jquery Programming Glossary: fake
How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12062818/how-to-combine-jquery-animate-with-css3-properties-without-using-css-transitions 'transform' 'rotate ' now 'deg ' This basically creates a fake animation of a detached div then on each step updates the rotation.. start end duration console.log this var _this this var fakeDiv div _this.promise .done function _this.animate a end duration.. .done function _this.animate a end duration duration fakeDiv.css height start .animate height end duration duration step..
Wait till a Function is finished until running another Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12116505/wait-till-a-function-is-finished-until-running-another-function var FunctionOne function var a .Deferred b .Deferred some fake asyc task setTimeout function console.log 'a done' a.resolve.. console.log 'a done' a.resolve Math.random 4000 some other fake asyc task setTimeout function console.log 'b done' b.resolve..
jQuery.animate() with css class only, without explicit styles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248542/jquery-animate-with-css-class-only-without-explicit-styles styles params to jquery.animate explicitly. I can create a fake e.g. invisible element with such a class read its css properties..
Javascript Security Concern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12864537/javascript-security-concern the problem of manipulating the client side code to fake the completion of the game. I've created the game JS code in..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background and the injector will ensure that our controller gets the fake one automatically our controller doesn't and needn't know the..
Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694595/can-i-call-jquery-click-to-follow-an-a-link-if-i-havent-bound-an-event-hand described in the question. So the answer is that you can't fake clicks in the browser and that all jquery does is call your.. to work with 'a' tags because the browser does not suport fake clicking with javascript. I mean you can't click an element..
jQuery : simulating a click on a <input type=“file” /> doesn't work in Firefox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1829774/jquery-simulating-a-click-on-a-input-type-file-doesnt-work-in-firefox form won't actually submit. Abandon hope. The only way to fake a file upload box is using the transparency technique and that's..
How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288850/how-to-return-json-from-a-2-0-asmx-web-service charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg Hide the fake progress indicator graphic. '#RSSContent' .removeClass 'loading'..
How to get the full path of the file from a file input [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176377/how-to-get-the-full-path-of-the-file-from-a-file-input that browsers will need to feed a Windows compatible fakepath into the input type file field ostensibly for backward compatibility.. whatwg whatwg.org 2009 March 018981.html The Mystery of c fakepath Unveiled So trying to obtain the path is worse then useless..
How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4662641/how-do-i-verify-jquery-ajax-events-with-jasmine there are two types of tests you can do Unit tests that fake the AJAX request using Jasmine's spies enabling you to test.. request and just afterwards . You can even use Jasmine to fake a response from the server. These tests would be faster and.. do both kinds of tests. Here is a sample of how you can fake the AJAX request and then write a unit test to verify that the..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded setting src attribute of img and added img location to a fake attribute lsrc . Then we load a dynamic image with lsrc value..
What is the most accurate way to emulate the “placeholder” attribute in browsers that don't support it natively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5575621/what-is-the-most-accurate-way-to-emulate-the-placeholder-attribute-in-browsers you are submitting the form before checking to see if the fake placeholder text is still there. To get around that you want..
In Jquery, how can I tell between a programatic and user click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6674669/in-jquery-how-can-i-tell-between-a-programatic-and-user-click 'originalEvent' Probably a real click. else Probably a fake click. And here's a little sandbox to play with http jsfiddle.net..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element createTextRange is not supported create a fake text range var offset getInputOffset topPos offset.top leftPos.. variable checks var text input.value textLen text.length fakeClone document.createElement div if selectionStart 0 appendPart.. div if selectionStart 0 appendPart 0 selectionStart var fakeRange appendPart selectionStart selectionEnd if textLen selectionEnd..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change when you use the true values you could use a set of fake values for the slider then look up the real value this corresponds..
Twitter Bootstrap 2 carousel - display a set of thumbnails at a time like jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9745746/twitter-bootstrap-2-carousel-display-a-set-of-thumbnails-at-a-time-like-jcarou might lose support but there are other ways that you can fake such a setup by using the .thumbnails group that the bootstrap..
How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12062818/how-to-combine-jquery-animate-with-css3-properties-without-using-css-transitions height rotateVal duration 500 step function now red.css 'transform' 'rotate ' now 'deg ' This basically creates a fake animation of a detached div then on each step updates the rotation of the target div. Edit Oops wrong argument order. Here's.. a function. http jsfiddle.net qZRdZ 206 .fn.rotate function start end duration console.log this var _this this var fakeDiv div _this.promise .done function _this.animate a end duration duration fakeDiv.css height start .animate height end .. console.log this var _this this var fakeDiv div _this.promise .done function _this.animate a end duration duration fakeDiv.css height start .animate height end duration duration step function now _this.css transform rotate now deg complete..
Wait till a Function is finished until running another Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12116505/wait-till-a-function-is-finished-until-running-another-function FunctionTwo you could also pack multiple deferreds together var FunctionOne function var a .Deferred b .Deferred some fake asyc task setTimeout function console.log 'a done' a.resolve Math.random 4000 some other fake asyc task setTimeout function.. b .Deferred some fake asyc task setTimeout function console.log 'a done' a.resolve Math.random 4000 some other fake asyc task setTimeout function console.log 'b done' b.resolve Math.random 4000 return .Deferred function def .when a b .done..
jQuery.animate() with css class only, without explicit styles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248542/jquery-animate-with-css-class-only-without-explicit-styles defined somewhere in .css file not to have to give all styles params to jquery.animate explicitly. I can create a fake e.g. invisible element with such a class read its css properties and give them to jquery.animate does anybody know a better..
Javascript Security Concern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12864537/javascript-security-concern it. As the game puzzle is all Javascript this introduces the problem of manipulating the client side code to fake the completion of the game. I've created the game JS code in a separate class file. If I instantiate the game as such var..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background a mock service of the same name as our original component and the injector will ensure that our controller gets the fake one automatically our controller doesn't and needn't know the difference. Speaking of testing... 4. Test driven development..
Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694595/can-i-call-jquery-click-to-follow-an-a-link-if-i-havent-bound-an-event-hand yesterday but I'm certain today that it was not what I described in the question. So the answer is that you can't fake clicks in the browser and that all jquery does is call your event handler. You can still use window.location to change page.. some research and it seems that the .click is not suppose to work with 'a' tags because the browser does not suport fake clicking with javascript. I mean you can't click an element with javascript. With 'a' tags you can trigger its onClick event..
jQuery : simulating a click on a <input type=“file” /> doesn't work in Firefox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1829774/jquery-simulating-a-click-on-a-input-type-file-doesnt-work-in-firefox open the dialog but once you've selected a file with it the form won't actually submit. Abandon hope. The only way to fake a file upload box is using the transparency technique and that's really not recommended at all as browsers may lay out file..
How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288850/how-to-return-json-from-a-2-0-asmx-web-service GetDate data contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg Hide the fake progress indicator graphic. '#RSSContent' .removeClass 'loading' Insert the returned HTML into the div . '#RSSContent'..
How to get the full path of the file from a file input [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176377/how-to-get-the-full-path-of-the-file-from-a-file-input Firefox 3 In addition to these the new HTML5 specification states that browsers will need to feed a Windows compatible fakepath into the input type file field ostensibly for backward compatibility reasons. http lists.whatwg.org htdig.cgi whatwg.. compatibility reasons. http lists.whatwg.org htdig.cgi whatwg whatwg.org 2009 March 018981.html The Mystery of c fakepath Unveiled So trying to obtain the path is worse then useless in newer browsers you'll actually get a fake one instead...
How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4662641/how-do-i-verify-jquery-ajax-events-with-jasmine jquery bdd jasmine share improve this question I guess there are two types of tests you can do Unit tests that fake the AJAX request using Jasmine's spies enabling you to test all of your code that runs just before the AJAX request and.. you to test all of your code that runs just before the AJAX request and just afterwards . You can even use Jasmine to fake a response from the server. These tests would be faster and they would not need to handle asynchronous behaviour since there.. These would need to be asynchronous. Jasmine can help you do both kinds of tests. Here is a sample of how you can fake the AJAX request and then write a unit test to verify that the faked AJAX request was going to the correct URL it should..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded Here's what we did and its working great. We skipped setting src attribute of img and added img location to a fake attribute lsrc . Then we load a dynamic image with lsrc value and set the src of actual image only after its loaded. Its..
What is the most accurate way to emulate the “placeholder” attribute in browsers that don't support it natively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5575621/what-is-the-most-accurate-way-to-emulate-the-placeholder-attribute-in-browsers of the input itself via JS. Where you're getting hung up is you are submitting the form before checking to see if the fake placeholder text is still there. To get around that you want to attach an event to the submission of the form that before..
In Jquery, how can I tell between a programatic and user click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6674669/in-jquery-how-can-i-tell-between-a-programatic-and-user-click
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element 'character' selectionEnd selectionStart return range.getBoundingClientRect createTextRange is not supported create a fake text range var offset getInputOffset topPos offset.top leftPos offset.left width getInputCSS 'width' true height getInputCSS.. property ' ' getInputCSS property ' ' End of CSS variable checks var text input.value textLen text.length fakeClone document.createElement div if selectionStart 0 appendPart 0 selectionStart var fakeRange appendPart selectionStart.. textLen text.length fakeClone document.createElement div if selectionStart 0 appendPart 0 selectionStart var fakeRange appendPart selectionStart selectionEnd if textLen selectionEnd appendPart selectionEnd textLen Styles to inherit the..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change exponential. Edit 2 Ok if the spacing is too exaggerated when you use the true values you could use a set of fake values for the slider then look up the real value this corresponds to when you need to use the real value in a similar way..
Twitter Bootstrap 2 carousel - display a set of thumbnails at a time like jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9745746/twitter-bootstrap-2-carousel-display-a-set-of-thumbnails-at-a-time-like-jcarou basically creating a new one and when updated come around you might lose support but there are other ways that you can fake such a setup by using the .thumbnails group that the bootstrap carries. You will just be limited to always giving the slider..