

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:44

jquery Programming Glossary: ctl01

jQuery with ASP.NET WebForms - disabling textboxes


question what am I doing wrong I have some HTML markup rendered by ASP.NET 3.5 webforms which looks like this input id ctl01_cphContent_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC type checkbox name ctl01 cphContent pnlBasicInfo chkRC label for ctl01_cphContent_cntPromos_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC.. rendered by ASP.NET 3.5 webforms which looks like this input id ctl01_cphContent_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC type checkbox name ctl01 cphContent pnlBasicInfo chkRC label for ctl01_cphContent_cntPromos_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC Recurrent Charges label span id ctl01_cphContent_cntPromos_pnlBasicInfo_lblPromoValidFor.. this input id ctl01_cphContent_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC type checkbox name ctl01 cphContent pnlBasicInfo chkRC label for ctl01_cphContent_cntPromos_pnlBasicInfo_chkRC Recurrent Charges label span id ctl01_cphContent_cntPromos_pnlBasicInfo_lblPromoValidFor..

jQuery textbox.val('xxxx') not causing change to fire?


it is linked to using target.val 'xxxx' the text box in the html from asp.net is input name ctl00 cphHolder1 rptFlex ctl01 txtLeftRank type text value 52° id ctl00_cphHolder1_rptFlex_ctl01_txtLeftRank class change atiselector When the value of.. from asp.net is input name ctl00 cphHolder1 rptFlex ctl01 txtLeftRank type text value 52° id ctl00_cphHolder1_rptFlex_ctl01_txtLeftRank class change atiselector When the value of the text box is changed using code the change is not firing. If I..