jquery Programming Glossary: datetext
How to add/subtract dates with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931288/how-to-add-subtract-dates-with-javascript In Datepicker #in .datepicker minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var actualDate new Date dateText var newDate new Date actualDate.getFullYear.. 0 onSelect function dateText inst var actualDate new Date dateText var newDate new Date actualDate.getFullYear actualDate.getMonth..
problem with jquery datepicker onselect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1274347/problem-with-jquery-datepicker-onselect .datepicker '#datepicker' .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst alert Working script head body style font size 62.5 div..
How do make datepicker onselect function works differently in toolbar search and advanced search in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13007373/how-do-make-datepicker-onselect-function-works-differently-in-toolbar-search-and dataInit function el el .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst #grid 0 .triggerToolbar width 70 pager jQuery '#pager'..
jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1452066/jquery-ui-datepicker-multiple-date-selections function jQuery #datepicker .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst addOrRemoveDate dateText beforeShowDay function date.. onSelect function dateText inst addOrRemoveDate dateText beforeShowDay function date var year date.getFullYear ..
jqueryUI datepicker fires input's blur before passing date, avoid/workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1814292/jqueryui-datepicker-fires-inputs-blur-before-passing-date-avoid-workaround callback. '.selector' .datepicker onSelect function dateText validation here If you want to keep your onblur events you could..
jQuery UI DatePicker to show month year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208480/jquery-ui-datepicker-to-show-month-year-only showButtonPanel true dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected..
jQuery datepicker minDate variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484631/jquery-datepicker-mindate-variable my start date datepicker I have this.. onSelect function dateText inst test dateText Why can't I come down into my end date datepicker.. I have this.. onSelect function dateText inst test dateText Why can't I come down into my end date datepicker and say minDate.. .datepicker minDate ' 0d' onSelect function dateText inst test this .datepicker 'getDate' testm new Date test.getTime..
ipad web application: How do I prevent the keyboard from popping up on jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3539292/ipad-web-application-how-do-i-prevent-the-keyboard-from-popping-up-on-jquery-da .datePicker .datepicker showOn 'button' onClose function dateText inst this .attr disabled false beforeShow function input inst..
JQuery Datetime picker - Need to pick month and year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079525/jquery-datetime-picker-need-to-pick-month-and-year-only showButtonPanel true dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected..
jQuery UI Datepicker : how to add clickable events on particular dates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5578259/jquery-ui-datepicker-how-to-add-clickable-events-on-particular-dates what to do when a day is clicked onSelect function dateText var date selectedDate new Date dateText i 0 event null Determine.. onSelect function dateText var date selectedDate new Date dateText i 0 event null Determine if the user clicked an event while..
jqgrid Save Cell Edit When DatePicker Is Closed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6471087/jqgrid-save-cell-edit-when-datepicker-is-closed Something like element .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst var input inst.input the datepicker input var row input.parents..
JQuery Datepicker onchange event help! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6471959/jquery-datepicker-onchange-event-help onSelect event . .date .datepicker onSelect function dateText display Selected date dateText input's current value this.value.. onSelect function dateText display Selected date dateText input's current value this.value Live example Update If you..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var suffix switch inst.selectedDay case '1' case '21'..
jquery datepicker adding custom button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9894032/jquery-datepicker-adding-custom-button buttonPane 1 dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected..
How to add/subtract dates with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931288/how-to-add-subtract-dates-with-javascript the date var nd new Date newdate alert 'the new date is ' nd In Datepicker #in .datepicker minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var actualDate new Date dateText var newDate new Date actualDate.getFullYear actualDate.getMonth actualDate.getDate.. 'the new date is ' nd In Datepicker #in .datepicker minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var actualDate new Date dateText var newDate new Date actualDate.getFullYear actualDate.getMonth actualDate.getDate 1 '#out' .datepicker 'option' 'minDate'..
problem with jquery datepicker onselect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1274347/problem-with-jquery-datepicker-onselect type text javascript document .ready function #datepicker .datepicker '#datepicker' .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst alert Working script head body style font size 62.5 div type text id datepicker div body html And can't get it to..
How do make datepicker onselect function works differently in toolbar search and advanced search in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13007373/how-do-make-datepicker-onselect-function-works-differently-in-toolbar-search-and index 'date' search true searchoptions sopt 'deq' 'dge' 'dlt' dataInit function el el .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst #grid 0 .triggerToolbar width 70 pager jQuery '#pager' hidegrid false sortname date sortorder desc rowNum 20..
jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1452066/jquery-ui-datepicker-multiple-date-selections String number if ret.length 1 ret 0 ret return ret jQuery function jQuery #datepicker .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst addOrRemoveDate dateText beforeShowDay function date var year date.getFullYear months and days are inserted into.. 1 ret 0 ret return ret jQuery function jQuery #datepicker .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst addOrRemoveDate dateText beforeShowDay function date var year date.getFullYear months and days are inserted into the array in the form e.g..
jqueryUI datepicker fires input's blur before passing date, avoid/workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1814292/jqueryui-datepicker-fires-inputs-blur-before-passing-date-avoid-workaround of triggering the validation on blur use the datepicker's onSelect callback. '.selector' .datepicker onSelect function dateText validation here If you want to keep your onblur events you could postpone validation to allow for the datepicker to fill..
jQuery UI DatePicker to show month year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208480/jquery-ui-datepicker-to-show-month-year-only '.date picker' .datepicker changeMonth true changeYear true showButtonPanel true dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected .val var year #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker year selected..
jQuery datepicker minDate variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484631/jquery-datepicker-mindate-variable available. Edit. I'm curious as to why this doesn't work. In my start date datepicker I have this.. onSelect function dateText inst test dateText Why can't I come down into my end date datepicker and say minDate test Edit. Still not working .dateStartDatePickerBox.. curious as to why this doesn't work. In my start date datepicker I have this.. onSelect function dateText inst test dateText Why can't I come down into my end date datepicker and say minDate test Edit. Still not working .dateStartDatePickerBox .datepicker.. and say minDate test Edit. Still not working .dateStartDatePickerBox .datepicker minDate ' 0d' onSelect function dateText inst test this .datepicker 'getDate' testm new Date test.getTime testm.setDate testm.getDate 1 #dateEndDatePickerBox..
ipad web application: How do I prevent the keyboard from popping up on jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3539292/ipad-web-application-how-do-i-prevent-the-keyboard-from-popping-up-on-jquery-da
JQuery Datetime picker - Need to pick month and year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079525/jquery-datetime-picker-need-to-pick-month-and-year-only '.month picker' .datepicker changeMonth true changeYear true showButtonPanel true dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected .val var year #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker year selected..
jQuery UI Datepicker : how to add clickable events on particular dates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5578259/jquery-ui-datepicker-how-to-add-clickable-events-on-particular-dates Define an onSelect event handler where you can tell the datepicker what to do when a day is clicked onSelect function dateText var date selectedDate new Date dateText i 0 event null Determine if the user clicked an event while i events.length event.. you can tell the datepicker what to do when a day is clicked onSelect function dateText var date selectedDate new Date dateText i 0 event null Determine if the user clicked an event while i events.length event date events i .Date if selectedDate.valueOf..
jqgrid Save Cell Edit When DatePicker Is Closed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6471087/jqgrid-save-cell-edit-when-datepicker-is-closed from the datePicker in combination with the saveRow from jqGrid. Something like element .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst var input inst.input the datepicker input var row input.parents tr #requestTable .jqGrid 'saveRow' row.attr id false..
JQuery Datepicker onchange event help! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6471959/jquery-datepicker-onchange-event-help share improve this question You can use the datepicker's onSelect event . .date .datepicker onSelect function dateText display Selected date dateText input's current value this.value Live example Update If you like of course you can make.. You can use the datepicker's onSelect event . .date .datepicker onSelect function dateText display Selected date dateText input's current value this.value Live example Update If you like of course you can make the change event on the input fire..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker init something like this #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var suffix switch inst.selectedDay case '1' case '21' case '31' suffix 'st' break case '2' case '22' suffix 'nd' break..
jquery datepicker adding custom button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9894032/jquery-datepicker-adding-custom-button .bind click function .datepicker._clearDate input btn.appendTo buttonPane 1 dateFormat 'MM yy' onClose function dateText inst var month #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker month selected .val var year #ui datepicker div .ui datepicker year selected..