jquery Programming Glossary: document.location.protocol
Javascript: Change CSS File Dynamically + Cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12229413/javascript-change-css-file-dynamically-cookie you.. function var e document.createElement 'link' e.href document.location.protocol ' example.com file.css' e.type 'text css' e.rel 'stylesheet'..
Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15423189/changing-ad-size-based-on-browser-width-in-dfp true gads.type 'text javascript' var useSSL 'https ' document.location.protocol gads.src useSSL 'https ' 'http ' ' www.googletagservices.com..
Script tags added via jQuery not visible in FireBug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075609/script-tags-added-via-jquery-not-visible-in-firebug document.createElement script s.type text javascript s.src document.location.protocol https https ssl http www .google analytics.com ga.js head .append..
New Google Analytics code into external file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3870345/new-google-analytics-code-into-external-file ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName.. ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn type text javascript document.write script src ' https document.location.protocol https http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js'..
Where is the best place to put Google Analytics with MVC3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6402193/where-is-the-best-place-to-put-google-analytics-with-mvc3 ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName..
How to prevent jquery from removing the <script> tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6532644/how-to-prevent-jquery-from-removing-the-script-tags ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName..
Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/852892/load-google-analytics-from-jquery-document-ready body tag script type text javascript var gaJsHost https document.location.protocol https ssl. http www. document.write unescape 3Cscript src '..
Javascript: Change CSS File Dynamically + Cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12229413/javascript-change-css-file-dynamically-cookie css share improve this question maybe this could help you.. function var e document.createElement 'link' e.href document.location.protocol ' example.com file.css' e.type 'text css' e.rel 'stylesheet' e.media 'screen' document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild..
Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15423189/changing-ad-size-based-on-browser-width-in-dfp function var gads document.createElement 'script' gads.async true gads.type 'text javascript' var useSSL 'https ' document.location.protocol gads.src useSSL 'https ' 'http ' ' www.googletagservices.com tag js gpt.js' var node document.getElementsByTagName 'script'..
Script tags added via jQuery not visible in FireBug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075609/script-tags-added-via-jquery-not-visible-in-firebug This is the code I use document .ready function var s document.createElement script s.type text javascript s.src document.location.protocol https https ssl http www .google analytics.com ga.js head .append s While the script seems to be working perfectly I do..
New Google Analytics code into external file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3870345/new-google-analytics-code-into-external-file function var ga document.createElement 'script' ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore.. function includeGA var ga document.createElement 'script' ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn content in a secure page Here's what I came up with script type text javascript document.write script src ' https document.location.protocol https http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js' type 'text javascript' script .join '' script UPDATE..
Where is the best place to put Google Analytics with MVC3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6402193/where-is-the-best-place-to-put-google-analytics-with-mvc3 function var ga document.createElement 'script' ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore..
How to prevent jquery from removing the <script> tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6532644/how-to-prevent-jquery-from-removing-the-script-tags function var ga document.createElement 'script' ga.type 'text javascript' ga.async true ga.src 'https ' document.location.protocol 'https ssl' 'http www' '.google analytics.com ga.js' var s document.getElementsByTagName 'script' 0 s.parentNode.insertBefore..
Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/852892/load-google-analytics-from-jquery-document-ready here's the GA code that currently goes just before the closing body tag script type text javascript var gaJsHost https document.location.protocol https ssl. http www. document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' gaJsHost google analytics.com ga.js' type 'text javascript'..