jquery Programming Glossary: factory
IE9 jQuery AJAX with CORS returns “Access is denied” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10232017/ie9-jquery-ajax-with-cors-returns-access-is-denied EDIT The function .ajaxTransport registers a transporter factory. A transporter is used internally by .ajax to perform requests...
check if jQuery UI tabs have been initialized (without checking for class) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12393773/check-if-jquery-ui-tabs-have-been-initialized-without-checking-for-class globalTabs.tabs This behavior is documented in the Widget factory page of jQuery UI's Development Planning Wiki Plugin instance..
iOS6 - Is there a way to clear cached ajax POST requests for webapp added to home screen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12642726/ios6-is-there-a-way-to-clear-cached-ajax-post-requests-for-webapp-added-to-hom to clear a home screen app cache aside from restoring to factory please provide details. Warning to anyone who implemented a..
How to extend an existing jQuery UI widget? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13711127/how-to-extend-an-existing-jquery-ui-widget in the same manner as creating a new widget. The widget factory .widget supports a few scenarios Creating a new widget using.. syntax and the inheritance syntax are the same. The widget factory is smart enough to notice that the widget you're creating and..
AngularJS call method in directive controller from other controller http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14883476/angularjs-call-method-in-directive-controller-from-other-controller angular.module 'Popdown' I put two things in the module a factory for the API which can be injected anywhere and the directive.. defining the behavior of the actual popdown element The factory just defines a couple of functions success and error and keeps.. and keeps track of a couple of variables PopdownModule.factory 'PopdownAPI' function return status null message null success..
How to extend a jquery ui widget ? (1.7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525247/how-to-extend-a-jquery-ui-widget-1-7 information I found was http jqueryui.pbworks.com Widget factory . I tried .widget ui.customsortable .extend .ui.sortable _init..
Looping through Markers with Google Maps API v3 Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670356/looping-through-markers-with-google-maps-api-v3-problem You can solve it with even more closures using a function factory function makeInfoWindowEvent map infowindow marker return function..
jQuery select box replacement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4021836/jquery-select-box-replacement try this http theuiguy.blogspot.com 2008 09 select box factory 20 for jquery.html edit the demo page http www.headcircus.com.. edit the demo page http www.headcircus.com uiguy selectboxfactory selectboxfactory.html let it load share improve this answer..
JQuery/Javascript - Search DOM for text and insert HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489119/jquery-javascript-search-dom-for-text-and-insert-html
What makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261670/what-makes-a-jquery-object-show-up-as-an-array-in-chromes-developer-tools return objects that are array like. For example the jQuery factory function returns a jQuery object that has many of the properties..
jQuery div content partial hide, show all http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590118/jquery-div-content-partial-hide-show-all He employed machinists moved the operation into a factory set up a distribution network and sponsored a team of renowned.. He employed machinists moved the operation into a factory set up a distribution network and sponsored a team of renowned..
IE9 jQuery AJAX with CORS returns “Access is denied” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10232017/ie9-jquery-ajax-with-cors-returns-access-is-denied https github.com jaubourg ajaxHooks blob master src xdr.js EDIT The function .ajaxTransport registers a transporter factory. A transporter is used internally by .ajax to perform requests. Therefore I assume you should be able to call .ajax as usual...
check if jQuery UI tabs have been initialized (without checking for class) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12393773/check-if-jquery-ui-tabs-have-been-initialized-without-checking-for-class query the attached widget with data if globalTabs.data tabs globalTabs.tabs This behavior is documented in the Widget factory page of jQuery UI's Development Planning Wiki Plugin instance accessible via #something .data pluginname A reference to..
iOS6 - Is there a way to clear cached ajax POST requests for webapp added to home screen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12642726/ios6-is-there-a-way-to-clear-cached-ajax-post-requests-for-webapp-added-to-hom off caching on the webserver. Does anyone know of a way to clear a home screen app cache aside from restoring to factory please provide details. Warning to anyone who implemented a workaround by adding a timestamp to their requests without turning..
How to extend an existing jQuery UI widget? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13711127/how-to-extend-an-existing-jquery-ui-widget this question In jQuery UI 1.9 extending a widget is done in the same manner as creating a new widget. The widget factory .widget supports a few scenarios Creating a new widget using the base widget .Widget as the starting point .widget ns.widget.. ns.widget .ns.widget ... You'll notice that the extending syntax and the inheritance syntax are the same. The widget factory is smart enough to notice that the widget you're creating and the widget you're inheriting from are the same and handle..
AngularJS call method in directive controller from other controller http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14883476/angularjs-call-method-in-directive-controller-from-other-controller a module to house all the popdown logic var PopdownModule angular.module 'Popdown' I put two things in the module a factory for the API which can be injected anywhere and the directive for defining the behavior of the actual popdown element The.. the API which can be injected anywhere and the directive for defining the behavior of the actual popdown element The factory just defines a couple of functions success and error and keeps track of a couple of variables PopdownModule.factory 'PopdownAPI'.. factory just defines a couple of functions success and error and keeps track of a couple of variables PopdownModule.factory 'PopdownAPI' function return status null message null success function msg this.status 'success' this.message msg error..
How to extend a jquery ui widget ? (1.7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525247/how-to-extend-a-jquery-ui-widget-1-7 but could not find something really accurate. The best information I found was http jqueryui.pbworks.com Widget factory . I tried .widget ui.customsortable .extend .ui.sortable _init function .widget.prototype._init.apply this arguments But..
Looping through Markers with Google Maps API v3 Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670356/looping-through-markers-with-google-maps-api-v3-problem and the x variable will be left pointing to the last entry. You can solve it with even more closures using a function factory function makeInfoWindowEvent map infowindow marker return function infowindow.open map marker for x in locations infowindow..
jQuery select box replacement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4021836/jquery-select-box-replacement jquery select selection share improve this question try this http theuiguy.blogspot.com 2008 09 select box factory 20 for jquery.html edit the demo page http www.headcircus.com uiguy selectboxfactory selectboxfactory.html let it load ..
JQuery/Javascript - Search DOM for text and insert HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489119/jquery-javascript-search-dom-for-text-and-insert-html
What makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261670/what-makes-a-jquery-object-show-up-as-an-array-in-chromes-developer-tools Many methods both in jQuery and in JavaScript in general return objects that are array like. For example the jQuery factory function returns a jQuery object that has many of the properties of an array a length the array access operator etc. but..
jQuery div content partial hide, show all http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590118/jquery-div-content-partial-hide-show-all the garments more durable cost effective and less labor intensive. He employed machinists moved the operation into a factory set up a distribution network and sponsored a team of renowned Australian surfers. The business thrived. p p Since those.. the garments more durable cost effective and less labor intensive. He employed machinists moved the operation into a factory set up a distribution network and sponsored a team of renowned Australian surfers. The business thrived. p p Since those..