

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:01

jquery Programming Glossary: document.cookie

docCookie is not getting saved instantly


if sKey this.hasItem sKey return null return unescape document.cookie.replace new RegExp ^ . s escape sKey .replace . g s s ^ ^ ... toGMTString sExpires expires vEnd.toGMTString break document.cookie escape sKey escape sValue sExpires sDomain domain sDomain sPath.. oExpDate new Date oExpDate.setDate oExpDate.getDate 1 document.cookie escape sKey expires oExpDate.toGMTString path hasItem function..

jQuery: setting up CSRF token for Django not working


function getCookie name var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for.. getCookie name var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length.. null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim..

jQuery Toggle with Cookie


' options.domain '' var secure options.secure ' secure' '' document.cookie name ' ' encodeURIComponent value expires path domain secure.. path domain secure .join '' else var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for.. .join '' else var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length..

saving checkbox state on reload


supporting localStorage if available otherwise using document.cookie . function getStorage key_prefix this function will return us.. using either localStorage if available or defaulting to document.cookie if window.localStorage use localStorage return set function.. id return localStorage.getItem key_prefix id else use document.cookie return set function id data document.cookie key_prefix id '..

Using cookies to load colorbox on first page load only


script type text javascript document .ready function if document.cookie.indexOf 'visited true' 1 var expires new Date expires.setDate.. var expires new Date expires.setDate expires.getDate 31 document.cookie visited true expires expires.toUTCString script Can someone.. type text javascript jQuery document .ready function if document.cookie.indexOf 'visited true' 1 var expires new Date expires.setDate..

jQuery detecting cookies enabled


if typeof navigator.cookieEnabled undefined cookieEnabled document.cookie testcookie cookieEnabled document.cookie.indexOf testcookie.. cookieEnabled document.cookie testcookie cookieEnabled document.cookie.indexOf testcookie 1 true false return cookieEnabled http sveinbjorn.org..

How do I verify age using jQuery?


container avContainer mcf.mcSetCallbackFunction function document.cookie site document.domain.replace . av path if window.location.href.. domain escape domain if secure cookie_string secure document.cookie cookie_string function SetBypassCookie site var siteName site..

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?


default JavaScript API for setting a cookie is as easy as document.cookie 'mycookie valueOfCookie expires DateHere path ' Use the jQuery..

Changing the action of a form with javascript/jquery


24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString document.cookie this.cookie_name value expires path this.cookie_path readCookie.. readCookie function var nameEQ this.cookie_name var ca document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i ca.length i var c ca i while c.charAt..

docCookie is not getting saved instantly


help. docCookie code is docCookies getItem function sKey if sKey this.hasItem sKey return null return unescape document.cookie.replace new RegExp ^ . s escape sKey .replace . g s s ^ ^ . 1 setItem function sKey sValue vEnd sPath sDomain bSecure.. expires vEnd break case object if vEnd.hasOwnProperty toGMTString sExpires expires vEnd.toGMTString break document.cookie escape sKey escape sValue sExpires sDomain domain sDomain sPath path sPath bSecure secure removeItem function sKey if.. function sKey if sKey this.hasItem sKey return var oExpDate new Date oExpDate.setDate oExpDate.getDate 1 document.cookie escape sKey expires oExpDate.toGMTString path hasItem function sKey return new RegExp ^ s escape sKey .replace . g s .test..

jQuery: setting up CSRF token for Django not working


entryTitle .ajaxSetup beforeSend function xhr settings function getCookie name var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies.. .ajaxSetup beforeSend function xhr settings function getCookie name var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies i Does this.. xhr settings function getCookie name var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies i Does this cookie string begin with the name..

jQuery Toggle with Cookie


' path ' options.path '' var domain options.domain ' domain ' options.domain '' var secure options.secure ' secure' '' document.cookie name ' ' encodeURIComponent value expires path domain secure .join '' else var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie.. '' document.cookie name ' ' encodeURIComponent value expires path domain secure .join '' else var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies i.. name ' ' encodeURIComponent value expires path domain secure .join '' else var cookieValue null if document.cookie document.cookie '' var cookies document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies i if cookie.substring..

saving checkbox state on reload


html session share improve this question Purely in JavaScript supporting localStorage if available otherwise using document.cookie . function getStorage key_prefix this function will return us an object with a set and get method using either localStorage.. function will return us an object with a set and get method using either localStorage if available or defaulting to document.cookie if window.localStorage use localStorage return set function id data localStorage.setItem key_prefix id data get function.. id data localStorage.setItem key_prefix id data get function id return localStorage.getItem key_prefix id else use document.cookie return set function id data document.cookie key_prefix id ' ' encodeURIComponent data get function id data var cookies..

Using cookies to load colorbox on first page load only


width 40 height 63 inline true href #subscribe script script type text javascript document .ready function if document.cookie.indexOf 'visited true' 1 var expires new Date expires.setDate expires.getDate 31 document.cookie visited true expires.. function if document.cookie.indexOf 'visited true' 1 var expires new Date expires.setDate expires.getDate 31 document.cookie visited true expires expires.toUTCString script Can someone guide me whats wrong with this code Here is the html page.. .colorbox width 30 inline true href #subscribe script script type text javascript jQuery document .ready function if document.cookie.indexOf 'visited true' 1 var expires new Date expires.setDate expires.getDate 31 document.cookie visited true expires..

jQuery detecting cookies enabled


var cookieEnabled navigator.cookieEnabled true false if typeof navigator.cookieEnabled undefined cookieEnabled document.cookie testcookie cookieEnabled document.cookie.indexOf testcookie 1 true false return cookieEnabled http sveinbjorn.org cookiecheck..

How do I verify age using jQuery?


var avContainer #av container var mcf new mcFramework container avContainer mcf.mcSetCallbackFunction function document.cookie site document.domain.replace . av path if window.location.href 'page2.html' window.location.href 'page2.html' function mcFramework.. if path cookie_string path escape path if domain cookie_string domain escape domain if secure cookie_string secure document.cookie cookie_string function SetBypassCookie site var siteName site 'av' var zip #mc_avzip .val set_cookie site siteName 30 set_cookie..

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?


APIs jquery cookies share improve this question The default JavaScript API for setting a cookie is as easy as document.cookie 'mycookie valueOfCookie expires DateHere path ' Use the jQuery cookie plugin like .cookie 'mycookie' 'valueOfCookie' share..

Changing the action of a form with javascript/jquery


var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime this.cookie_expires 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString document.cookie this.cookie_name value expires path this.cookie_path readCookie function var nameEQ this.cookie_name var ca document.cookie.split.. this.cookie_name value expires path this.cookie_path readCookie function var nameEQ this.cookie_name var ca document.cookie.split ' ' for var i 0 i ca.length i var c ca i while c.charAt 0 ' ' c c.substring 1 c.length if c.indexOf nameEQ 0 return..