jquery Programming Glossary: el.append
BackboneJS Rendering Problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12004534/backbonejs-rendering-problems function model var subview new ItemView el table.find # model.cid model model this. el.empty this. el.append table return this var view new ListView template _.template '#tpl table' .html collection new Backbone.Collection data http.. el table.find # model.cid model model subview.stage this.views.push subview this this.stage this. el.empty this. el.append table return this http jsfiddle.net nikoshr yL7g6 Destroying the root view will traverse the hierarchy of views and perform..
Show/Hide span on the same spot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13124300/show-hide-span-on-the-same-spot if slidingDiv.length 0 slidingDiv.slideToggle function el.after slidingDiv else slidingDiv el.next span.slidingDiv el.append slidingDiv slidingDiv.slideToggle return false '.show_hide_close' .click function this .parent .parent a.show_hide .click..
backbone collection fetch doesn't fire reset() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15603107/backbone-collection-fetch-doesnt-fire-reset item this return this renderMessage function item var messageView new mssg.MessageView model item this. el.append messageView.render .el this is the collection var mssg mssg mssg.Messages Backbone.Collection.extend model mssg.Message..
How to change options of <select > with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1801499/how-to-change-options-of-select-with-jquery Option 2 value2 Option 3 value3 var el #selectId el.empty remove old options .each newOptions function key value el.append option option .attr value value .text key Edit For removing the all the options but the first you can use the gt selector..
Hiding Options of a Select with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699410/hiding-options-of-a-select-with-jquery _this.items t . el.before item. el item. el.data 'status' 'enabled' break else t else _this. el.append item. el item. el.data 'status' 'enabled' break The actual plugin make sure to test that the element actually..