jquery Programming Glossary: createddate
Struts 2: Send a JSON string with JQuery ajax submit to be mapped into a List of complextypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11429828/struts-2-send-a-json-string-with-jquery-ajax-submit-to-be-mapped-into-a-list-of struts 2 action class have a property of List User userList . And the user class has properties like username password createdDate etc. Is it possible to make struts populate the list by passing the appropriate JSON string while submitting a jQuery ajax.. to show the result like s iterator list userList s property value username s property value password s property value createdDate s iterator I hope this can help you.. UPDATE if you have already a json object userList username username password afgasdfa.. I hope this can help you.. UPDATE if you have already a json object userList username username password afgasdfa createdDate date in format username username password afgasdfa createdDate date in format username username password afgasdfa createdDate..