jquery Programming Glossary: dbh
jqtransform don't transform the values received from ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19403010/jqtransform-dont-transform-the-values-received-from-ajax AND `admin1_code` code3 ORDER BY `asciiname` ASC stmt this dbh prepare sql stmt bindParam ' code' code PDO PARAM_STR 30 stmt..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how is the code for the controller public function indexAction dbh new PDO 'mysql dbname myframework host localhost' 'root' ''.. PDO 'mysql dbname myframework host localhost' 'root' '' dbh setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt dbh.. setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt dbh prepare 'SELECT variety fruit_id FROM fruit limit 10' stmt setFetchMode..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer id item_1 name item_1 option value Select option php sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE level '1' GROUP.. '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id.. connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name level ..
ajax is producing [object object]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9900910/ajax-is-producing-object-object isset _GET 'id_2' id_1 _GET id_1 id_2 _GET 'id_2' right dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 right execute array.. COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 right execute array id_1 left dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 left execute array..
jqtransform don't transform the values received from ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19403010/jqtransform-dont-transform-the-values-received-from-ajax `locatii` WHERE `feature_code` code OR `feature_code` code2 AND `admin1_code` code3 ORDER BY `asciiname` ASC stmt this dbh prepare sql stmt bindParam ' code' code PDO PARAM_STR 30 stmt bindParam ' code2' code2 PDO PARAM_STR 30 stmt bindParam '..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how I need to write the URL I can't write it correctly. This is the code for the controller public function indexAction dbh new PDO 'mysql dbname myframework host localhost' 'root' '' dbh setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt.. code for the controller public function indexAction dbh new PDO 'mysql dbname myframework host localhost' 'root' '' dbh setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt dbh prepare 'SELECT variety fruit_id FROM fruit limit 10' stmt.. PDO 'mysql dbname myframework host localhost' 'root' '' dbh setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt dbh prepare 'SELECT variety fruit_id FROM fruit limit 10' stmt setFetchMode PDO FETCH_ASSOC stmt execute data stmt fetchAll..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer label id item_1_label for item_1 class label #1 label select id item_1 name item_1 option value Select option php sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE level '1' GROUP by name ORDER BY name while row sth fetch echo ' option.. label select id item_2 name item_2 select PHP php require_once '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE level '2' AND parent item_1_id.. id item_2 name item_2 select PHP php require_once '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE level '2' AND parent item_1_id GROUP by..
ajax is producing [object object]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9900910/ajax-is-producing-object-object left In my url I just have a simple coding if isset _GET id_1 isset _GET 'id_2' id_1 _GET id_1 id_2 _GET 'id_2' right dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 right execute array id_1 left dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1.. id_1 _GET id_1 id_2 _GET 'id_2' right dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 right execute array id_1 left dbh prepare SELECT COUNT FROM table WHERE id_1 left execute array id_2 div id 'right' php echo right fetchColumn div div id..