jquery Programming Glossary: eleml
jquery limit text by length http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1723650/jquery-limit-text-by-length hide var limit 10 The number of characters to show var str elem.html Getting the text var strtemp str.substr 0 limit Get the visible.. with the span tag wrapped around the hidden part of it elem.html str Write the string to the DOM script head body p Some lenghty..
Regex to find word on page including inside tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1841911/regex-to-find-word-on-page-including-inside-tags new RegExp b wordList.join b b b g var elem #divWithText elem.html elem.html .replace regExp trade This Regex is almost what I.. b wordList.join b b b g var elem #divWithText elem.html elem.html .replace regExp trade This Regex is almost what I need. However..
jQuery Get Position of Character in a Div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7913631/jquery-get-position-of-character-in-a-div http jsfiddle.net Dp6JR var elem '.mycooldiv' var text elem.html var newText text.replace # ' span class get position of it span.. text.replace # ' span class get position of it span ' elem.html newText Set wrapper var offset .get position of it .offset elem.html.. newText Set wrapper var offset .get position of it .offset elem.html text Place back var topPos offset.top var left offset.left Note..
jquery limit text by length http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1723650/jquery-limit-text-by-length var elem 'p' The element or elements with the text to hide var limit 10 The number of characters to show var str elem.html Getting the text var strtemp str.substr 0 limit Get the visible part of the string str strtemp ' span class hide ' str.substr.. ' str.substr limit str.length ' span ' Recompose the string with the span tag wrapped around the hidden part of it elem.html str Write the string to the DOM script head body p Some lenghty string goes here p body html share improve this answer..
Regex to find word on page including inside tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1841911/regex-to-find-word-on-page-including-inside-tags the TM to them. var wordList jQuery UI jQuery is var regExp new RegExp b wordList.join b b b g var elem #divWithText elem.html elem.html .replace regExp trade This Regex is almost what I need. However with a link that looks like a href 0 products.. them. var wordList jQuery UI jQuery is var regExp new RegExp b wordList.join b b b g var elem #divWithText elem.html elem.html .replace regExp trade This Regex is almost what I need. However with a link that looks like a href 0 products jQuery jQuery..
jQuery Get Position of Character in a Div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7913631/jquery-get-position-of-character-in-a-div using .offset . Then place the original text back. Fiddle http jsfiddle.net Dp6JR var elem '.mycooldiv' var text elem.html var newText text.replace # ' span class get position of it span ' elem.html newText Set wrapper var offset .get position.. Dp6JR var elem '.mycooldiv' var text elem.html var newText text.replace # ' span class get position of it span ' elem.html newText Set wrapper var offset .get position of it .offset elem.html text Place back var topPos offset.top var left offset.left.. # ' span class get position of it span ' elem.html newText Set wrapper var offset .get position of it .offset elem.html text Place back var topPos offset.top var left offset.left Note This function gets the position of the first found # character...