jquery Programming Glossary: fallback
What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11745274/what-css3-selectors-does-jquery-really-support-e-g-nth-last-child Sizzle doesn't implement nth last child either there's no fallback behavior to use resulting in complete failure on IE8. If you're..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded the font family is changed to your custom font with a fallback to Comic Sans. When checked if the string element width is the.. When checked if the string element width is the same the fallback font of Comic Sans is still in use. If not your font should.. config.testString document.body.appendChild tester var fallbackFontWidth tester.offsetWidth tester.style.fontFamily config.font..
How to get a DOM Element from a JQuery Selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677880/how-to-get-a-dom-element-from-a-jquery-selector
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle won ™t work in older browsers though because Sizzle has no fallback method for this selector. Is it possible to easily add the nth..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks http videojs.com to handle the Internet Explorer Flash fallback. One thing they've asked me to do is after the videos finish..
Convert Object to JSON string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3904269/convert-object-to-json-string
In-cell data bars in jqGrid - possible or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132880/in-cell-data-bars-in-jqgrid-possible-or-not margin right 4px text align right float right .gradient1 fallback Opera background #008AEF Mozilla https developer.mozilla.org..
HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4692245/html5-local-storage-fallback-solutions Local Storage fallback solutions I'm looking for javascript libraries and code that.. If it doesn't exist then it would create some sort of fallback method of local storage by creating its own implementation in.. Dojo's dojox.storage but it is it's own thing not really a fallback. I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local..
jquery animate background-position firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518834/jquery-animate-background-position-firefox fx.elem 'backgroundPosition' if start FF2 no inline style fallback start '0px 0px' start toArray start fx.start start 0 start..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery return and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready A fallback to window.onload that will always work jQuery.event.add window..
Fallback image and timeout - External Content. Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1588854/fallback-image-and-timeout-external-content-javascript image and timeout External Content. Javascript What is the..
The cache option of jQuery .ajax doesn't work in Firefox and Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4084457/the-cache-option-of-jquery-ajax-doesnt-work-in-firefox-and-chrome
Fancybox popup + JSVideo HTML5 Video - Why do i lose my controls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271765/fancybox-popup-jsvideo-html5-video-why-do-i-lose-my-controls src ' url '.webm ' ' source src ' url '.ogv ' ' Flash Fallback. Use any flash video player here. Make sure to keep the vjs.. clip.mp4 autoPlay false autoBuffering true ' ' ' Image Fallback. Typically the same as the poster image. ' ' img src ' url.. type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' Flash Fallback. Use any flash video player here. Make sure to keep the vjs..
Fallback for jQuery UI from google CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5014040/fallback-for-jquery-ui-from-google-cdn for jQuery UI from google CDN Html5 Boilerplate uses the following..
What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11745274/what-css3-selectors-does-jquery-really-support-e-g-nth-last-child IE8 doesn't support nth last child . Since jQuery Sizzle doesn't implement nth last child either there's no fallback behavior to use resulting in complete failure on IE8. If you're not able to update jQuery to 1.9 even at the very least..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded When the width of the Comic Sans string has been calculated the font family is changed to your custom font with a fallback to Comic Sans. When checked if the string element width is the same the fallback font of Comic Sans is still in use. If.. is changed to your custom font with a fallback to Comic Sans. When checked if the string element width is the same the fallback font of Comic Sans is still in use. If not your font should be operational. I rewrote the method of font load detection.. config.testFont tester.style.fontSize '250px' tester.innerHTML config.testString document.body.appendChild tester var fallbackFontWidth tester.offsetWidth tester.style.fontFamily config.font ' ' config.testFont function checkFont var loadedFontWidth..
How to get a DOM Element from a JQuery Selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677880/how-to-get-a-dom-element-from-a-jquery-selector
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle API stuff like 'body p nth child' will of course work. It won ™t work in older browsers though because Sizzle has no fallback method for this selector. Is it possible to easily add the nth of type selector to Sizzle or to implement it in jQuery by..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks I currently have it up and running with a little help from http videojs.com to handle the Internet Explorer Flash fallback. One thing they've asked me to do is after the videos finish playing they're all a different length fade them out and then..
Convert Object to JSON string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3904269/convert-object-to-json-string
In-cell data bars in jqGrid - possible or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132880/in-cell-data-bars-in-jqgrid-possible-or-not 0 margin right 4px border 0 .cellTextRight position relative margin right 4px text align right float right .gradient1 fallback Opera background #008AEF Mozilla https developer.mozilla.org en CSS moz linear gradient background moz linear gradient left..
HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4692245/html5-local-storage-fallback-solutions Local Storage fallback solutions I'm looking for javascript libraries and code that can simulate localStorage on browsers that do not have native.. detect if window.localStorage exists and use it if it does. If it doesn't exist then it would create some sort of fallback method of local storage by creating its own implementation in the window.localStorage namespace. So far I've found these.. that uses cookies not thrilled with this idea . Dojo's dojox.storage but it is it's own thing not really a fallback. I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local storage as well but haven't found anything on using them..
jquery animate background-position firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518834/jquery-animate-background-position-firefox function fx if fx.bgPosReady var start .curCSS fx.elem 'backgroundPosition' if start FF2 no inline style fallback start '0px 0px' start toArray start fx.start start 0 start 2 var end toArray fx.options.curAnim.backgroundPosition fx.end..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery
Fallback image and timeout - External Content. Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1588854/fallback-image-and-timeout-external-content-javascript image and timeout External Content. Javascript What is the best way to set up a local fallback image if the external image..
The cache option of jQuery .ajax doesn't work in Firefox and Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4084457/the-cache-option-of-jquery-ajax-doesnt-work-in-firefox-and-chrome
Fancybox popup + JSVideo HTML5 Video - Why do i lose my controls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271765/fancybox-popup-jsvideo-html5-video-why-do-i-lose-my-controls poster ' url '.png ' ' source src ' url '.mp4 ' ' source src ' url '.webm ' ' source src ' url '.ogv ' ' Flash Fallback. Use any flash video player here. Make sure to keep the vjs flash fallback class. ' ' object id flash_fallback_1 class.. playlist ' url '.png url http video js.zencoder.com oceans clip.mp4 autoPlay false autoBuffering true ' ' ' Image Fallback. Typically the same as the poster image. ' ' img src ' url '.png width 632 height 15 alt Poster Image ' ' title No video.. clip.png source src http video js.zencoder.com oceans clip.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' Flash Fallback. Use any flash video player here. Make sure to keep the vjs flash fallback class. object id flash_fallback_1 class vjs..
Fallback for jQuery UI from google CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5014040/fallback-for-jquery-ui-from-google-cdn for jQuery UI from google CDN Html5 Boilerplate uses the following trick for fallback to locally stored JQuery if grabbing..