jquery Programming Glossary: datetime
How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288850/how-to-return-json-from-a-2-0-asmx-web-service sw With jw .WriteStartObject .WritePropertyName DateTime .WriteValue DateTime.Now.ToString .WriteEndObject End With strOut.. .WriteStartObject .WritePropertyName DateTime .WriteValue DateTime.Now.ToString .WriteEndObject End With strOut sw.ToString End.. 1.0 encoding utf 8 string xmlns http DMS.Webservices.org DateTime 11 13 2008 6 04 22 PM string Does anyone know how to force the..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data if you select one row all rows will be selected. The DateTime is not a standard JSON type and it is not supported currently.. string StationName get set DataMember Order 2 public DateTime Timestamp get set DataMember Order 3 EmitDefaultValue false.. StationId 50130 StationName ALAMOSA WSO AP Timestamp new DateTime 1993 1 1 8 0 0 new WeatherData StationId 50130 StationName..
Perform client side validation for custom attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747184/perform-client-side-validation-for-custom-attribute public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true How can I get.. bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true How can I get this to work on.. public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true public IEnumerable..
MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7025198/mvc3-custom-validation-compare-two-dates null if value null value is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success if propertyTestedValue null.. if propertyTestedValue null propertyTestedValue is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success Compare values if DateTime.. return ValidationResult.Success Compare values if DateTime value DateTime propertyTestedValue if this.allowEqualDates..
Parsing Date from webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11024367/parsing-date-from-webservice would be appreciated. javascript jquery json web services datetime share improve this question var date new Date 1310187160270..
Javascript Date from milliseconds and timezone [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13614792/javascript-date-from-milliseconds-and-timezone Date 1346713200000 0100 Thanks javascript jquery json datetime share improve this question var maybeDateString Date 1346713200000..
jQuery/jQueryUI conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15383126/jquery-jqueryui-conflict I am using some jquery files for auto complete and datetime picker control but 3 files among them are conflicting Two files.. 1.8.1 jquery ui.min.js script One file for Calender datetime picker is script src .. assets js jquery 1.8.3.min.js script..
Best JavaScript Date Parser & Formatter? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206790/best-javascript-date-parser-formatter do this Which one would you recommend javascript jquery datetime parsing formatting share improve this question A good library..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format Date format Does anyone know how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert..
JSON Date parameter passed to MVC Action is always null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583252/json-date-parameter-passed-to-mvc-action-is-always-null have a DateTime object to work with... jquery json datetime asp.net mvc 2 types share improve this question Microsoft..
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call your own condition. In the while loop the page writes a datetime and flushes and then sleeps for 1 2 seconds. ASP.NET page code..
Convert date into dd/MM/yyyy format in JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3965365/convert-date-into-dd-mm-yyyy-format-in-jquery yyyy format. What have to do in jQuery javascript jquery datetime share improve this question if you want more powerfull date..
JQuery Datetime picker - Need to pick month and year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079525/jquery-datetime-picker-need-to-pick-month-and-year-only year only which is very helpful to me in order to hack the datetime picker UI to suit my situation. But as I have several datetime.. picker UI to suit my situation. But as I have several datetime picker on the same form this happens. The css display none is.. to 'hide' the days not to be shown. But if I have several datetime picker on the same form but only one I wish to make one of it..
Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4673527/converting-milliseconds-to-a-date-jquery-js equivelant of PHP's date function. javascript jquery datetime share improve this question var time new Date .getTime var..
Convert UTC date time to local date time using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6525538/convert-utc-date-time-to-local-date-time-using-javascript local date time using JavaScript From the server I get a datetime variable in this format 6 29 2011 4 52 48 PM and it is in UTC.. can be done using JavaScript or jQuery javascript jquery datetime timezone utc share improve this question Append 'UTC' to..
Age from Date of Birth using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/658522/age-from-date-of-birth-using-jquery that can happen quickly or easily. javascript jquery datetime share improve this question You might find the open source..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response hash xMCdD hash deletehash Nb7Pvf3zPNohmkQ deletehash datetime 2012 03 17 01 15 22 datetime type image jpeg type animated false.. Nb7Pvf3zPNohmkQ deletehash datetime 2012 03 17 01 15 22 datetime type image jpeg type animated false animated width 1024 width..
How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288850/how-to-return-json-from-a-2-0-asmx-web-service sb Dim strOut As String String.Empty Using jw As New JsonTextWriter sw With jw .WriteStartObject .WritePropertyName DateTime .WriteValue DateTime.Now.ToString .WriteEndObject End With strOut sw.ToString End Using Return strOut End Function and here.. String.Empty Using jw As New JsonTextWriter sw With jw .WriteStartObject .WritePropertyName DateTime .WriteValue DateTime.Now.ToString .WriteEndObject End With strOut sw.ToString End Using Return strOut End Function and here is what it returns.. strOut End Function and here is what it returns xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 string xmlns http DMS.Webservices.org DateTime 11 13 2008 6 04 22 PM string Does anyone know how to force the web service to return Json when I ask for Json Please don't..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data your JSON data has the same value 50130 as the id. So for example if you select one row all rows will be selected. The DateTime is not a standard JSON type and it is not supported currently by jqGrid see this answer and this feature request . To fix.. Order 0 public int StationId get set DataMember Order 1 public string StationName get set DataMember Order 2 public DateTime Timestamp get set DataMember Order 3 EmitDefaultValue false public string MaxTemperature get set DataMember Order 4 EmitDefaultValue.. _repository new List WeatherData new WeatherData StationId 50130 StationName ALAMOSA WSO AP Timestamp new DateTime 1993 1 1 8 0 0 new WeatherData StationId 50130 StationName ALAMOSA WSO AP Timestamp new DateTime 1993 1 2 8 0 0 new..
Perform client side validation for custom attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747184/perform-client-side-validation-for-custom-attribute public class FutureDateAttribute ValidationAttribute public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true How can I get this to work on client side too with jquery jquery asp.net.. class FutureDateAttribute ValidationAttribute public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true How can I get this to work on client side too with jquery jquery asp.net mvc validation.. FutureDateAttribute ValidationAttribute IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value if value null DateTime value DateTime.Now return false return true public IEnumerable ModelClientValidationRule GetClientValidationRules ModelMetadata..
MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7025198/mvc3-custom-validation-compare-two-dates var propertyTestedValue propertyTestedInfo.GetValue validationContext.ObjectInstance null if value null value is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success if propertyTestedValue null propertyTestedValue is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success.. if value null value is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success if propertyTestedValue null propertyTestedValue is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success Compare values if DateTime value DateTime propertyTestedValue if this.allowEqualDates.. if propertyTestedValue null propertyTestedValue is DateTime return ValidationResult.Success Compare values if DateTime value DateTime propertyTestedValue if this.allowEqualDates return ValidationResult.Success if DateTime value DateTime..
Parsing Date from webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11024367/parsing-date-from-webservice is called so if someone could shed light on that also that would be appreciated. javascript jquery json web services datetime share improve this question var date new Date 1310187160270 1200 console.log date returns Sat Jul 09 2011 06 52 41 GMT..
Javascript Date from milliseconds and timezone [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13614792/javascript-date-from-milliseconds-and-timezone libraries The date is format is the following creationDate Date 1346713200000 0100 Thanks javascript jquery json datetime share improve this question var maybeDateString Date 1346713200000 0100 fromDateString maybeDateString Tue Sep 04 2012..
jQuery/jQueryUI conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15383126/jquery-jqueryui-conflict jQueryUI conflict I am using some jquery files for auto complete and datetime picker control but 3 files among them are conflicting Two files for autocomplete are script type text javascript src http.. text javascript src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8.1 jquery ui.min.js script One file for Calender datetime picker is script src .. assets js jquery 1.8.3.min.js script These 3 files are confilicting when i comment date time picker..
Best JavaScript Date Parser & Formatter? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206790/best-javascript-date-parser-formatter them into another format. Do you know of any good tool to do this Which one would you recommend javascript jquery datetime parsing formatting share improve this question A good library for parsing dates is this . Do you know the format of..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format Does anyone know how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date..
JSON Date parameter passed to MVC Action is always null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583252/json-date-parameter-passed-to-mvc-action-is-always-null AddStory int projectid Story story ...some code that doesn't have a DateTime object to work with... jquery json datetime asp.net mvc 2 types share improve this question Microsoft use JavaScriptSerializer to serialize desirealize the ASP.NET..
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call side code. here a while loop is being used you can instead set your own condition. In the while loop the page writes a datetime and flushes and then sleeps for 1 2 seconds. ASP.NET page code behind Service.aspx.cs public static string Delimiter protected..
Convert date into dd/MM/yyyy format in JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3965365/convert-date-into-dd-mm-yyyy-format-in-jquery India Standard Time format. I want to convert this in dd MM yyyy format. What have to do in jQuery javascript jquery datetime share improve this question if you want more powerfull date formatting you can use date format function written by Steven..
JQuery Datetime picker - Need to pick month and year only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079525/jquery-datetime-picker-need-to-pick-month-and-year-only questions 2208480 jquery date picker to show month year only which is very helpful to me in order to hack the datetime picker UI to suit my situation. But as I have several datetime picker on the same form this happens. The css display none.. only which is very helpful to me in order to hack the datetime picker UI to suit my situation. But as I have several datetime picker on the same form this happens. The css display none is aim to 'hide' the days not to be shown. But if I have several.. on the same form this happens. The css display none is aim to 'hide' the days not to be shown. But if I have several datetime picker on the same form but only one I wish to make one of it monthpicker how can I achieve that With thw css it makes all..
Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4673527/converting-milliseconds-to-a-date-jquery-js DD MM YYYY HH MM SS So basically I'm looking for JavaScripts equivelant of PHP's date function. javascript jquery datetime share improve this question var time new Date .getTime var date new Date time alert date.toString Wed Jan 12 2011 12..
Convert UTC date time to local date time using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6525538/convert-utc-date-time-to-local-date-time-using-javascript UTC date time to local date time using JavaScript From the server I get a datetime variable in this format 6 29 2011 4 52 48 PM and it is in UTC time. I want to convert it to the current user's browser time.. the current user's browser time using JavaScript. How this can be done using JavaScript or jQuery javascript jquery datetime timezone utc share improve this question Append 'UTC' to the string before converting it to a date in javascript var..
Age from Date of Birth using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/658522/age-from-date-of-birth-using-jquery is limited to 250 chars. Changing the database is not something that can happen quickly or easily. javascript jquery datetime share improve this question You might find the open source Datejs library to be helpful. Specifically the the addYears..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 upload image name title caption hash xMCdD hash deletehash Nb7Pvf3zPNohmkQ deletehash datetime 2012 03 17 01 15 22 datetime type image jpeg type animated false animated width 1024 width height 768 height size 208053.. 8 upload image name title caption hash xMCdD hash deletehash Nb7Pvf3zPNohmkQ deletehash datetime 2012 03 17 01 15 22 datetime type image jpeg type animated false animated width 1024 width height 768 height size 208053 size views 0 views bandwidth..