jquery Programming Glossary: evidence
Is jQuery a monad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10496932/is-jquery-a-monad the abstraction. Since no one seems to have offered evidence that the API in whole or part satisifies the laws I suggest.. the laws I suggest we should assume it does not until evidence is provided. It must be shown what jQuery operation corresponds..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments throw an exception. That should be taken as yet more evidence that eq 3 support is not intended behaviour. There are indeed..
How synchronous AJAX call could cause memory leak? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14364992/how-synchronous-ajax-call-could-cause-memory-leak already be normally GCd. I cannot find even slightest evidence to back up the MDN statement and I have contacted the author..
ajax framework should I go for extjs or raxan? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1442374/ajax-framework-should-i-go-for-extjs-or-raxan and better documentation. I'd be curious to hear the evidence for that statement. I won't knock YUI it's a good framework..
Selecting the first “n” items with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1865552/selecting-the-first-n-items-with-jquery the usual a Sounds simple but the jQuery manual has no evidence of something like this. jquery share improve this question..
Jquery how to trigger click event on href element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7999806/jquery-how-to-trigger-click-event-on-href-element share improve this question I do not have factual evidence to prove this but I already ran into this issue. It seems that..
Is jQuery a monad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10496932/is-jquery-a-monad unsafe operations that would violate the laws when used breaking the abstraction. Since no one seems to have offered evidence that the API in whole or part satisifies the laws I suggest we should assume it does not until evidence is provided. It.. have offered evidence that the API in whole or part satisifies the laws I suggest we should assume it does not until evidence is provided. It must be shown what jQuery operation corresponds to return lifting a value into the jQuery monad what jQuery..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments merely fail silently for selectors such as eq 3 it would actually throw an exception. That should be taken as yet more evidence that eq 3 support is not intended behaviour. There are indeed rationales regarding custom filters whose arguments could..
How synchronous AJAX call could cause memory leak? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14364992/how-synchronous-ajax-call-could-cause-memory-leak
ajax framework should I go for extjs or raxan? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1442374/ajax-framework-should-i-go-for-extjs-or-raxan YUI is less troublesome than extjs more stable in event calling and better documentation. I'd be curious to hear the evidence for that statement. I won't knock YUI it's a good framework but Ext is stable and has great docs full disclosure I used..
Selecting the first “n” items with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1865552/selecting-the-first-n-items-with-jquery the first 20 links instead of selecting all of them with the usual a Sounds simple but the jQuery manual has no evidence of something like this. jquery share improve this question You probably want to read up on slice . You code will something..
Jquery how to trigger click event on href element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7999806/jquery-how-to-trigger-click-event-on-href-element Thanks for the answers. jquery events triggers hyperlink click share improve this question I do not have factual evidence to prove this but I already ran into this issue. It seems that triggering a click event on an a tag doesn't seem to behave..