javascript Programming Glossary: withcredentials
Getting Cookies in Sencha touch 2.0 using Ajax request params username user password pass app_id id withCredentials true useDefaultXhrHeader false method POST It also works well.. also works well with your store proxy using Ajax. Ensure withCredentials is true and useDefaultXhreader is false. This permits your ajax..
Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox? pass httpRequest.onreadystatechange handler httpRequest.withCredentials true httpRequest.send The API has been configured to respond.. a wildcard because I am sending a credentialed request withCredentials . Everything is now in place to make an asynchronous cross domain..
Cross-domain ajax request basic authentication authentication set through IIS . .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application javascript data.. and password like following code .ajax type GET xhrFields withCredentials true dataType jsonp contentType application javascript data..
How do I SET a Cookie (header) with XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript? done. You need the following in the .ajax call xhrFields withCredentials true See the jQuery docs and you'll also need the site you're..
Please help test a CORS issue in Firefox jQuery ajax when 401 readyState 4 status 0 responseXML null responseText withCredentials true if I make a call to the same server but without needing.. Language' lang if url.indexOf ' internal' 1 try xhr.withCredentials true alert 'set credentials' catch e alert 'cannot set xhr..