jquery Programming Glossary: escape_javascript
Link to another page using Twitter Bootstrap jquery modal in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10318949/link-to-another-page-using-twitter-bootstrap-jquery-modal-in-rails app views devise registrations edit.js.erb #main .before escape_javascript render edit formats html #user edit .modal and the link that..
How to have Ajax spinner show on specific page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11063356/how-to-have-ajax-spinner-show-on-specific-page .show #div_containing_your_partial .html ' escape_javascript render 'name_of_your_partial' ' If you want clone this repository..
how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11844513/how-to-do-render-partial-on-jquery-ajax-success-method-with-rails-3 POST success function result jQuery #image_center .html escape_javascript render partial 'pages top_link' error function alert 'Error.. inside that paste the following jQuery #image_center .html escape_javascript render partial 'pages top_link' share improve this answer..
How to send back js.haml in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622209/how-to-send-back-js-haml-in-rails back some jquery in a file create.js.erb var appearance escape_javascript render partial @appearance .effect highlight color '#E6ff00'.. anything you want evaluated in # . plain var appearance # escape_javascript render partial @appearance .effect highlight color '#E6ff00'.. nesting. if params printing plain '#print view' .html # escape_javascript render 'print_preview' Sorry ERB. share improve this answer..
Jquery Masonry loading over each other after Ajax div refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17698922/jquery-masonry-loading-over-each-other-after-ajax-div-refresh of this ajax request is '#images_container' .html ' escape_javascript render shared random_issues ' So I am not appending the images...
call a rails function from jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261752/call-a-rails-function-from-jquery do jQuery document .ready function '#mydiv' .html ' escape_javascript render partial contacts ' end You'll need to make sure that..
rails3 rails.js and jquery catching success and failure of ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3501317/rails3-rails-js-and-jquery-catching-success-and-failure-of-ajax-requests render javascript like this in jquery '.cart' .replaceWith escape_javascript render partial 'cart' but how do you handle an error situation..
Rails - AJAX a Modal Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065432/rails-ajax-a-modal-dialog @person.id .submit open function #person form .html escape_javascript render 'form' This will render a partial _form.html.erb into..
Rails 3 UJS - controller gets called twice by link_to :remote http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4231885/rails-3-ujs-controller-gets-called-twice-by-link-to-remote end which finally renders a js as '#follow_link' .html ' escape_javascript render partial follow ' Which essentially replaces html contents..
Rails 3 - link_to to call partial using jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766383/rails-3-link-to-to-call-partial-using-jquery-ajax layout false end end preview_widget.js.erb #preview .html escape_javascript render partial widget locals widget @widget _widget.html.erb..
Devise session immediately expiring on .js call [AJAX] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5049672/devise-session-immediately-expiring-on-js-call-ajax #organization_ # @organization.id .replaceWith # escape_javascript render partial 'users supplier_view' locals organization @organization..
Simple like/unlike button with rails 3, jquery, and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6482354/simple-like-unlike-button-with-rails-3-jquery-and-ajax
Problems adding fields in nested form through jQuery form railscasts episode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6505267/problems-adding-fields-in-nested-form-through-jquery-form-railscasts-episode link_to_function name h add_fields this # association # escape_javascript fields end end Then finally in my application.js function remove_fields.. link_to_function name h add_fields this # association # escape_javascript fields to this link_to_function name add_fields this '# association.. link_to_function name add_fields this '# association ' '# escape_javascript fields ' remote true i am not 100 sure why it works but i believe..
Jquery Rails 3… form submits twice… deletes twice… help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6747236/jquery-rails-3-form-submits-twice-deletes-twice-help remote true end create.js.erb '#orderlines' .prepend ' escape_javascript render @orderline ' '#orderlines li first ' .effect 'highlight'..
client_side_validations (3.1.0) not working when new form is added to the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6750174/client-side-validations-3-1-0-not-working-when-new-form-is-added-to-the-dom remote true and #jobs new.js.erb '#form job new' .append escape_javascript render file 'jobs new.html.erb' then when the form is submitted.. I needed to do #jobs new.js.erb '#form job new' .append escape_javascript render file 'jobs new.html.erb' 'form data validate ' .validate..
Issue with Ajax Appending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9594972/issue-with-ajax-appending .getScript this.href return false Show JS #cc .append ' escape_javascript render partial users comments ' Comment Section div id 'comments'..
Link to another page using Twitter Bootstrap jquery modal in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10318949/link-to-another-page-using-twitter-bootstrap-jquery-modal-in-rails a href # class btn data dismiss modal Close a div end div app views devise registrations edit.js.erb #main .before escape_javascript render edit formats html #user edit .modal and the link that invokes it from any page I have it in the nav now li link_to..
How to have Ajax spinner show on specific page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11063356/how-to-have-ajax-spinner-show-on-specific-page .children '.ajax loader' .hide '#id_of_the_stuff_you_now_want_to_show' .show #div_containing_your_partial .html ' escape_javascript render 'name_of_your_partial' ' If you want clone this repository I made some time ago that shows just how to do this. And..
how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11844513/how-to-do-render-partial-on-jquery-ajax-success-method-with-rails-3 is jQuery.ajax url org_pages data 'org_id ' org_id type POST success function result jQuery #image_center .html escape_javascript render partial 'pages top_link' error function alert 'Error occured' My problem is on the web page the output is showing..
How to send back js.haml in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622209/how-to-send-back-js-haml-in-rails back js.haml in rails I have a rails create action which send back some jquery in a file create.js.erb var appearance escape_javascript render partial @appearance .effect highlight color '#E6ff00' 2000 #sortable .append appearance #new_appearance 0 .reset.. in HAML is pretty easy just use the plain filter and enclose anything you want evaluated in # . plain var appearance # escape_javascript render partial @appearance .effect highlight color '#E6ff00' 2000 #sortable .append appearance #new_appearance 0 .reset..
Jquery Masonry loading over each other after Ajax div refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17698922/jquery-masonry-loading-over-each-other-after-ajax-div-refresh 'reloadItems' window .trigger 'resize' 'script' OKay the response of this ajax request is '#images_container' .html ' escape_javascript render shared random_issues ' So I am not appending the images. I am replacing the container to be precise. This is actually..
call a rails function from jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261752/call-a-rails-function-from-jquery script and in the view do something like content_for footerjs do jQuery document .ready function '#mydiv' .html ' escape_javascript render partial contacts ' end You'll need to make sure that the partial you'll be rendering won't have characters that may..
rails3 rails.js and jquery catching success and failure of ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3501317/rails3-rails-js-and-jquery-catching-success-and-failure-of-ajax-requests to set update anymore. Instead of a normal html we now render javascript like this in jquery '.cart' .replaceWith escape_javascript render partial 'cart' but how do you handle an error situation Do i handle it in my controller and use seperate views It..
Rails - AJAX a Modal Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065432/rails-ajax-a-modal-dialog modal true title 'Edit Person' buttons Edit function #edit_person_ @person.id .submit open function #person form .html escape_javascript render 'form' This will render a partial _form.html.erb into the dialog box. Note you're going to need to setup jQueryUI..
Rails 3 UJS - controller gets called twice by link_to :remote http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4231885/rails-3-ujs-controller-gets-called-twice-by-link-to-remote @artist else current_user.follow @artist end end which finally renders a js as '#follow_link' .html ' escape_javascript render partial follow ' Which essentially replaces html contents of the ' span id follow_link ... span with the same URL..
Rails 3 - link_to to call partial using jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766383/rails-3-link-to-to-call-partial-using-jquery-ajax def preview_widget respond_to do format format.js render layout false end end preview_widget.js.erb #preview .html escape_javascript render partial widget locals widget @widget _widget.html.erb @widget.videos.each do video h3 a href '#' video.name a h3..
Devise session immediately expiring on .js call [AJAX] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5049672/devise-session-immediately-expiring-on-js-call-ajax render action update layout false 6 end 7 end and update.js.haml #organization_ # @organization.id .replaceWith # escape_javascript render partial 'users supplier_view' locals organization @organization jquery ajax ruby on rails 3 devise share improve..
Simple like/unlike button with rails 3, jquery, and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6482354/simple-like-unlike-button-with-rails-3-jquery-and-ajax
Problems adding fields in nested form through jQuery form railscasts episode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6505267/problems-adding-fields-in-nested-form-through-jquery-form-railscasts-episode render association.to_s.singularize _fields f builder end link_to_function name h add_fields this # association # escape_javascript fields end end Then finally in my application.js function remove_fields link link .prev input type hidden .val 1 link .closest.. application_helper.rb i changed the following line from this link_to_function name h add_fields this # association # escape_javascript fields to this link_to_function name add_fields this '# association ' '# escape_javascript fields ' remote true i am not.. this # association # escape_javascript fields to this link_to_function name add_fields this '# association ' '# escape_javascript fields ' remote true i am not 100 sure why it works but i believe its got to do with rails 3 no longer having the link_to_function...
Jquery Rails 3… form submits twice… deletes twice… help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6747236/jquery-rails-3-form-submits-twice-deletes-twice-help 'Delete' order_line confirm 'Are you sure ' method delete remote true end create.js.erb '#orderlines' .prepend ' escape_javascript render @orderline ' '#orderlines li first ' .effect 'highlight' 3000 '#orderline_form form' 0 .reset destroy.js.erb '# dom_id..
client_side_validations (3.1.0) not working when new form is added to the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6750174/client-side-validations-3-1-0-not-working-when-new-form-is-added-to-the-dom @jobs div id form job new div link_to 'New Job' new_job_path remote true and #jobs new.js.erb '#form job new' .append escape_javascript render file 'jobs new.html.erb' then when the form is submitted the validations are applied server side. Any idea what I'm..
Issue with Ajax Appending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9594972/issue-with-ajax-appending Pagination JS function #CommentPagin a .live click function .getScript this.href return false Show JS #cc .append ' escape_javascript render partial users comments ' Comment Section div id 'comments' comments micropost.comments.paginate per_page 5 page params..