingers etc. var me new Person id 1 name 'Luke' var him new Person..
jQuery calling click event after taphold event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10502383/jquery-calling-click-event-after-taphold-event way the event will fire after the user holds down their finger for three seconds. Then the tap event handler will only fire..
bxSlider touch enabled - disable vertical touch events so only horizontal touch events work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14460057/bxslider-touch-enabled-disable-vertical-touch-events-so-only-horizontal-touch and when viewing on a device as I scroll down with my finger when I reach the the slideshow I am unable to scroll down the..
Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930875/disabling-middle-click-scrolling-with-javascript
jQuery HOW TO?? pass additional parameters to success callback for $.ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602981/jquery-how-to-pass-additional-parameters-to-success-callback-for-ajax-call what I have read I feel I am close but I just cant put my finger on the missing link. Please help in your typical ninja stealthy..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store coordinates as finger is swiping function touchMove event if defaults.preventDefaultEvents..
How do I use jQuery for click event in iPhone web application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3025348/how-do-i-use-jquery-for-click-event-in-iphone-web-application so that you can verify that the element targeted when the finger touched is the same as the element targeted when the finger.. touched is the same as the element targeted when the finger was removed. I'm sure there is probably a better way to do it..
Jquery pass click through element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398787/jquery-pass-click-through-element element I want to display an image under the mouse a finger to simulate a touch screen when a mousedown event occurs and.. You just have to use hide and show instead of css '#finger' .click function e evt e window.event make finger disappear.. of css '#finger' .click function e evt e window.event make finger disappear '#finger' .hide 0 get element at point of click starter..
jQuery keyboard events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5519936/jquery-keyboard-events a keyboard event that is before the user lifts their finger from the key after the characters from the keyboard event have.. The function must be called before the user lifts there finger up from the key but after the key's character is placed in the.. updated keyup this is called when the user lifts there finger which is too late. javascript jquery jquery events share..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796109/jquery-drag-and-drop-on-touch-devices-ipad-android it is the dragged element is also offset from the user's finger by a similar amount. May not sound like a big deal but it makes..
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063308/touch-css-pseudo-class-or-something-similar it seemed to work but it kept the style after I took my finger off the button. All of these observations were on an iPhone..
Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752220/mobile-safari-bug-on-fixed-positioned-button-after-scrolltop-programmatically-ch the buttons until you physically scroll the page with your finger even just a tiny one pixel scroll... What I have noticed is..
Div opacity based on scrollbar position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10203777/div-opacity-based-on-scrollbar-position tried this on my iPhone and the fade doesn't work smoothly. The way it works is if you slide halfway and release your finger then the opacity goes down. But if you try to scroll smoothly it goes from 100 opacity directly to 0 opacity. Wondering..
JQuery - Write to opener window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034903/jquery-write-to-opener-window clicks a button in the other page I want to post a message in a DIV of the opening page via JQuery. I cannot put my finger on it but I cannot seem to get this to work. Here is my opener page html head script type text javascript src jquery 1.3.2.min.js..
Stringify javascript object with circular reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10392293/stringify-javascript-object-with-circular-reference using stringify from douglas crockford however I'm getting a uncaught exception circular reference in chrome. function finger xid xparent this.id xid this.xparent other attributes function arm xid xparent this.id xid this.parent xparent this.fingers.. xid xparent this.id xid this.xparent other attributes function arm xid xparent this.id xid this.parent xparent this.fingers otherAttributes this.moveArm function moveArm function details not included in this testcase alert moveArm Executed function.. above code with the following function Person params this.id params 'id' this.name params 'name' this.father null this.fingers etc. var me new Person id 1 name 'Luke' var him new Person id 2 name 'Darth Vader' me.father him JSON.stringify me so far..
jQuery calling click event after taphold event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10502383/jquery-calling-click-event-after-taphold-event FitMyUpgradeItem items idx reset flag isTapHold false This way the event will fire after the user holds down their finger for three seconds. Then the tap event handler will only fire if that three seconds did not occur. share improve this answer..
bxSlider touch enabled - disable vertical touch events so only horizontal touch events work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14460057/bxslider-touch-enabled-disable-vertical-touch-events-so-only-horizontal-touch I have a slideshow that takes up the entire width of my website and when viewing on a device as I scroll down with my finger when I reach the the slideshow I am unable to scroll down the page and instead the slideshow scrolls left to right. So my..
Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930875/disabling-middle-click-scrolling-with-javascript
jQuery HOW TO?? pass additional parameters to success callback for $.ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602981/jquery-how-to-pass-additional-parameters-to-success-callback-for-ajax-call option select.children first .attr selected true From what I have read I feel I am close but I just cant put my finger on the missing link. Please help in your typical ninja stealthy ways. TIA UPDATE Nick is a true Ninja. They should invent..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method originalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store coordinates as finger is swiping function touchMove event if defaults.preventDefaultEvents event.preventDefault finalCoord.x event.targetTouches..
How do I use jQuery for click event in iPhone web application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3025348/how-do-i-use-jquery-for-click-event-in-iphone-web-application ' You may wish to listen for a touchstart and touchend so that you can verify that the element targeted when the finger touched is the same as the element targeted when the finger was removed. I'm sure there is probably a better way to do it..
Jquery pass click through element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398787/jquery-pass-click-through-element pass click through element I want to display an image under the mouse a finger to simulate a touch screen when a mousedown event occurs and hide it when the mouseup event occurs but when I do this the.. improve this question Billy Moon your code was almost working. You just have to use hide and show instead of css '#finger' .click function e evt e window.event make finger disappear '#finger' .hide 0 get element at point of click starter document.elementFromPoint.. almost working. You just have to use hide and show instead of css '#finger' .click function e evt e window.event make finger disappear '#finger' .hide 0 get element at point of click starter document.elementFromPoint evt.clientX evt.clientY send..
jQuery keyboard events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5519936/jquery-keyboard-events keyboard events Using jQuery I would like to capture a keyboard event that is before the user lifts their finger from the key after the characters from the keyboard event have registered in the input box. To clarify view this example.. updated yet. Edit Apparently I wasn't clear as to what I need. The function must be called before the user lifts there finger up from the key but after the key's character is placed in the input box. So the following do not work keydown at the keypress.. at the keypress event the value in the text box has not been updated keyup this is called when the user lifts there finger which is too late. javascript jquery jquery events share improve this question You can use the input event which works..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796109/jquery-drag-and-drop-on-touch-devices-ipad-android dom element with any kind of offset margin padding etc. If it is the dragged element is also offset from the user's finger by a similar amount. May not sound like a big deal but it makes the interface unusuable. Dropping just doesn't seem to work...
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063308/touch-css-pseudo-class-or-something-similar work. I tried focus and it didn't work too. I tried hover and it seemed to work but it kept the style after I took my finger off the button. All of these observations were on an iPhone 4 and a Droid 2. Is there any way to replicate the effect on..
Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752220/mobile-safari-bug-on-fixed-positioned-button-after-scrolltop-programmatically-ch scroll is complete you can no longer click on either of the buttons until you physically scroll the page with your finger even just a tiny one pixel scroll... What I have noticed is that after the programmatic scrolling if you tap just slightly..