jquery Programming Glossary: el.bind
Watching for DOM changes, the elegant way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11491628/watching-for-dom-changes-the-elegant-way i el.data data if typeof this.onpropertychange object el.bind propertychange callback else if .browser.mozilla el.bind DOMAttrModified.. el.bind propertychange callback else if .browser.mozilla el.bind DOMAttrModified callback else setInterval func timeout function..
Simulate native click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1786377/simulate-native-click ev_reference var ev_capture function ev ev_reference ev el.bind 'click' ev_capture Don't leave out the onClick handler if typeof.. leave out the onClick handler if typeof onClick 'function' el.bind 'click' onClick el.trigger 'click' Clean up el.unbind 'click'..
jQuery - How can I bind all events on a DOM element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5848598/jquery-how-can-i-bind-all-events-on-a-dom-element ' ' then bind all events like this var el '#some el' el.bind getAllEvents el 0 function e your code share improve this..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group el.css 'MozUserSelect' 'none' else if .browser.msie IE el.bind 'selectstart' function return false else Opera etc. el.mousedown..
How to lock the first word of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704795/how-to-lock-the-first-word-of-a-textarea el textarea#message_create_body el.data 'oldVal' el.val el.bind 'keydown keyup keypress' function var header Header var this..
Watching for DOM changes, the elegant way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11491628/watching-for-dom-changes-the-elegant-way .each data.props function i data.vals i el.css data.props i el.data data if typeof this.onpropertychange object el.bind propertychange callback else if .browser.mozilla el.bind DOMAttrModified callback else setInterval func timeout function.. i el.data data if typeof this.onpropertychange object el.bind propertychange callback else if .browser.mozilla el.bind DOMAttrModified callback else setInterval func timeout function __check el var data el.data changed false temp for var..
Simulate native click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1786377/simulate-native-click onClick el.attr 'onclick' Hack to capture the event object var ev_reference var ev_capture function ev ev_reference ev el.bind 'click' ev_capture Don't leave out the onClick handler if typeof onClick 'function' el.bind 'click' onClick el.trigger 'click'.. ev ev_reference ev el.bind 'click' ev_capture Don't leave out the onClick handler if typeof onClick 'function' el.bind 'click' onClick el.trigger 'click' Clean up el.unbind 'click' ev_capture if typeof onClick 'function' el.unbind 'click'..
jQuery - How can I bind all events on a DOM element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5848598/jquery-how-can-i-bind-all-events-on-a-dom-element
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group click in jquery 2132230#2132230 if .browser.mozilla Firefox el.css 'MozUserSelect' 'none' else if .browser.msie IE el.bind 'selectstart' function return false else Opera etc. el.mousedown function return false insertColumnGroupHeader function..
How to lock the first word of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704795/how-to-lock-the-first-word-of-a-textarea as it requires no Javascript. script type text javascript var el textarea#message_create_body el.data 'oldVal' el.val el.bind 'keydown keyup keypress' function var header Header var this this this.data 'newVal' this.val var newValue this.data newVal..