jquery Programming Glossary: currentwidth
jQuery - auto size text input (not textarea!) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1288297/jquery-auto-size-text-input-not-textarea o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth.. currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate..
jQuery resize to aspect ratio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1682495/jquery-resize-to-aspect-ratio if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight aspectRatio Make sure you use..
How do I keep multiple DIVs the same height using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803688/how-do-i-keep-multiple-divs-the-same-height-using-jquery time the window width changes window .resize function var currentWidth window .width if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth.. function var currentWidth window .width if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth currentWidth every half second function.. if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth currentWidth every half second function setInterval 'maybeAdjust ' 500 check..
Is there a jQuery autogrow plugin for text fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931207/is-there-a-jquery-autogrow-plugin-for-text-fields o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth.. currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth ..
jQuery - auto size text input (not textarea!) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1288297/jquery-auto-size-text-input-not-textarea var testerWidth testSubject.width newWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate.. o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate width if isValidWidthChange input.width newWidth ..
jQuery resize to aspect ratio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1682495/jquery-resize-to-aspect-ratio i.e. function GetWidth newHeight orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight aspectRatio Make sure you use the ORIGINAL values for the image otherwise it will degrade..
How do I keep multiple DIVs the same height using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803688/how-do-i-keep-multiple-divs-the-same-height-using-jquery doAdjust true previousWidth 0 raise doAdjust flag every time the window width changes window .resize function var currentWidth window .width if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth currentWidth every half second function setInterval.. flag every time the window width changes window .resize function var currentWidth window .width if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth currentWidth every half second function setInterval 'maybeAdjust ' 500 check the doAdjust flag.. window .resize function var currentWidth window .width if previousWidth currentWidth doAdjust true previousWidth currentWidth every half second function setInterval 'maybeAdjust ' 500 check the doAdjust flag function maybeAdjust if doAdjust adjustBoxHeights..
Is there a jQuery autogrow plugin for text fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931207/is-there-a-jquery-autogrow-plugin-for-text-fields var testerWidth testSubject.width newWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate.. o.comfortZone minWidth testerWidth o.comfortZone minWidth currentWidth input.width isValidWidthChange newWidth currentWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate width if isValidWidthChange input.width newWidth ..