jquery Programming Glossary: evt.keycode
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode function evt evt evt window.event var charCode evt.which evt.keyCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode alert charStr If you're.. properties. function evt evt evt window.event var keyCode evt.keyCode Check for left arrow key if keyCode 37 alert Left arrow share..
Using arrow keys with jQuery scrollTo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168739/using-arrow-keys-with-jquery-scrollto function document .keydown function evt alert Key pressed evt.keyCode Each keypress has a code. If you use the code above in your.. handler jQuery function document .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 40 down arrow alert You pressed down. Now you need to bind.. #next .click scrollToNew document .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 40 down arrow evt.preventDefault prevents the usual scrolling..
Check if the spacebar is being pressed and the mouse is moving at the same time with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2249203/check-if-the-spacebar-is-being-pressed-and-the-mouse-is-moving-at-the-same-time var space false function document .keyup function evt if evt.keyCode 32 space false .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 32 space.. evt if evt.keyCode 32 space false .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 32 space true And then your mousemove handler can see if it's..
jQuery key code for command key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3834175/jquery-key-code-for-command-key all browsers Note I am getting the value with the var code evt.keyCode evt.keyCode evt.which I would love to not use a plugin if possible.. Note I am getting the value with the var code evt.keyCode evt.keyCode evt.which I would love to not use a plugin if possible just..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923089/can-i-conditionally-change-the-character-entered-into-an-input-on-keypress and space var charCode typeof evt.which number evt.which evt.keyCode if charCode charCode 32 var keyChar String.fromCharCode charCode..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin crtl s use receiveShortCutEvent in the html document if evt.keyCode 83 evt.ctrlKey evt.shiftKey evt.altKey evt.metaKey evt.preventDefault.. crtl s use receiveShortCutEvent in the html document if evt.keyCode 83 evt.ctrlKey evt.shiftKey evt.altKey evt.metaKey setTimeout..
JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016109/jqgrid-any-easy-way-to-implement-undo-on-excel-like-jqgrid-implementation function ele evt evt window.event evt switch evt.keyCode down arrow case 40 if ele .parent .hasClass altered ele..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid arguments 0 event var char String.fromCharCode evt.which evt.keyCode Is it a lowercase character if a z .test char convert to uppercase.. evt.which char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 else evt.keyCode char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 return true Used like so asp..
Tab key with JEditable fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885616/tab-key-with-jeditable-fields way to do it 'div.editbox' .bind 'keydown' function evt if evt.keyCode 9 this .find input .blur var nextBox '' if div.editbox .index..
How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9958478/how-to-disable-copy-paste-browser interceptKeys evt evt evt window.event IE support var c evt.keyCode var ctrlDown evt.ctrlKey evt.metaKey Mac support Check for Alt..
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode it in charCode and or keyCode . An example keypress handler function evt evt evt window.event var charCode evt.which evt.keyCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode alert charStr If you're interested in detecting a non printable key such as a cursor..
Using arrow keys with jQuery scrollTo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168739/using-arrow-keys-with-jquery-scrollto it on the document object to catch any keypress on the page function document .keydown function evt alert Key pressed evt.keyCode Each keypress has a code. If you use the code above in your web page you'll see that the key code for the down arrow is.. You can solo this out using an if or switch statement in the handler jQuery function document .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 40 down arrow alert You pressed down. Now you need to bind in the code that actually jumps to the next heading. I recommend.. .8 of a second return false exit function jQuery function #next .click scrollToNew document .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 40 down arrow evt.preventDefault prevents the usual scrolling behaviour scrollToNew scroll to the next new heading instead..
Check if the spacebar is being pressed and the mouse is moving at the same time with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2249203/check-if-the-spacebar-is-being-pressed-and-the-mouse-is-moving-at-the-same-time at that state in your mousemove event handler. For example var space false function document .keyup function evt if evt.keyCode 32 space false .keydown function evt if evt.keyCode 32 space true And then your mousemove handler can see if it's pressed..
jQuery key code for command key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3834175/jquery-key-code-for-command-key that or is there a way so that I can get 1 key code across all browsers Note I am getting the value with the var code evt.keyCode evt.keyCode evt.which I would love to not use a plugin if possible just because I only need to know about the command ctrl.. there a way so that I can get 1 key code across all browsers Note I am getting the value with the var code evt.keyCode evt.keyCode evt.which I would love to not use a plugin if possible just because I only need to know about the command ctrl windows system..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923089/can-i-conditionally-change-the-character-entered-into-an-input-on-keypress Ensure we only handle printable keys excluding enter and space var charCode typeof evt.which number evt.which evt.keyCode if charCode charCode 32 var keyChar String.fromCharCode charCode Transform typed character var mappedChar transformTypedChar..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin ... setup function ed ed.onKeyDown.add function ed evt catch crtl s use receiveShortCutEvent in the html document if evt.keyCode 83 evt.ctrlKey evt.shiftKey evt.altKey evt.metaKey evt.preventDefault '.save_button' .submit I want to invoke submit.. setup function ed ed.onKeyPress.add function ed evt catch crtl s use receiveShortCutEvent in the html document if evt.keyCode 83 evt.ctrlKey evt.shiftKey evt.altKey evt.metaKey setTimeout function var e type 'keypress' e.charCode e.keyCode e.which..
JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016109/jqgrid-any-easy-way-to-implement-undo-on-excel-like-jqgrid-implementation this.GetColIndex cell true return true this.HandleInputNavigation function ele evt evt window.event evt switch evt.keyCode down arrow case 40 if ele .parent .hasClass altered ele .parent .addClass altered irow this.GetRowIndex ele .parent..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid ToUpper So that things work both on FF and IE var evt arguments 0 event var char String.fromCharCode evt.which evt.keyCode Is it a lowercase character if a z .test char convert to uppercase version if evt.which evt.which char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt.. if a z .test char convert to uppercase version if evt.which evt.which char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 else evt.keyCode char.toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 return true Used like so asp TextBox ID txtAddManager onKeyPress ToUpper runat server Width..
Tab key with JEditable fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885616/tab-key-with-jeditable-fields share improve this question I managed to find a way to do it 'div.editbox' .bind 'keydown' function evt if evt.keyCode 9 this .find input .blur var nextBox '' if div.editbox .index this div.editbox .length 1 nextBox div.editbox first last..
How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9958478/how-to-disable-copy-paste-browser events elm.oncontextmenu function return false function interceptKeys evt evt evt window.event IE support var c evt.keyCode var ctrlDown evt.ctrlKey evt.metaKey Mac support Check for Alt Gr http en.wikipedia.org wiki AltGr_key if ctrlDown evt.altKey..