javascript Programming Glossary: xxxx
Add Header in AJAX Request with jQuery request and I watch with FireBug I see this header OPTIONS xxxx yyyy HTTP 1.1 Host 6666 User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows..
Phone mask with jquery it doesn't works as I would like. The closest one was xx xxxx xxxxx. I would like to get xx xxxx xxxx when I type the 10th.. doesn't works as I would like. The closest one was xx xxxx xxxxx. I would like to get xx xxxx xxxx when I type the 10th number.. The closest one was xx xxxx xxxxx. I would like to get xx xxxx xxxx when I type the 10th number and xx xxxxx xxxx when I type..
Getting All Variables In Scope but if you follow this link and then grab the latest tc39 xxxx xxx.pdf file that's the most recent tc39 2009 050.pdf as of..
FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect(''account/logout') will not redirect, even with proper session function initFB FB_RequireFeatures XFBML function FB.init xxxx xd_receiver.htm script My logout link a onclick FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect..
jQuery Multiple getJSON requests to fetch several json files on https xxxx and retrieve a certain field from each json then calculate summation...
How to distinguish mouse “click” and “drag” You can do something like this var flag 0 var element xxxx element.addEventListener mousedown function flag 0 false element.addEventListener..
Phone Number Validation Javascript to allow only phone numbers in following format xxx xxx xxxx or xxxxxxxxxx all digits only . Can some one suggest a regular.. only phone numbers in following format xxx xxx xxxx or xxxxxxxxxx all digits only . Can some one suggest a regular expression.. only phone numbers in following format xxx xxx xxxx or xxxxxxxxxx all digits only . Can some one suggest a regular expression..
Collisions when generating UUIDs in JavaScript? . I am using this answer to generate UUID in JavaScript 'xxxxxxxx xxxx 4xxx yxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace xy g function c var.. I am using this answer to generate UUID in JavaScript 'xxxxxxxx xxxx 4xxx yxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace xy g function c var r Math.random.. using this answer to generate UUID in JavaScript 'xxxxxxxx xxxx 4xxx yxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace xy g function c var r Math.random..
IE9 Double Form Submit Issue method POST id submit_form input type text name x value xxxx input type text name y value yyyy button type submit class btn_sign_in..
AJAX Mailchimp signup form integration will look something like this by default form action http subscribe post u xxxxx id xxxx method.. action http subscribe post u xxxxx id xxxx method post ... change it to look something like this.. http subscribe post u xxxxx id xxxx method post ... change it to look something like this form action..
Phone mask with jquery contains a phone number. There are 2 possible formats XX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXX XXXX Is there any way to mask it accepting both.. a phone number. There are 2 possible formats XX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXX XXXX Is there any way to mask it accepting both cases.. phone number. There are 2 possible formats XX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXX XXXX Is there any way to mask it accepting both cases EDIT..
Validate phone number with JavaScript is incorrect. NANP numbers take the form NXX NXX XXXX where N is a digit 2 9 and X is a digit 0 9. Additionally area..
Ajax HEAD request via Javascript/jQuery the URL and the content length ends up as undefined XXXX where XXXX is always the size of the last requested Content.. URL and the content length ends up as undefined XXXX where XXXX is always the size of the last requested Content Length I'm..
Insert external page html into a page html my webpage b You can see here an interresting information XXXX Hope you enjoyed the XXXX should be replaced by a small script.. here an interresting information XXXX Hope you enjoyed the XXXX should be replaced by a small script the smaller as possible..